Showing posts with label crooks and liars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crooks and liars. Show all posts

Thursday 3 May 2012


           It's election day, the day when we, the common herd, are promised the earth. The day when the Crooks and Liars hang about to see just how popular they are, will they get back on the gravy train or will they have to ask their cronies for pay back, for all the favours the handed out while they were in the trough with both hands. Will it be a new shining smile that will take their place in the hallowed halls of power. One thing for sure, whoever gets “voted” in will do their own standard of living a power of good.
         It never fails to amaze me that failed promises after failed promises from tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum, and lots of people still run and cast their wee X in the belief that this crop of Crooks and Liars will somehow be different from the last lot of Crooks and Liars. They say that one of the signs of insanity is to keep doing the same thing time after time, but hoping for a different result, perhaps that is the answer. Or could it be that the Crooks and Liars, with the help of the media have woven a very clever illusion.

        In my long, long experience in watching these Crooks and Liars competitions they call elections, I have to admit that this one is about the quietest I have witnessed. I think I have had one party political leaflet through the door but no callers preaching their particular brand of lies, now that's hardly enthusiastic. Perhaps the reason for this could be that this particular gang of Crooks and Liars are aware of what the public at large think of them, and so are keeping a rather low profile.
       Low profile or not, low turnout or not, there will be a gang of Crooks and Liars taking their seats in those marble halls and divvying up the proceeds, each making sure that their future is secured in the system and seeing to the welfare of their cronies. That's how this system works, it's a privileged club and you and I are not members, we merely fund it.

Sunday 1 April 2012


        It is about a month to the Scottish local elections, that mini-farce, the small-fry competition of Crooks and Liars. The big national competition of Crooks and Liars, where the Oxbridge brigade of millionaires run around the country telling us how they really care for us ordinary peasant, is still some way off. However we should enjoy this local theatre production of Crooks and Liars and have some fun. We could turn up at their performances and have a good laugh and expose it for the smoke and mirrors illusion that know it to be. We could also spend the month in a concerted effort to reveal the hypocrisy, corruption and self serving reality of the Crooks and Liars competition they call elections.


         In the lead up to the Queensland State Election on March 24, a group of Brisbane Anarchists launched an anti-election campaign. In the week prior to the election, anarchists began pasting up a couple of thousand anti politician and anti voting posters all throughout the city. Political party placards erected throughout Brisbane were torn down or defaced with anarchist and anti politician messages. Anti-voting and anarchist graffiti was scrawled and sprayed across walls, billboards, electricity boxes and telephone booths.

      A banner reading "Vote 4 Nobody" was dropped over a railway bridge in Bowen Hills, where it hung for 3 days, before we reclaimed it at dawn of election day and hung it off a platform made of scaffolding in Highgate Hill, in preparation for Nobody to declare victory.
       As the polling booths opened at 8am, a number of anarchists defaced the all party advertising on display at 3 different polling locations, as well as stealing propaganda, party buttons, and "how to Vote" pamphlets from various party tables.

      After fleeing the polling booths, leaving a general mess behind them, other anarchists then began handing out anti voting leaflets and zines explaining Direct Action and Self-Organisation as a counterpoint to the pointless pathology of casting a ballot every few years for someone you know is lying to you.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 18 February 2012


         You are probably used to it, the public outcry against a particular piece of intended legislation and the powers that be, say the will hold a consultation on the matter. So you feel confident because there are so many against it, but somehow at the end of the consultation the opposition is thrown out, very strange. Your puzzled, well the following extract from Ben Goldacre helps to explain how the system works. They call it democracy, I call it smoke and mirrors, a con trick, but what do you expect from crooks and liars? So you'll know what to expect from Camerons consultation on his Health and Welfare Reform Bill.

