Showing posts with label Orgreave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orgreave. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

The State, The Management Tool Of Big Business.

      As is the custom of the state, it will tolerate protest until it appears that the protest is gaining support, or is likely to win, then the full savagery of the state apparatus will be unleashed on the protesters. Here in the UK the one that is in the news at the moment is Orgreave, planned and sanctioned brutality, unrestrained baton assaults, and horse charges running amok among protesters. Orchestrated state violence to break the miners strike, that was 32 years ago and the people viciously attacked are still waiting for justice. 
       In America, there is another struggle going on today, the Dakota pipeline, where corporate interests are riding roughshod over the interests of the indigenous people. A battle for clean water and respect for the land, or profit for the corporate world. There is no doubt which side the state will support. Out have come the big guns, the military style "policing" in an attempt to smash the will of the people, and give the corporate greed machine a free run at the destruction of this area. What we are witnessing here is the force of a militarised dictatorship savagely attacking the will of the people, in the interests of its lord and master, big business. It is sickeningly repeated year after year in country after country, and will continue until we finally destroy the state and its apparatus of repression. There is never any doubt which side the state is on, history tells us it is the management tool of the corporate world. Which side are you on?

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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Sympathy Where Sympathy Is Due.

       I can understand the sympathy for the two injured police who were deliberately run over by a vehicle, it is always painful to see anther human being suffer, let’s hope they recover and look for another job. This may have been a pointless violent action, for whatever reason, but we should not, as the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media would have us do, allow that sympathy to overflow onto the police as an organisation. We should always remember that the police are the minders, the street thugs, of a system of unearned privilege and wealth for the few, a system of greed and corruption that breeds poverty, alienation, deprivation, anxiety and stress for the many. The police are the systems hounds, with blood on their teeth, trained to keep control on the streets for fear that the people may change the system. The illusion that they clear our cities of “crimes” conceals the fact that the “crimes” that they are are proposed to be cleaning up, are the direct result of this exploitative system they defend. 
       What have the police ever done for the people? Their history is one of a litany of miscarriages of justice, brought about by their brutality, false statements, lies, incompetence and corruption, in conjunction with a biased judiciary, remember the Birmingham six 1975. Let’s not forget the part the police played in the Liverpool transport workers strike 1911, the forty hour strike and Glasgow’s bloody Friday 1919, move forward, and their doing the bidding of the greedy and powerful in the 1984/85 miners’ strike, remember Orgreave? Of course we have to list Hillsborough 1989, and so the list goes on, an organisation that was put in place to defend the indefensible, a system of festering greed, corruption and privilege, that perpetuates oppression, poverty and misery.
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Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Solidarity Is Our Weapon.

       In this country, we all know that the justice system is served by police, who have given us the Birmingham 6, Hillsborough, and Orgreave, to mention a few. We also know that this is not unique to the UK police, but pans out across the globe as part and parcel of the way the various states do things. In Greece there has been the long running case of anarchist Grigoris Tsironis and comrades. Held in prison on a serious of robbery charges, which  have now been dropped, thanks to the international support and the fact that it was obviously a frame-up. Of course the state doesn't give up easily, the robbery charges dropped, he and his comrades are now roped into the anti-terrorism laws, and under investigation about terrorist organisations. If you're a nuisance to the state, they will keep after you and keep trying to silence you. That is why we must always show our solidarity with those who stand up and face down the system. It is obvious that they don't do it for their own well being, their fight is our fight and demands our support.
This from Act For Freedom Now:

        I call, therefore, the solidarity movement to rally up forces with its strong and mass presence in the judicial battles of all the comrades whose cases are now underway. Solidarity and support by the movement cannot be given partially or selectively.
      Comrades who refuse the charges attributed to them and fight for their collapse, deserve our solidarity. Comrades who claim responsibility for their acts and with dignity and political arguments fight their battle inside the court rooms, deserve our solidarity.
Finally, comrades who discredit civil justice and spit in the faces of judicial employees, do not bargain for their freedom and they themselves create the preconditions in order to regain it, deserve the same solidarity.
       Let us perceive, even if it sounds romantic, that we are different pieces of the same puzzle, that when connected, our vision for the revolution will appear.
        Let’s look ahead and gaze this vision and let’s leave the mistakes and hostilities in the past.
Solidarity is our weapon
Not a step back…


Grigoris Tsironis
Koridallos Prisons
Read the full article HERE: 
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Saturday, 11 April 2015

Workers Remember Your History, Orgreave.

        Workers must always remember their history, it is from that history that we learn who are our enemies, who continually exploits us. We learn from the struggles of the past, how to fight the battles of the future, we see the brutality our forefathers bore as the system attempts to crush any resistance.
    This film is in homage to the courage of the miners and their supporters during the 1984/85 miners strike, under the regime of the Thatcher dictator.

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