Showing posts with label anarchist literature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anarchist literature. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 December 2021

The Street.

         I am always spouting on about anarchist literature on the streets and moaning that there is not near enough. Just so that people don't think that I just spite out these words, I did try to do my bit for a number of years. Over a period of more years than I care to remember, I produced a small free paper called "The Anarchist Critic". I would stomp the streets of Glasgow handing it out, leave it on buses and cafes etc.. Sometimes greeted with a smile, sometimes abuse and sometimes ignored, but it was always with the thought that I was doing my small bit in getting that word "anarchist" on the streets. Sadly age and other disabilities have curtailed that activity somewhat. I still produce the odd issue to hand out at an event. The last one being issue 123 on the cop-out-26.


      At one point I tried to put them online, but again that fell by the wayside, other activities and it would have meant meant too much time at the computer and not on the street. However there are some issues on line, so if you are interested in reading those old sheets that found their way onto the streets of Glasgow, you can find them HERE.

This is the latest issue, 123, on the Cop-Out_26 Carnival of Illusions.


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Friday 12 November 2021


          Some interesting questions, how do we propagate the communities and workplaces with our ideas, how do we make anarchism mainstream, after all that is the aim, is it not? However as long as we rely on the corporate world for our communications and have the mainstream media as a source of information, our ideas will walk the back streets and the lonely lanes, just strange tales to the majority. Of course we don't need to go to San Francisco for such discussions, they can be organised in every town, city and village, we might be pleasantly surprised what comes out of it all. 

   Anarchistic Media & Pop Culture and Why We Should Make Our Own Media (A Brief Presentation & Participatory Discussion)

Where: Bound Together Books (1369 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA)
When: Friday November 12, 2021 (7 pm - 8:30 pm ish)
Why: ? Not sure, bored ?

        "How It Started/How It's Going": Anarchistic Media & Pop Culture and Why We Should Make Our Own Media (A Brief Presentation & Participatory Discussion with Dane Michael)
       What is anarchistic media & pop culture ? Is it making weird ass memes with dogs punching cops ? Making our own zines with our own perspectives & stories ? Producing magazines/journals, podcasts, autonomous websites (?), and other decentralized, self-organized media compositions outside the dominant culture ? Starting our own infoshops, autonomous community spaces, non-hierarchical collective bookstores, and/or unique cooperative/collective houses for building affinity-centered social relationships ? Posting up flyers, stickers, and graffiti with counternarratives advocating anti-state, anti-capitalist, and anti-hierarchical culture(s) ?
        Or is it, ultimately, none of the above, and just making TikTok dance videos ? Or maybe both ? I don't really fucking know, just throwing out ideas...
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Sunday 7 November 2021


      Another bulletin, magazine, serial, call it what you will, but the more the merrier. Our literature should be on ever street corner, every workplace, it should be read, discussed and ideas put into practice. The only way to get people to pick up your ideas is to make them easily available. When people start to really want to change society and they look around for ideas, and they will, if our ideas aren't on the table, then they will not be pick up. Our literature is our message of hope, a well of ideas for that better world for all.

This one one is Storm Warnings, issue 45 (September 15, 2021) :

          “Reality has never taken the imagination hostage to such an extent as it has in these last days. Our desires and our wildest dreams are dominated by an invisible catastrophe that threatens and confines us, tying our hands and feet to the shackle of fear. Something critical is being played out right now around the unfolding catastrophe. Ignoring the few Cassandras who have been issuing warnings for decades, we have now moved from abstract ideas to concrete facts. As the current emergency with all its prohibitions demonstrates, what is at stake is not only the possibility of survival, but something much more important: the possibility of living. This means that the catastrophe that affects us today is not so much imminent human extinction – to be avoided, we are reassured from above and below, thanks to an absolute obedience to the experts of social reproduction – but rather the invasive artificiality of an existence whose omnipresence prevents us from imagining the end of the present.”

For reading

 For printing (A4)

For printing (Letter)

Previous issues HERE: 

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Sunday 31 October 2021

Our History.

             Our history is usually a hidden history as this present economic system has no place for those who wish to change the status quo. All the more reason we must record and preserve our history, and make it easily accessible to all. The history of anarchism is the long and difficult struggle of people for justice and freedom, without our recorded history, we were never there, our struggles become invisible. It is also a text book for the next generation to learn from and advance that undying human desire for a just and fair world of freedom for all, for an end to exploitation and authority over others.

