Another post on the Palestinian's fight against the Israeli state's apartheid. Apart from all its other injustices against the Palestinian people, the country that shouts about being the only democracy in the Middle East, doesn't let Palestinians ride on the same buses as Israeli settlers, and those courageous individuals that set about challenging that injustice have been forcibly removed from the buses by the Israeli army and the Israeli police, then arrested. Democracy my arse. This report from the CodePink Group.
Dear John,
I just returned home to Washington after
spending 72 hours in Israeli prison. Why? Because I was aboard the Canadian boat
that tried to sail to Gaza, part of the most recent “Freedom
Waves” flotilla that was intercepted by Israeli forces in
international waters, breaking international law. I was the only American
civilian delegate* on the boat and am returning to the US with a clear message
for our lawmakers: Tell Israel to lift the unlawful blockade on Gaza and stop
enabling Israeli war crimes!
There’s another dangerous passage – this
time over land – that just happened this morning: six courageous Palestinian
activists boarded a settler-only public bus and attempted to sit down and ride
it from the Ramallah area into East Jerusalem, in the great tradition of the
Freedom Rides that challenged segregation in the South. At approximately 5:15pm
in the occupied West Bank today Israeli military forces boarded the buses and
violently arrested the Freedom Riders. They were taken to a detention center at
Atarot Prison and held for hours. Replay the livestream
► Find local actions planned around the US today here. CODEPINKers plan to join actions in NYC, DC, LA, and SF.
Want to do more? Palestinian
Freedom Riders will be riding Veolia and Egged buses – Veolia is
the target of an international BDS campaign. Are there Veolia
buses, offices, or SuperShuttle (a Veolia subsidiary) in your city? Click here to
download an organizing toolkit from Jewish Voice for Peace and find
out how to participate in the Veolia boycott
here. You can also make your local bus a vehicle for change: Join DC
CODEPINK, Committee for a Just Peace
in Israel and Palestine, Sabeel and allies to bring this ad
campaign to your public transit.
This courageous action is part
of the Week Against the Apartheid Wall. Last week the Russell Tribunal on
Palestine, held in South Africa, concluded that the situation in Palestine and
Israel is apartheid. Read the findings
here. Testimony on Ahava by CODEPINK’s Nancy K and Rae is included in a
new book from the Russell Tribunal titled Corporate
Complicity in Israel's Occupation.
* Would you like me to speak in
your community or school? Email me at – I’m eager to share my
experience on the flotilla, and also during past trips to Gaza with CODEPINK.
Riding the waves of change,
Kit Kittredge
… and the CODEPINK Middle East Team: Alli, Kristen, Nancy K, Medea, Rae, Sasha, and Tighe
PS: More breaking news: Occupy Wall Street was raided by police last night. Support the national day of action at the Occupy near you Thursday, Nov 17. Follow @womenows for the latest updates.
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