Showing posts with label anti-strike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-strike. Show all posts

Friday 12 May 2023

A Con.


           It must be obvious now to anyone looking at the the way this government is throwing legislation through, they don't give a shit. They are fully aware that if they lose the next election there is no chance of the so called opposition reversing any of the draconian legislation they have passed. Anti-protest legislation, anti-strike legislation, anti-immigrant legislation, it is all perfectly safe in Labour's hands. Those naive enough to think that a change of Messiah sitting in No. 10 will somehow solve their problems, are like generations before them, going to be sadly disappointed. The answer is obviously, not to keep spinning the wheel and hoping it will be different next time round. We need a root and branch cutting of this greed driven exploitative system of insane economics. Why accept a system where the rules that effect the poor, vulnerable and ordinary people, are made by very rich individuals who all have a vested interest in keeping the economic disparity that enriches them at our expense. We pay them to shackle us to economic poverty and deprivation, while they live the life of luxury and opulence. Surely we have the imagination and ability to devise a system that is fair and sees to the needs of all our people, a system that sees the fruits of all our labour being used to build a society that benefits all our people fairly. Rather than live this insanity that feeds the parasite pompous few at the expense of the majority's well-being. At the moment we are being milked, conned and laughed at.


                                                 Image courtesy of Clive Lewis.

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Sunday 16 January 2011


           Everybody knows that the so called “financial crisis” was caused by the unprecedented greed of the financial sector, even the millionaire cabal sitting in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption know this to be a fact. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that the “financial sector” is not something out there with a life of its own. It is nothing more than a bunch of arrogant, self-centred, greedy parasites, with too much power, all friends of the millionaire Con/Dem coalition. Recently the Cameron half of the public school thug duo, showed his true colours with a statement of his intent. As the “austerity cuts” begin to bite and the ordinary people start to organise to fight back in an attempt at avoiding a return to an era of Victorian poverty, the millionaire Cameron stated that he will introduce legislation to prevent strikes. After all you can't have the workers trying to hold onto what benefits they gained over years of hard struggle. At the same time his response to those responsible for the “financial crisis” in the first place, is to state that he hopes to get rid of the 50% tax rate as soon as possible. So while the greedy parasites gorge on fat salaries and monopoly style bonuses, with the promise of a tax cut, we at the other end who are expected to take the brunt of the misery being handed out are to have restrictions on our ability to defend ourselves.

         One of his suggestions to restrict the ability of the unions to organise a strike is to insist that the call for a strike must be passed by more than 50% of the total union membership. Everybody knows that there are a lot of union members who don't or can't vote but will support the union decision. It would be almost impossible to get a 100% turnout at any vote so a strike ballot is likely to declared invalid. If the Cameron/Clegg public school thug duo want to be so democratic then perhaps we should apply the same rule to election of MPs only being voted in to Parliament if they receive the support of more than 50% of the total voters in their constituency. Likewise, no law or legislation could passed unless more than 50% of the total number of MPs in the House of Hypocrisy and Corruption vote in favour of the motion. Think how that would work when you consider that on most occasion there are only a handful of members present in the Chamber.

         However we know that as for democracy, it is what they preach, but will do everything in their power to make sure that we never see the real thing. True democracy will only come about when we the ordinary people take control of our communities and work in federation with all other communities building a needs based society founded on mutual aid, co-operation and sustainability. In a word, anarchism.