Showing posts with label Naples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naples. Show all posts

Monday 6 July 2020

Destroy The Prisons.

       A little time ago I posted two articles about the Turkish state looking the other way while two prisoners died from the effects of hunger strike. I said at the time that the Turkish state is not alone in this barbaric inhumanity of looking the other way while a prisoner in their cages dies.
     This report is of another callous indifference to another human's suffering and their unmoved inhumanity as that human dies. This time the murder is in Naples, but the name or location makes no difference,  these barbaric acts are part and parcel of the states toolkit for repression and control of the population. Freedom can never flower in a society that has prisons as part of its control mechanism. The following is from Anarchists Worldwide.

      Our friend Andreas is dying… (July 2, 2020)
        … and everyone is watching. What has been happening to Andreas in jail in Naples for at least a year is a result that both the German and the Italian state are responsible for. In spite of his poor health, Andreas is denied adequate medical care despite promises to the contrary by the hospital management. He is brought to a hospital every hour for questionable or senseless examinations and then back to prison.
        Andreas was diagnosed with cancer at least a year ago, it spread all over his body and he had unspeakable pain. He can hardly walk anymore, just eat more baby food, he loses blood and is often unconscious for days. His Italian lawyer is fighting at all levels, but transfer to house arrest has now been refused.
         Andreas is doing very badly, suicide seems to be the only way out for him in the current situation.
       Both the Italian and the German state know Andreas’ state of health. Nobody lifts a finger, fundamental human rights do not seem to apply to prisoners. What happens here is murder. And every suicide in jail is nothing else, because behind bars there are no free decisions.

We cannot stand by, although we are infinitely sad and angry and have no ideas what to do.

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Monday 11 December 2017

Vague Terminology To Stifle Dissent.

         The term "extremist" is a very wide and vague expression, and can mean all things to all people. The state loves that sort of ambiguous terminology, it allows it to swoop on any form of dissent and place it in the "extremist" file. They will link terrorism with extremism, and interchange between them. You call for dramatic change to the way society is organised, and you can find yourself in the "extremist" category, and by word association, linked to terrorism. Anarchist are increasingly being placed in the "extremist/terrorist" bracket allowing the state to come down with the full force of its loaded judicial system. In so doing it hopes to stifle all dissenting voices, and create a population of submissive, subservient citizens. 
Naples, Italy – Repressive operation against FAI/FRI

         Naples prosecutor Catello Maresca, in charge of an investigation on subversive association linked to FAI/FRI, demanded that twenty anarchist comrades be arrested and the Centro Studi Libertari, the place of anarchist group Louise Michel, and the 76/A anarchist space to be shut down..
        As an investigating judge rejected the prosecutor’s demand, the latter has made appeal; this will be held on 14th December at the court of review in Naples.       
Anarchists from Naples.
via: croce nera anarchica