A couple of things that recently got a lot of cover in that
babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media, one was Greece
returning to the bond market, and the other, UK inflation dropping to
1.6%. These two pieces of information were meant to make us all feel
a lot better, the propaganda machine was in full throttle. As for
Greece entering the bond market, what this means is that the
financial Mafia gambling cabal, had another casino in which to place
their bets. They were prepared to loan the corrupt Greek state €3
billion at a nice healthy rate of interest of 4.75%, a mere drop in
the bucket as far as Greek state debt is concerned. Does this mean
that all is well in Greece and that the 27% unemployment, and 60%
among the young, will suddenly evaporate? Does it mean that the
trashed health service will, like magic, rise to the needs of the
people? Will the abject poverty and deprivation be transformed into a
land of milk and honey? Well perhaps a look at some of the figures
might answer those questions. Greece's public debt in 2008, the date
of the gambling casino collapse, was €263.3 billion, and the
prediction for 2014 is €322 billion. The size of Greece's debt as a
percentage of GDP in that 2008 bubble burst, was 112.9%, 2014's
prediction is 175.9%. What Greece's re-entry to the bond market
really means is that it is obvious gamblers can't stay away from the

The excited wetting of nickers among the millionaire cabal sitting
in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, at the news
the inflation in the UK has dropped for the sixth consecutive month
to 1.6%, will not be transferred to the ordinary person on the
street. According to a study by The Institute for Fiscal Studies
(IFS) mid-range household incomes between 2013 and 2014 were 6% below
what they were before the gamblers crisis of 2008. Other interesting
figures from the study state that between 2008 and 2013 inflation was
20%, energy prices rose by 60% and food prices by 30%. Where were
incomes during this period? Did your income rise enough to cover that
60% rise in energy prices, or the 30% rise in food prices? It is all
smoke and mirrors. The truth is that we as a people here in the UK
are sliding down the shute to a sweatshop economy. Last year almost a
million adults and children received emergency food parcels from food
banks, a rise of 163% on the previous year. Irrespective of what the
propaganda machine might say, more and more people are turning to
food banks for survival. The Trussell trust has over 400 food banks
and is opening two a week, compared to only three in 2012/13. Of
course The Trussell trust is not the only organisation handing out
food help to those in need, they are just the tip of the iceberg.
What about those living in areas where there is no Trussell Trust,
what about all those who just eat less and feed their kids less,
perhaps too proud to seek help or unaware of where to get that help.
The Trussell trust states that it is now expanding its services to
include welfare advice and providing essentials such as washing
powder, nappies and hygiene products, as more and more families are
at breaking point and food is not their only problem. This is the
true picture of Britain's low inflation figure

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