Wake up to the fact that TTIP heralds the corporate takeover of the world, world corporatism, and the end of any control over what happens in our own country. All EU and American governments will be bound by international agreement created by and for the benefit of the corporate monster. Profit will be the only rule, gain for the shareholders of the international corporate businesses at any cost. The planet will be mercilessly plundered and we will not be able to a thing about it. That is, if this goes through, and we sit back and do nothing about this trashing any vestige of democracy that we might have. It is world domination without a missile or a bullet fired.

From The World Development Movement: "Already, thanks to the insertion of ISDS into much smaller trade treaties, big business is engaged in an orgy of litigation, whose purpose is to strike down any law that might impinge on its anticipated future profits. The tobacco firm Philip Morris is suing governments in Uruguay and Australia for trying to discourage people from smoking. The oil firm Occidental was awarded $2.3bn in compensation from Ecuador, which terminated the company’s drilling concession in the Amazon after finding that Occidental had broken Ecuadorean law. The Swedish company Vattenfall is suing the German government for shutting down nuclear power. An Australian firm is suing El Salvador’s government for $300m for refusing permission for a goldmine over concerns it would poison the drinking water.

The same mechanism, under TTIP, could be used to prevent UK governments from reversing the privatisation of the railways and the NHS, or from defending public health and the natural world against corporate greed. The corporate lawyers who sit on these panels are beholden only to the
companies whose cases they adjudicate, who at other times are their employers." George Monbiot

------- Original Message --------
Subject: Stop the EU-US trade deal (TTIP)
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 00:58:40 +0000
Just to let you know.
What's the point of Scottish Independence if TTIP goes ahead?
We are thinking, acting Local, National, International.
The campaign to stop the EU-US trade deal (TTIP) is having great effect. As a result of growing public pressure negotiations have been delayed by almost two months. If we keep up the pressure, we can stop TTIP altogether.
The EU have now taken steps to publish some documents from the negotiations <
http://euobserver.com/news/126670>, in a desperate attempt to claim real transparency. But this is still a long way short of open and democratic negotiations.
It has been a hectic few weeks in the campaign against TTIP as the media seems to be warming up to our message. Letters were published in the Financial Times
The Independent
and The Guardian
n the New Internationalist
Independent Voices
On Tuesday, our head of campaigns Polly Jones gave evidence to MPs on TTIP (here’s the Parliament TV coverage
http://www.parliamentlive.tv/Main/Player.aspx?meetingId=16584> - start from 10:45:00) and our director Nick Dearden gave an interview to Russia
Today TV <
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2D0qSfm898 (Preview) >. The campaign is also going strong in Scotland. This weekend we spoke at the Radical independence Conference
Today Liz Murray, our head of Scottish campaigns, gave evidence about TTIP to the Scottish parliament
Brighton TTIP Banner drop slim.jpg Banner drop in Brighton last weekend Our (self-organised) European Citizens’ Initiative is breaking records and is attracting hundreds of thousands of signatures. With your help we can reach 1 million signatures before the end of this year! If you
haven’t already done so, sign it here:
www.wdm.org.uk/TTIP <
Faced with the growing campaign against TTIP negotiators are preparing a huge PR offensive to promote TTIP throughout the EU promoting TTIP, offering reassurances on the NHS
Articles blaming campaigners for the woes of the negotiators are starting to appear. If anything that shows that our campaign is working and that we’ve got the EU on the back foot on TTIP.
There are a number of significant events coming up:
This Monday, 1 December, 6pm there’s TTIP: Turning the Tide in Westminster
http://www.wdm.org.uk/events/workshop-how-lobby-your-mp-ttip>. This mass training event, led by leading politicians and campaigners .
On Thursday 11 December, 7.30pm, the Trade Justice Movement are hosting a meeting TTIP Take the Power Back
We are planning a mobilisation to Brussels on late January or early February to lobby MEPs, protest against TTIP and meet civil society activists from around Europe – watch this space.
World Development Movement and Many More.

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