Showing posts with label direct action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label direct action. Show all posts

Friday 6 January 2023


          In Italy the vindictive state sits silent, and callously watches a man slowly die, when it is their hands to prevent this state murder. This is raw cold-blooded state power in action, This brutal act is for no other reason than to uphold the rotten stinking carcase that is the state institution and its bed-fellow, capitalism. There is no way of reforming the festering marriage of state and capitalism, as they are so intricately intertwined and interdependent. The only way to stop these acts of vindictive barbarism is the total destruction of that blight on humanity, state and capitalism. We all have to choose which side we are on, barbarism and exploitation, or freedom and justice for all, there is no middle ground.

The following from Act For Freedom Now.


         This evening [December 29th, 71st day of hunger strike by Alfredo Cospito] a presence of about 300 comrades gathered at the end of via Torino, on the edge of piazza Duomo, heavily enclosed for the occasion by almost 30 armoured vehicles and a large contingent of police agents. After an hour of speeches under the shadow of Milan’s cathedral in solidarity with Alfredo’s struggle against the 41 bis prison regime, we moved in a demonstration along the crowded via Torino. Amidst slogans, chants, firecrackers and speeches by the various groups and collectives that were present, the demonstration moved to piazza XXIV Maggio, where it disbanded.

       We relaunch the mobilisation and invite everyone to the demonstration in Rome on December 31st under the DNAA, ‘National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’!

Alfredo out from 41 bis!
Everyone out from 41 bis!
Against every prison!

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Wednesday 28 December 2022



                                                Image courtesy of Wealthy Guerilla.

             It is frustrating to listen to the various government bodies talking about minimising the temperature change on the planet, in an attempt at saving humanity and host of other species. They talk of green energy, while industry drags its feet, they encourage you and I, the peasants, to take shorter showers, shallower baths and turn the thermostat down a degree. However they never mention the biggest polluters on the planet. By far the world's largest polluter is the military industrial complex, the pentagon etc. and then there is the millionaire/billionaire parasite class, with their massive limousines, several mansions, private jets, and those monstrous gas guzzling multi-million pound yachts. Until we tackle these mass polluters, we are peeing against the wind. Considering they, for the moment, are the ones who hold the reins of power and control all the wealth, they are very unlikely to to do much to change that situation. If we are to save the planet and humanity, though the planet will survive and probably flourish without us, we, the ordinary people, will have to do the job ourselves, by bringing to an end, this insane greed driven system of capitalism and its plundering of the Earth's resources simply for the profit and wealth of the few. I don't believe we have that much time, so drastic action on our behalf will be necessary.

                                              Image courtesy of The Guardian.

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Tuesday 27 December 2022


           There is no limit to the depth of callous vindictiveness that the state will not stoop to to crush any attempt to limit its power over the people. Those who fight hardest against the strangling shackles of the state's harsh power over the population, come in for the most brutal and vindictive of treatment from the paid dogs of the state. Usually those most determined fighters against the state's power, are anarchists, hence they come in for the full brutal force of the state's vindictive brutality. The following is just some of the savage treatment the state indulges in, but these cases can be found in state after state. All states share the same brutal determination to keep control of the population at any cost. Only our determination and solidarity will bring an end to this insane brutality, perpetrated in the name of power and wealth. 

The following from Enough is Enough.

Originally published by Terra Incognita.