         David Cameron is holding an emergency summit about the troubled NHS bill on Monday. There has been a lot of chatter on twitter about who is, and is not, invited. It's notable, for example, that the elected head of the Royal College of GPs has not been invited: the NHS bill is all about putting power in the hands of GPs, but they have such serious concerns about the bill that they've called, with regret, for it to be dismissed. Continue READING:

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


         As the populations of countries across the developed world face a brutal attack on their living standards from the financial Mafia, we keep getting told it is the “economy” and all this suffering is necessary to get the economy going again. We are also told that the American “economy” is recovering, so everything should be OK. Well we can accept that most of the “good news” is bullshit propaganda approaching the Presidential elections, Obama needs some help.
      Let's take the poverty in America, it is estimated that there are more than 47 million Americans living below the poverty level, on top of that there are approximately 5,000 people living in tent cities, with an estimated 55 such tent cities dotted around America. The largest of these ironically, is not that far from Disneyworld in Florida, where approximately 300 people live in tents on a 13 acre site. Most of these sites don't have electricity and the sanitation leaves much to be desired. On top of that most can't even feed themselves, they rely on charity. The BBC covers some aspects of this situation in its Panorama program.

       The following extract is another take on the American “recovery” and it is well worth reading the full article.
The other day I was struck by this wierd feeling of deja vu. Where had I seen this kind of listlessness before? Where had I observed this sort of laggard, slumping despair? Then I remembered. It was back in Russia during the Yeltsin years. It was the exact same atmosphere: Things were shitty and getting worse. Life was shabby and dilapidated. Their rulers were corrupt and didn’t give a damn. Cosmically rich oligarchs were cannibalizing the country, and the system was so badly broken there wasn’t a damn thing anyone could do about it. Drink up. Continue reading;

  This austerity is necessary for the recovery.

         Like I keep on spouting, we have to stop looking to our “own” bunch of political crooks and liars to sort it out for us, and realise that this is an international war. This is the world wide corporate fascists plundering the ordinary people of the world, your “own” little bunch of crooks and liars are not on your side. If they even hint at improving the social fabric of society, the big financial boys will have you down graded, grab their capital and leave, or they might just do as they have done in Greece and Italy, suspend your so called “democratically elected” government and put one of their henchmen in to take charge, to get you back on the right track of austerity and handing them the public purse.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 31 January 2012


          Our political system is riddled with loud mouth idiots, power hungry fundamentalists, crooks and liars. Sometimes we dismiss them as harmless fools, but I don't. I see them in a position to create legislation which the majority of us disagree with, but will be obliged to follow or suffer the consequences. I see them in their greed for power being influenced by institutions to create and pass legislation that is against the general good but suits the particular institution. Then there those others, the real raving lunatics and you have to ask yourself, how did this dangerous idiot get into this position of power. The frightening thing is that out there there are people who want this type of dangerous lunacy. One of the more dangerous lunatic politician is a Mr. Larry Pittman, North Carolina Republican, a staunch anti-abortionist who favours public hanging for abortionists. This is a short extract from Care2
---Pittman expressed this view in an email to every member of the North Carolina General Assembly. From Pittman’s email: “We need to make the death penalty a real deterrent again by actually carrying it out. Every appeal that can be made should have to be made at one time, not in a serial manner,” Pittman wrote in the email. “If murderers (and I would include abortionists, rapists, and kidnappers, as well) are actually executed, it will at least have the deterrent effect upon them. For my money, we should go back to public hangings, which would be more of a deterrent to others, as well.”

        Well, there you have it, legislative power in the hands of a raving dangerous fundamentalist right here, doing his thing at the heart of our political system. While our media reports on every Arab fundamentalist who attempts to curtail women's rights, calling for everything from having him banned to imprisoned, and with rightful indignation, shouts outrage at public executions in other countries. We in the West continually preach human rights to the rest of the world, where do the Larry Pittman's of this world fit in that preaching?

ann arky's home.

Thursday 5 May 2011


        Today is the day, the day when our political masters, masters of illusion, hypocrisy and corruption, sit in anticipation of taking their place in the corridors of power. Will it be their chance to stick their snouts in the trough, to sort out their golden handshakes and lavish pensions. It all depends on you, you have to show you have been duped by their empty promise, their phony smiles, you have to believe that the crooks and liars, are not crooks and liars. Yes, it is the Scottish elections, theatre time. They have all put on their best show, though to those who have been around for a while it is probably the most boring show in town. They have grasped strangers hands, kissed babies and turned up at hundreds of photo opportunities. They have mouthed their party's mantra and spat venom at the others on stage. Soon the new cabal will reap the benefits of their acting career, the others will just have to do with playing second fiddle. However, for you and I, nothing will change, we go through this ritual farce every four or five years, all to the benefit of some politicians and to the detriment of others. We on the other hand will just have to keep on struggling with our daily lives. Struggling against the decisions made by those, the mislead or foolish have voted on to that gravy train. We the non-voters are not apathetic, we just know your are crooks and liars.

