Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts

Saturday 22 January 2011


School of Americas.
      Many of its graduates have been implicated in serious human rights abuses and manuals used at the school appear to condone if not promote the use of torture. This has resulted in a grassroots human rights campaign to close the SOA, led by the organization SOA Watch. Activists opposed to the SOA often refer to the school as the "School of Assassins" and the "School of Coups." 
       Abuses SOA graduates have alleged to have committed include "the death or disappearance of 200,000 Guatemalans and innumerable other atrocities... In Colombia 2 million have been displaced and thousands are still reliving the horrors of their torture - not surprising since, with 10,000 graduates from the SOA, Colombia is the school's largest customer and has the worst human rights record on the continent."

Dear SOA Watchers,

…on the 5th day the mail arrived! And, oh my it was good. So many people wrote wonderful words of support and encouragement. I was just astounded by the wealth that just fell on me!
     I’m in a dorm of 32 women, 4 to a room, with double-bunk beds. The facility here at Ocilla (GA) is clean, modern, warm (most of the time) with lots of heavy doors that bang shut throughout 24 hours. Food is inexcusably bad, but it comes regularly 3 times a day and a vegetarian like myself can usually trade the (what passes for) meat for (what passes for) vegetables.
     The next stop will be a transfer to a federal prison. Or not. Some of the women have been here for over a year and expect they might just serve their full sentence here. Or not. And it’s the not knowing that keeps everyone on edge. The stories are heart breaking to hear; many get in trouble through drugs, pills or because their boyfriends committed an offence. Many have small children at home, no financial resources, no job skills, no support system, no education, and some face very long sentences. Hold them in your heart; light a candle for them. They need you very badly.
    There is a common room for the women in this unit, metal tables with attached benches, a TV set and microwave. The ceiling is very high and gives the feeling that we’re underground. There are three space openings leading up to small skylights. That’s our only glimpse of what’s outside. I saw a small beam of sunlight this morning.
     I talk about SOA all the time. Because I’m such an oddity here, many want to know what I did to get here and I tell them. They are horrified of course, when they hear what SOA graduates have done and we have some good conversations about governments and abuse of power.
       And we also joke a lot, sitting around laughing, passing the time. You may be interested to know that I’m developing a southern accent. Not good enough to pass, but I’m working on it. One of my room mates says if I let my hair grow out a bit, she will braid it for me (corn rows?)

Great warm hugs to you all, wherever you are.


You can write to Nancy at:

OCILLA, GA 31774

School of Americas Watch, PRESENTE.
ann arky's home.

Sunday 16 January 2011


           Everybody knows that the so called “financial crisis” was caused by the unprecedented greed of the financial sector, even the millionaire cabal sitting in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption know this to be a fact. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that the “financial sector” is not something out there with a life of its own. It is nothing more than a bunch of arrogant, self-centred, greedy parasites, with too much power, all friends of the millionaire Con/Dem coalition. Recently the Cameron half of the public school thug duo, showed his true colours with a statement of his intent. As the “austerity cuts” begin to bite and the ordinary people start to organise to fight back in an attempt at avoiding a return to an era of Victorian poverty, the millionaire Cameron stated that he will introduce legislation to prevent strikes. After all you can't have the workers trying to hold onto what benefits they gained over years of hard struggle. At the same time his response to those responsible for the “financial crisis” in the first place, is to state that he hopes to get rid of the 50% tax rate as soon as possible. So while the greedy parasites gorge on fat salaries and monopoly style bonuses, with the promise of a tax cut, we at the other end who are expected to take the brunt of the misery being handed out are to have restrictions on our ability to defend ourselves.

         One of his suggestions to restrict the ability of the unions to organise a strike is to insist that the call for a strike must be passed by more than 50% of the total union membership. Everybody knows that there are a lot of union members who don't or can't vote but will support the union decision. It would be almost impossible to get a 100% turnout at any vote so a strike ballot is likely to declared invalid. If the Cameron/Clegg public school thug duo want to be so democratic then perhaps we should apply the same rule to election of MPs only being voted in to Parliament if they receive the support of more than 50% of the total voters in their constituency. Likewise, no law or legislation could passed unless more than 50% of the total number of MPs in the House of Hypocrisy and Corruption vote in favour of the motion. Think how that would work when you consider that on most occasion there are only a handful of members present in the Chamber.

         However we know that as for democracy, it is what they preach, but will do everything in their power to make sure that we never see the real thing. True democracy will only come about when we the ordinary people take control of our communities and work in federation with all other communities building a needs based society founded on mutual aid, co-operation and sustainability. In a word, anarchism.