           During the early hours of Monday 19/12 prison snitches/guards inform our comrade Th. Chantziangelou about his transfer from his cell to the 4th wing of the hellhole called the “penitentiary detention center” of Korydallos. After our comrade’s refusal to cooperate with them, the “well-known” hooded prison guards took over and tied him up and began his transfer to the prisons of Nigrita, after his declaration that from that moment on he would be on hunger and thirst strike until he was informed of the reason of his transfer and his immediate return to his cell in Korydallos prison. For hours our companion was unable to contact anyone, not even his lawyer. In the evening of the same day, he remains at the Sub-Directorate of Transfers in Thessaloniki and is now in the hellholes-prison of NigritaSerres. On 25/12, comrade Thanos was admitted to the Serres hospital where he is held under the suffocating presence of police in a room-cell, violating every human right.
          In the same way, on 22/12, the anarchist Kostas Dimalexis, prisoner of the 5th Wing of Korydallos, was transferred to the Trikala’s, another smaller city in central Greece,prison.
          We have become familiar with the scenarios of these stories and their director is famous for its trash behavior against prisoners. Of course, at a time when a fight against the new penal code has been taking place for two months now, the transfer of Th. Chatziangelou is clearly a vindictive response coming from all those who see in his face the unrepentant rage for freedom, as he was one of the prisoners who actively participated in the mobilizations to overturn this extreme a time when a fight against the new penal code has been taking place for two months now, the transfer of Th. Chatziangelou is clearly a vindictive response of all those who see in his face the unrepentant rage for freedom, as he was one of the prisoners who actively participated in the mobilizations to overturn this extreme resolution.
          Our comrade still speaks of the intransigence of hostile actions against the rotten world of power and submission, and while they succeeded in throwing him into the cells of their democracy, he continues to speak of our greatest idea, Anarchy. In this struggle he finds us by his side, against every regime of exception, against every breath of any oppressor, against the violence exerted by the existence of their moldy system. Until the last breath, we are together and that cannot be defeated by any of them.
         Strength and solidarity to all the political prisoners who have gone on a hunger strike, demanding the return of the striking Th. Chatziangelou to the Korydallos’prisons.
         Solidarity with the anarchist Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike since 20/10, as well as with the 11 Turkish fighters who are on hunger strike since 7/10.
           Immediate grant of the demands of our comrade, hunger and thirst striker Thanos Chatziangelou.

Listen carefully bodyguards, hands down from the fighters
Solidarity in the prisoners’ struggle against the new penal code
We call for international solidarity actions to support the struggle of our comrade and striker Th. Chatziangelou.

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Sunday 25 December 2022



         Winter Solstice just gone past and ne'erday  galloping towards us, I thought it would be a good time to wish all my relatives, friends, comrades, associates and strikers, all the very best in the coming year. Hoping it is a year of solidarity and mass activity to right the wrongs in this capitalist system by bring an end to it and its greed driven exploitation.

Image courtesy of my young comrade Adrian.

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Friday 23 December 2022



         We live in a society where control is the main pillar of its existence. The society whose yoke we live under can't function without control of the population, by what ever means they deem necessary. We are surrounded by surveillance equipment, we have undercover police, embedded in our personal lives, we have technology gathering and sifting through our personal details, creating profiles to be used against us if need be. Hence the reason that social centres, autonomous spaces, squats are necessary boltholes where we can meet, act and communicate in a free and safe environment. Spaces outwith the control of the state, that function on libertarian socialist principles are a wrecking ball to this type of society, so should be built and supported by all free thinking individuals. However these spaces at present, function in the midst of the capitalist system and do require funding, we should support them in the best way we can and whenever we can. 

The following extract from Enough is Enough.


         In 2016, after the self-dissolution of the “Self-managed social centre” collectivity, which had the political responsibility for 18 years of the space that had the same name with the collectivity, people and groups who had developed political and social relations within the “Self-managed social centre” during its years of operation decided to establish a new public space of the leftish movement with the name “Self-managed Social Center Perasma“. In this social center political/social collectivities with references to social anarchy and libertarian communism, collectivities around gender, patriarchy and anti-sexism, self-education groups, group for art from below and structures, meet together (radio, lending library, bookstore, space for the distribution of cooperative products and basic goods without mediators, in direct contact and communication with producers who do not work in the opposite direction to our basic principles).

Continue reading:

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Tuesday 20 December 2022



            The latest from SubMedia in their System Fail series is now available, System Fail 20, Picking Sides. This episode covers South America and the U$A involvement in the various coups  as well as mass public uprisings. It also takes a look at Greece and Italy. Most of this will never be seen on mainstream media, thank you SubMedia.

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Sunday 27 November 2022

Our War!

