Most of these battles go unrecorded, but we should however, honour them, celebrate them, record them and spread the word far and wide, to encourage others to stand their ground for the right to be free from an exploitative authoritarian system, that attempts to shackle them to the service of the state and its corporate bed-mate from birth to death.
The following from Enough is Enough:
Berlin. Soon it will be a years time since the state and its lackeys attempted a large-scale attack, an eviction attempt on our house, the Rigaer 94. The excuse of “Fire Security” served politics as a legitimization to set the neighborhood into an authoritarian state of emergency by erecting a so-called “red zone”, to make an unimpeded entrance of the house possible.
Originally published by Indymedia DE.
Blazing barricades and their defense preempted the red zone, on the next day the resistance from within the house still didn’t break away. This direct conflict was able to reject passivity and victimization.
The one-year-anniversary will be an occasion to come together in remembrance, to discuss and to celebrate in a sociable atmosphere.
June 17, 2022
15:00 – Distro and Infotables and Flee market for costs of people facing repression after the 17th of June
17:00 – Discussion on the organization and defense of liberated territories
20:00 – Food & drinks
21:00 – Rebetiko-concert
Meanwhile: Tattoos!
Please be alert concerning border-crossing and dominant behavior, bring it up when you notice something. At the info-table there will be people that can be approached. Otherwise you can also approach the people behind the bar, at the door or other visitors of the event.
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