The British state, under the stewardship of the Oxbridge millionaire cabal, has spent considerable money, time and effort demonising the unemployed by grouping them under the banner of "benefit scroungers". It has attacked the disabled by stripping them of their benefits, under the callous guise of "helping them back to work". Now they are cranking up their attack on those who do work.

This new element of their class war attack, will now penalise those it deems to be, not working hard enough. You might be in work and because of circumstances, you work part-time, in doing so, because of crap wages, perhaps you receive some form of benefit pittance. This will put you on their hit list, you could face sanctions, if you are deemed not to be looking hard enough for more hours to sell yourself for another pittance of crap wages. So working, but because of the slave labour wages, you get benefits to help you survive, be aware, you are in their sights, work harder, take on more hours, or be sanctioned and lose your benefits.
This latest attack on the ordinary people of this country must surely convince the majority of people in this country that we are in the midst of a class war, and should organise and respond accordingly.
THE TORY government been attacked over plans to extend
controversial benefit sanctions to claimants with jobs, with critics
warning introducing the "shockingly harsh" penalties risks plunging
workers into poverty.
A number of pilot schemes are currently
being carried out in the UK – including in Inverness – to assess a new
scheme which the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) says is aimed at
helping workers on low earnings take on more hours and increase their
Benefits can be stopped if claimants fail to meet
requirements outlined by the DWP – such as missing Jobcentre
appointments or failing to show evidence of looking for more work for a
certain number of hours a week, on top of their usual job. The in-work
regime, which is expected to eventually apply to around one million
people, is being trialled as part of Universal Credit, the new type of
benefit which is being rolled out across the country.
DWP says its aim is “redefining the contract between claimants and the
welfare state” and helping work to pay. The radical scheme - one of the
first of its kind in the world - means for the first time those in
part-time employment will have to meet certain conditions or risk losing
support from the state.
Read the full article HERE:
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