             War is in the air, rumblings of nuclear war, our insane war mongering politicians playing the tune of the corporate and imperialist masters, spout the phoney mantra about defending freedom. If you want to stop this psychopathic society of perpetual war, then I'm afraid calling "Stop the War" from the streets will have no effect what so ever. Remember Iraq, millions in the UK and millions more across the globe took to the streets and shouted "No War". What did our democratic leaders do, why they stuck two fingers up at the public and went ahead and obliterated Iraq's infrastructure, killed thousands of innocent people and displaced millions, turning Iraq into a religious faction fighting ground, while at the same time devouring its natural resources. All this on a lie. 

            Wars don't just happen in other places, they start right here in our own land. The war machine has tentacles that feed through the fibre of our society, without which it could not function. As long as we tolerate this breeding ground for the war machine to freely function in our own country, we are complicit in the wars in other lands. To stop the wars, we have to strangle the war machine at home. The powers that be will preach about how the "arms" industry creates jobs, grows the economy, but do you want jobs and a strong economy that relies on the brutal bloodshed of innocents in other lands? To stop wars, we have to change society completely, rebuild it from the bottom up, dispense with the capitalist greed system and replace it with a society built on mutual aid, free from borders and the profit motive. A society that sees to the needs of all our people, no matter from what part of this tiny planet they live. That will take massive direct action on a prolonged scale, the alternative is to continue with this cancerous capitalist system with its military industrial complex that breeds poverty and destructive wars.

An interesting article from Greece via Act for Freedom Now.

            In the days of commemoration of the Polytechnic, we must not forget the anti-militarist implications of the uprising. In the midst of military dictatorship, one of the central slogans of the occupied Polytechnic in ’73 was “Out with NATO”. Picking up this thread, anarchy today must find a way of direct action against those who profit and gain from these wars.
          While we try to develop anarchist considerations and analyses of every interstate war conflict, one of the most important aspects of the multifaceted anti-military struggle is often ignored: sabotaging the death machine on the ground we are on.
          Since we are in NATO’s territory of influence, we have a duty to sabotage everything used by the armed forces of the Greek state and its allies, the arms industry, the financiers and those who give orders and make decisions.
          Alongside the Russian state’s invasion of Ukrainian territory, the Turkish state’s war against the Kurdish people is raging, while the USA is waging wars all over the planet. In all these cases, DB Schenker is actively involved, supporting and profiting from these wars. It is a German state-owned company, owned by Deutsche Bahn (DB, the German railway company) and controlled by the German Ministry of Transport. It is a company responsible for war crimes during World War II, and today, it maintains supply chain hubs in dozens of places around the globe, transporting and delivering war equipment, weapons as well as parts of vehicles, tanks and war planes. In 2019, DB Schenker received an award from the U.S. Department of Transportation for its cooperation with the U.S. Department of Defense, as there seem to be very few transnational wars in which DB Schenker does not transport weapons to the front lines.
           The parent company, Deutsche Bahn, is responsible for the ‘Tren Maya’ project, the development of railway lines on Mexican territory, including the Chiapas region, lines that will serve the Mexican military.
          This project will destroy huge tracts of forested land, and the lands are home to thousands of people. It obviously serves as the basis of a wider plan to pressure the Mexican state against the liberated Zapatista land, and resistance against it has already begun.
           While the Greek police were gradually occupying Exarcheia, in an attempt to suppress the memory of the resistance against the junta, on the morning of 15 November, we carried out an arson attack on a DB Schenker truck on Baltinon Street in Gyzi. While we know that a destroyed truck alone will not stop any war, we have a duty to recognize the cogs that set the state war machines in motion and dismantle them piece by piece.

Solidarity with the struggle of the Kurdish people against the Turkish state.

Solidarity with the prisoner Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis

We support the 4 imprisoned comrades in the case of the Piraeus traffic police.

Victory for the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito.   Anarchists

via: athens.indymedia Translated by Act for freedom now!
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Saturday 29 October 2022

Keelie 36.


