The “Migrant crisis” in Europe, translate as millions of
people fleeing the chaos and carnage initiated by Western
imperialists foreign policy in the Middle East, has started the dogs
of war howling in earnest. The baying for blood by the political
pundits and pseudo academics is reaching a maniac shrill, and it is
all shaded in the illusion of helping the people of Syria. Somehow we
are to believe that you can compassionately bomb civilian populations
into liberty. Those hundreds, perhaps thousands, of children,
elderly, men and women, that will die under the rubble of their towns
and cities as collateral damage, will somehow be grateful. Syria is
practically a destroyed country, the last thing the people of that
country need is the destructive might of Western imperialism sending
in its weapons of mass destruction. What ever the answer to the
problems of that area are, it is not marching in an all conquering
imperialist army behind an avalanche of cruise missiles and so called
“smart bombs” creating Armageddon across the country, and calling
it “freedom” for the people.

This is how we brought freedom to Iraq and Libya, we can do the same for Syria.
What ever action the Western imperialists take in this
area, you can rest assured that it is not out the love of the Syrian
people, it will not be the result of their love of humanity. It will
always be for power and wealth. States that are cutting social
spending in their own countries, claiming, we can't afford them, will
quite happily spend countless millions on weaponry on the people of
Syria, killing and maiming thousands, out of pure love and
compassion. The dogs of war know that there is oil and gas in Syria,
and they want their blood dripping claws on it, Their cheer leaders
are of course the powerful arms industry, with their ferret lobbyists
scurrying around the marble halls of The Westminster Houses of
Hypocrisy and Corruption, handing out favours and charms to the
People being liberated by the bomb.
The predicate of the arguments is that the West, despite calling
for Assad to step
down since 2011, has done nothing to get rid of him and as such
has “abandoned” the Syrian people. We must now step up and bear
this burden, so the pundits say.
The Guardian’s editorial
last week berated Europe for its “paralysis,” “inertia,” and
“years of failure to confront Syria’s bloody collapse.” New
York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof largely agrees,
while his colleague Ross Douthat sees
Syria as “an ugly crack” in the otherwise admirable and “very
consciously accepted stewardship of global stability” that is Pax
The Washington Post’s Anne Applebaum agrees
too, and calls the refugees a “security crisis,” the
“consequences” of Europe’s inaction. Edward Luce, in the
Financial Times, repeats
the claim that the US bears responsibility for this crisis as well,
since it abandoned its role as “beacon”, abstaining rather than
intervening, having done “almost nothing” to oust Assad.
Never mind reality.
Reality is, as Adam Johnson of media watchdog FAIR reminds
us, that the predicate that Western states did nothing in Syria is
pure fantasy: “The US has been ‘intervening’ in the Syrian
civil war, in measurable and significant ways, since at least
2012—most notably by arming, funding and training anti-Assad
forces.” Johnson cites a Washington Post report
from just a couple of months ago:
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