    There is a better way to shape our society and it does not involve abdicating our power to a bunch of self-seeking power mongers. It is all about organising our lives round the desires of the community and working in federation with all other communities. It entails basing our society on mutual aid, co-operation, voluntary association and sustainability. It means abandoning the profit motive and keeping the decision making in the hands of the people. We don't need leaders, presidents, or prime ministers, their past record is one of corruption, war, deprivation, greed and self aggrandisement. Let's take control of our own lives and send the party political system and its bed companion capitalism to the dustbin of history.
ann arky's home.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


The following short extract is from  ADBUSTERS.  The full article makes good reasding.
' ----Everywhere we look there are signs of moral decay, political corruption and fascistic tendencies. However, activists have not been passive. For decades, since the end of democracy in America first became undeniable, we have tried every tactic to avert catastrophe. We have voted, written letters, donated money, held signs, protested in marches, clicked links, signed petitions, tweeted websites, written books, taught classes, knitted sweaters, learned how to farm, turned off the television, programmed apps, engaged in direct action, committed petty vandalism … All this has been for naught. Popular revolution remains the only reasonably viable tactic remaining.'

         This was written concerning America, but it could equally well apply to any Western country. We, here in the UK, could say exactly the same. The more we tweet/facebook, march, petition the further that democracy slips away. Millions marched to try to stop the illegal Iraq invasion but the UK spent 5 years destroying the infrastructure of that country and the US is still there. Since 2001 there has been innumerable demonstrations/marches and petitions to pull the troops out of Afghanistan, we are still there killing and being killed.

        Now we face savage cuts to our standard of living, the decimation of our NHS, the privatisation of the Universities, the rapid erosion of our education system and the slashing of any social benefits. All this is being done against the wishes of the people of this country, simply to save the bankers and bond merchants form losing some of their unearned wealth. Our millionaire public school thugs, sometimes know as the cabinet, know who there friends are, and it certainly isn't you and I.

       So do we continue tweeting/facebooking, marching, petitioning, demonstrating, writing letters, waving placards and every 4 or 5 years running out to vote in, another bunch of duplicitous smiling crooks and liars. Or do we finally take up the only road left open to us, if we want to change this stinking system of inequality and exploitation, a popular uprising of the ordinary people, not asking for change, but making those changes we want to see?

Monday 7 March 2011


        How anyone can believe a word that comes out the mouth of the our big society millionaire Cameron, is always a surprise to little old me. When the Middle East protests started, he, like the rest of his political cabal, sat silent until he thought he saw the winners emerging, then loudly called for democracy in the Middle East. One of his recent statements, and I quote, “When Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister, this party stood by those who wanted to reject Communism and embrace freedom, and today, this party stands by those reaching for that same freedom in the Arab world,--” So we should now hear from him an unequivocal condemnation of the brutal autocratic Saudi dictatorship, which has now banned all protests and demonstrations in their authoritarian Western petrol station. He has also been completely silent on the protests in Iraq, where the people have been protesting against government corruption, unemployment and dreadful conditions. But then again, that's a Western installed puppet government that does business with the West. Like all politicians, their support for democracy depends on how much our Western corporate world can make out of it. Dictators are fine if they're good for business, dictators are bad if they're bad for business. As for the people and their aspirations, well, quite frankly they don't give a shit.

Tuesday 23 November 2010


   First saw this video HERE It would be nice to get it to number one for Christmas.
     Sing the song, spread the word, let them know that we know, and we are going to do something about it. 
Expesive suits and smooth talk doesn't hide the their false words and brutal actions.

ann arky's home.