          Once again the Glasgow Keelie hits the streets, a new issue another power packed free paper to get you to join the protests to protect or living standards and change society for the better for all of us. Issue 36 of The Glasgow Keelie is out there, you'll find us on the streets, at protests and pickets, in pubs and cafes. Look out for it and grab your copy. You could join us and write a small article about the gripes you have about this greed driven society that heaps misery and poverty on millions of our people. Or you could collect a small bundle to distribute among you friends and workmates. You can contact us at and

See you on the streets.

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Sunday 23 October 2022


          As the farce of choosing a new leader to be our lord and master engulfs the UK parliamentary system once more, we all know that as far as hardship and misery goes, it will not make one iota of difference to us, the ordinary people. We will still be faced with extortionate energy bills, galloping inflation, increasing interest rates, which will clobber thousands of ordinary people, and spending cuts to social services. I envisage a vast increase in homelessness, with people forced to seek shelter in our alleyways. The obvious outcome to this apart from deteriorating health is to demand your human right to shelter, in other words, squatting. The country is awash with empty properties, any rational with humanity, would open these to homeless individuals and families. That wont happen in this capitalist gambling casino, so direct action is the only answer, squat, and the communities must get behind those unfortunate enough to have to resort to this for health and safety and shelter.
        Of course the state apparatus will do everything in its power to protect the landlords and will deal with it through their loaded legal system or brutally by the forces of the state, as is happening across the world, with Athens being among the most brutal of eviction. We must all stand together and support all those in need, until we can bring this festering cancerous system down. We are in for a very tough time, unless we show solidarity we will all suffer unnecessarily. 

The following article from Enough is Enough.


 Originally published by Squat Net.

        The eviction happened after only a few days of occupation. According to the court the building was unsafe to reside in. This decision was made in our absence, we were not given the ability to present evidence in our defense and no inspection had taken place.
        Even though the biggest part of the building is safe to live in and the stripped part had been closed off, the court decided to evict without a hearing. We wonder if it has something to do with the extremely expensive lawyers of the owner?
       The police came by on the 14th of October to announce that we would have to leave, our lawyer confirmed they made this decision and going into high appeal would not call off the eviction. They gave us 3 hours to pack our stuff.
        Autonomous Student Struggle (A.S.S.) called for a demonstration in front of the building, to protest against this ridiculous verdict to protect the landlords of the city from homeless students.The police decided not to show themselves until the next morning when they evicted us with their special forces. Resistance ensued in the form of barricades, the occupants could escape before being captured. The owner hired private security to stand in front of the door for the rest of the day.
        As of now we still have not seen a written verdict. The court is giving landlords and speculators a free road while we face repression for using the abandoned to attain a basic necessity; housing. We believe its necessary to use every means to fight these state-actions; on the streets, through legal and illegal means.
       Their desperate means to legitimize their evictions is a confirmation of the threat we are, as we all know we would only need a spark to ignite the fuel of our outrage. Much respect for the people who showed up for the spontaneous demonstration, we are all in this together!

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Thursday 13 October 2022


           Something we can perhaps thank Liz Truss for is that she has directed that great politically apathetic mass to turn their minds to involvement in the political morass that is screwing up their lives. More people are feeling the results of deliberate policies fashioned behind the closed doors of the power mongers, and they don't like it much at all. What was always there, the great divide between rich and poor has now come into sharp focus as it grinds on to its obvious conclusion, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. However, now it is at real pain level and that makes live profoundly miserable for millions of ordinary people. So rise up you political sleepers and demand your right to a decent life, demand you right to shape society and see to the needs of all our people. We the ordinary people are the creators of all the wealth in the country, demand we decide how it will be shared, not the millionaire/billionaire parasites that call the shots today.

                                     Image by Harry Burton, courtesy of The Print

       I remember reading somewhere that at a Glasgow street meeting, by a socialist in the 30s. He asked the crowd if they were hungry, a general murmuring of yes. The speaker then said, "there is only a plate glass window between you and a good feed". He waited a while, no response, his reply was "I see, you're not hungry enough". As this "cost of living crisis" (cost of exploitation crisis) bites ever deeper into our lives, will we ever be hungry enough?