The following from The Trans Metropolitan Review:

          We are pleased to belatedly announce the publication of Secolo Nuovo; or, The Times of Promise, published by Detritus Books out of Olympia, Washington. This work of anarchist fiction and history took over a decade to complete and was shaped by many hands, including our own. We wish to congratulate the researchers, archivists, historians, publishers, and thankless scribes who made this book a reality.
        To honor the contents of the book, including that which escaped its pages, we are happy to release our latest film, L’epoca D’oro (or, the Golden Age), a chronicle of rebellion from the 1880s to the 1910s. Included in the film are Cree warriors fighting the Canadian state, Apache warriors fighting the Mexican and US state, anarchists fighting every state on earth, and an eccentric inventor named Nikola Tesla who is determined to create a planetary system of free, clean energy. All of these events are touched on in Secolo Nuovo, and our film can be seen as a companion to the book, enlarging its scope both geographically and mentally.
        Also included is a review of Secolo Nuovo by Marieke Bivar, recently printed in The Fifth Estate, the longest running anarchist newspaper in the US.

        As always, we hope these works can aid you in your current struggles, whatever they may be.

Long Live Anarchy!

Read the full article HERE:

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Wednesday 27 October 2021


          Again spouting my love of anarchist literature that can and should find its way onto our streets, here is a new one from across the pond, free to down load, Rose City Radical. Anarchism is international and doesn't recognise borders, nor should our literature.

       Introducing Rose City Radical, a new publication from so-called Portland, Oregon about radical social movements and community building.
        Rose City Radical is a monthly, locally based, cooperatively operated newspaper by and for working class Portlanders. At a time of social crises, we amplify perspectives of those fighting for a world based in equality, care, and love. Responding to a lack of quality media coverage on radical social movements and organizing, we publish articles that reflect on current possibilities at the local scale, offer constructive critical analysis, and inspire transformative action.
        In our first ever issue, Taking Root, we’re harkening back to the Latin origins of the word “radical” – radix, meaning “root.” To be radical in this sense means to go to the root sources of issues, rather than settling for surface adjustments. Capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism, and imperialism invade all aspects of our lives and truly resisting them requires deep commitments to personal and collective change.We’d like to be a resource for Portlanders struggling against the police, landlords, bosses, racist vigilantes, and environmental disasters like wildfires. Solidarity and mutual aid ground everything we do. Our aim is to provide an open space for dialogue, critique, and inspiration within local movements.

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Sunday 18 April 2021


        We are still locked out of our archive because of this covid19 beast, though things are looking brighter. However we at Spirit of Revolt still manage to keep things moving, as best we can under the circumstances. One thing we can still do is bring you our monthly gem in the form of our "Read of the Month".

        For this month's “Read of the Month”, April, we have chosen a small booklet from our John Cooper Collection, “Libertarian Communist Review”, from away back in 1974. Though written back then, it is still as relevant today as the day it was written, so is well worth a wee read. While on our website, why not browse the many artefacts, leaflets, booklets, posters and thousands of other parts of our anarchist/libertarian socialist history. It is a wealth of information all relevant to today’s struggles for that better world for all.

Read on line HERE:


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Monday 25 January 2021

Rumoer 3.

           I love when our literature gets to the streets, this pandemic has put a bit of block on that, but there are still ways and means. However Rumoer is one of those magazines that still hits the streets, thanks to the dedication of the group behind this interesting and informative read. It's there for free download but donations if you can afford a wee financial boost to keep it going.

         Yes, finally, RUMOER number three is here!
         Besides the global unrest because of the pandemic, lots of things have been going on, like after the police murder of George Floyd but there is also a statement about the fire on Lesbos. In this edition you can read news from far away and nearby, but also a poem, a nice prison escape-story, and more.
        The last edition appeared in the first lockdown. Then we spread RUMOER on the street in central places in plastic packaging so they could be easily taken and wouldn’t get wet, and we will do so again this time. Help us out with distributing this publication in your own place by ordering some extra zines, or print your own. Also very nice is that now you can send us some money, if you have some to contribute. Otherwise you’ll just get it for free of course. Send your request to RUMOER at RISEUP dot NET.
For freedom and joy, against suppression and misery,
XXX and see you soon in the streets,

Free Download HERE:
(Remember the donation if you can afford one.)

Here is a short extract from the latest No. 3 Rumoer:
Book Review: With Blood and Words:
EvegenIIa IaroslavskaIa-Markon.

