Showing posts with label crap concrete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crap concrete. Show all posts

Monday 4 September 2023



       Why do we the public put up with so much crap, duplicity, corruption, and greed from those we pay to manage our affairs? We have minsters fiddling their tax, funds stashed away in off shore accounts, over claiming expenses, while legislating austerity for us, the ones who pay their wages. You have members of Parliament going on the huff because they didn't get a seat in the House of Lords. Rishi £750 million Sunak fights hard to get a job that pays £164K a year, why? He could easily sign up with some merchant bank firm and probably earn about 5 times that salary plus bonuses and privileges. What was his real motive, could it be to get his hands on the control levers of our society and direct our affairs in the favour of his wealth and that of his cronies. We have ministers overseeing the building of schools, hospitals and social centres with our tax money, that are not fit for purpose. Why would you even considering building schools with a life expectancy of 30 years and then they become a risk to the lives of those who use them How many high private office buildings are built useing this weak cheap crap concrete? Is this material just for the peasants and tax payers money?

        Of course you could go on, they start and indulge in wars, apart from pouring billions of pounds of our tax money into this savagery for power and resources they kill thousands of innocent people, displace millions, then set up a "hostile environment" for those displaced because of their state terrorism called war. They push the irrational illusion of perpetual growth at the expense of all life on the planet, why?
         Since we stupidly accepted the state and capitalism, we have seen poverty mushroom across the planet, wars and destruction devastating the lives of millions and a few war mongering wealthy parasites get richer and richer. Still millions run to the ballot box to vote in more of the same. Surely insanity, we can't just go on the way things are, we have to call enough is enough and do our damnedest to bring this whole edifice to greed, insanity and selfishness crumbling down. There is a better way to organise our society, if only we would take control and shape our communities, workplaces and towns and cities they way we want them, to be fair, just and seeing to the needs of all our people. When will we ever learn.

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