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Saturday 30 July 2022


         Remember the insulting "help" from SSE on how it customers could keep warm this winter with the astronomical energy prices we were being ask to pay? Their heart felt advice as they ran smiling to the bank was, “doing a few star jumps”, “having a cuddle with your pets”, and eating “hearty bowls of porridge”. None of this advice would be needed by their shareholders or their CEO, they would hardly notice the price rises.
       Meanwhile, SSE made £600 million profit, Scottish Power and Centrica, owners of of British Gas, turned in a smart little profit of £423 million. These energy companies stashed away more than a billion pounds in profit before this years price hike. How much are your bills going up by?
       The bosses of the UK six biggest energy companies are the UK's highest earners. In 2018 former Centrica CEO received £2.4 million, a salary rise of 44% on his previous salary. During the first year of the pandemic, CEO of SSE Alistair Pillips-Davies was paid a tidy £1.6 million. In any given year the average CEO by 6th of January will have earned more than the average worker will all year.
        Have a good look at these figures, think of the obscene increases in profits and salaries of the energy companies and the CEO, then think of the massive price increases to you and I with our meager incomes being stretched to breaking point. Then ask yourself, should we blame the war in Ukraine or the greed infested energy companies, who are part and parcel of this system.
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Friday 29 July 2022


         As we all face energy bills in the region of £4,000, and the political ballerinas spout how it is all the fault of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, our energy companies are wallowing in unprecedented profits. Get your head round these figures and say, hand on heart, the prices are unavoidable.

         The two biggest energy companies in the UK, Shell and Centrica are both making a killing on the backs of your suffering. Take Shell first, for the three months April to June 2022, hauled in profits in the region of £10 billion. While suffering amnesia regarding the astronomical bills its customers are set to pay, Shell has promised its shareholders £6.5 billion in bonuses.
       Its pal in piracy, Centrica, came up with profits of £1.3 billion for the first half of 2022 and has promised its shareholders bonuses amounting to £59 million.
      So do you get the feeling that the Ukrainian situation is a bonus to these people, an opportunity to rip us off with vengeance, and that they are laughing at us as they slither their way to the bank.

        When will we ever learn, when will we finally say, enough is enough and bring this festering cancer of greed crashing down. A better world is there, it's in your hearts, you know how it would look, fairness, justice, humanity, mutual aid and the ability to see to the needs of all our people, we don't need corporate conglomerates, millionaires and billionaires, they are the parasites that destroy our lives.
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Monday 25 July 2022



       So there's a cost of living crisis and EVERYBODY suffers, well not exactly. Petrol prices have rocketed, and it is all put down to those nasty Russians, no mention of the astronomical profits being made by the oil producing and refining companies. This section of the capitalist system, far from suffering due to this war in Ukraine have used it to shove profits through the roof. They are all making unimaginable profits and in private praying at the altar greed, that the war continues. They've never had it so good.
        This is just one example of how this system enjoys wars as they always benefit the rich and powerful. The same applies throughout the capitalist system. Emergencies, wars, famine and shortages are all a means to increase profits, a system based on exploitation of the many for profit for the few. This greed based system, this billionaires gambling casino, this insanity called capitalism will only end when wee the ordinary people decide we have had enough and organise to bring the whole stinking edifice crashing down. A better world is possible, just think of how you would like to see the world, a fairer world, a world based on compassion, humanity and justice, then make it happen. We have the numbers, we have the imagination, we have the skills, where is the will?