“So, that is my life—
the life of a schoolgirl-revolutionary,
a student-dreamer,
a friend and lover of the great man
and poet Aleksandr Iaroslavskii,
an eternal wanderer,
an itinerant anti-religious lecturer,
a writer for Rul,
a street newspaper vendor,
a thief with a long criminal record,
and a travelling fortune-teller.”

from My Autobiography, E. Iaroslavskaia-Markon)   

        What a nice little book we got, printed in the summer of 2020 in Marseille. While reading, I often imagined Evegeniia being one of my lovely friends. For example when she tells how much she loves stealing, or the living on the streets with all the crooks, children, sex workers and alcoholics she could find. It is amazing when she describes how her partner wants to go back to Russia, while she got some other plans in mind: “Wouldn’t it be great to get in touch with Makhno, who was also in Paris, we could have embarked on some merry adventure in Ukraine, a reckless adventure, a radical adventure, a bold adventure...
       Truly revolutionary and outlaw!”In her autobiography, Evgeniia talks about herself, her life, her comrade and companion Aleksandr Iaroslavskii and their commitment in fighting ’till their last breath against the tyranny of the Bolshevik power. The story ends miserable in February, 1931, when the author is executed at the age of twenty-nine. The manuscript she wrote was discovered in 1996 in the archives of the FSB and breathes anti-authoritarian strength. Its full of fragments that appeal to the imagination, from the raw reality of an vagabond against the state. In the end of the book are reports from her court cases and execution. Evgeniia resisted untill the end: she was guilty of frequent incitement of fellow prisoners and kicked a guard on her way out with her prostheses. The book is in english, you can get it in the better bookstores or through
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Thursday 12 November 2020


      Anarchist literature should be blowing in the wind, it should create a paper storm, it should fill the channels of communication, it should be everywhere, lying around for all and sundry to pick up, read, learn, act and pass on. Sadly, that has always been my unrealised dream. However, we can still do a wee celebratory dance when another issue of an interesting anarchist paper raises its head above the sludge of the daily deluge of the usual popcorn and bubble gum that clogs up our channels of communication. 

Welcome to the fourth edition of Fantasma all articles HERE

Fantasma Number 4, November 2020

Full readable PDF HERE:



Once a again darkness soaks a new day. I open my eyes and see the past years in fast motion: the the jungle with its trees, its undergrowths and its branches which scratched my legs. These one liana which dangled not far from me while i was lost sitting on the ground. I remember like it was yesterday how I reached for it, straightened myself up and took heart again. There was wide green, high rocks, dark caves and deep canyons long after I blazed myself a trail out of the covert. All of a sudden I stepped in front of a gigantic waterfall with its tempting song of deadly maelstrom. Vainly it tried to attracted me from the waterside to ruin me. I walked on. Today the sky is cloudless and it seems to become a good day. I rub the sleep out of my eyes, listen shortly to the busy stillness and then get up from my way too soft mattress. My feet are hurting, they got sore from the long marches through the mist. But it is a good pain because it tells me that I left tracks behind. For all of those, which their life will bring on the same path. I arrived the city now, a new phase of life begins.
        Another year past since the last issue of Fantasma got published. Another year in clandestinity that hold ready lots of lessons. Exhausting lessons. Inside us there were two wolves fighting for dominance and the self-flagellation became a permanent background music.
        The next issue, come on, do the next issue!“ was the booming dogma that got louder and louder in our ears. Up until the point we had been so fed up from ourself, that we were ready to pull the plug und give up the newspaper. Paradoxically these fatalism created a moment of stillness in which we could let go; in which we were able to resolve the compulsive feeling of publishing another issue, come hell or high water. We took our hands off the wheel and relieved we were preparing us for the crash.
          To our surprise no accident was the result but finding a new route. Emotionally more distanced we gained a new momentum for the fourth issue of Fantasma without demanding anymore that it will return us to the field of social struggle. We recognize and appreciate it as a small and one-side inscribed signpost on the way into the unknown. The same as the book Incognito was a signpost for us back then, when our adventure commenced. We are also looking forward to the inscription of the other side of the signpost – from already left-behinds for (coming) left-behinds from people on the run. To talk about experiences and create some reference points what direction could be taken and what misstepts could be avoided. There is still much to say and share about it.

Until the next issue!
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Thursday 10 December 2015

Click on cover image to download Avalanche No.6.

Dear comrades
Avalanche n° 6 just came out in English and French. Copies of the issue can be requested by sending a mail to correspondance[at]riseup[dot]net or by downloading it on the website.
anarchist greetings
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