The following from Zero Hedge: 



         Amid soaring gasoline prices in the second quarter, the eight biggest independent U.S. refiners are set to report later this month a huge 652% sequential jump in their average earnings per share (EPS), according to estimates from investment bank Tudor Pickering Holt & Co cited by The Wall Street Journal.
        All refiners and all integrated oil and gas companies are set for a windfall of profits for the second quarter as U.S. gasoline prices soared to the highest ever on record of over $5 per gallon in early June.
        The biggest refiners are also expected to generate billions of cash flow from operations as refining margins are at their highest in many years.
        “We’re seeing margins twice as high as the golden age,” Charles Kemp, a vice president at energy consulting firm Baker & O’Brien Inc, told the Journal. Kemp was referring to the 2004-2007 period, when refiners booked massive profits, too.
        The largest international majors are also set for exceptional earnings at their refining businesses, thanks to high refining margins and fuel demand in the second quarter. Some of the largest international oil majors have already announced expectations of blockbuster earnings from their refining divisions when they report Q2 profits later this month.
          France’s supermajor TotalEnergies said last week that “Refining & Chemicals results are expected to be exceptional given the very high levels of distillate and gasoline cracks.” ExxonMobil said in an SEC filing in early July that the rise in industry margins is set to add between $4.4 billion and $4.6 billion to its Q2 results. At Shell, the refining margin nearly tripled in Q2 compared to Q1 and is expected to add between $800 million and $1.2 billion to the second quarter results of Shell’s Products division, compared to the first quarter 2022.
         Yet, the second quarter could have been the peak refining profits for some time as gasoline demand in the United States has weakened in recent weeks in response to high prices at the pump. Crude oil prices have also dropped from the recent highs of $120 a barrel as markets fear a recession is coming. 
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Friday 22 July 2022

Sad Joke!

        No matter which of the two very rich right-wing worshipers of capitalism become the next Prime Minister of UK, they both will be looking at the world through money tinted glasses. Rishi Sunak's wealth is too difficult to grasp it is somewhere up in the stratosphere you suffer oxygen starvation in attempting to grasp the total. Liz Truss is a bit more modest as far as the Tory's posh club is concerned. Her personal wealth is somewhere around £8.5 million, with an annual estimated income of around £376,000. So you see they are each just one of the people. Their policies are tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum, cut taxes now, cut taxes later. Of course we all know who benefits most from tax cuts, obviously those with the bigger incomes. We also know that tax cuts invariably lead to cuts in social services, austerity for the poor and bonuses for the rich. One thing they both agree on is that there will always be enough money to boost the military budget, there is always money for war. Again, Liz is in a hurry, to impress her wealthy arms manufacturers, with a promise to raise the "defence" budget to 3% of GDP, immediately. While Rishi still wanting to please the arm barons, is a little, more cautious arm, says that 2% is the bottom line and just a floor, with intentions to raise to 2.5% of GDP, and more later. Work out how that will help you pay your bills.

                                        Image courtesy of

          Which of these two do you think will have the problems of the ordinary people at the top of their agenda. They both preach, "grow the economy" which translates as let's get big business booming with tax cuts and subsides of tax payers money, they are already making billions in profit, but not enough to satisfy their insatiable greed,  that "boom" will take some considerable time arriving, in the mean time you and I can just struggle on as best we can while we wait for that pie in the sky.

          As long as the well paid, well off political ballerinas in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption squabble over "the economy" and we sit back and let them make the decisions that control our lives, the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. The answer of course is that we make the decisions that matter to us all, we take control of the countries resources and distribution, we eliminate the crazy profit element and run our society on mutual aid, free association, fairness and sustainability, and create a society that sees to the needs of all our people. During this particularly vicious attack on the living standards of all the ordinary people in this country, we must organise in solidarity across all our communities and workplaces and bring this festering cancer they call capitalism, to a passage in history, referring to it as humanity's darkest hour.

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Wednesday 13 July 2022

Keelie 32.


        The latest issue of your wee pocket rocket newspaper, The Glasgow Keelie, issue No.32, is now heading for your streets, cafes, pubs, etc. watch out for it, grab your free copy and learn all about the shenanigans of our council, the Kremlin in George Square. Find out what is happening in our fair city, who is angry about the attack on living standards and what they are doing about it, and how you can can join them and much, much more. Why not grab a bundle and distribute among your friends and family, contact details HERE.

Read issue 32 on line HERE:



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