Day by day, drip feed by drip feed, we the ordinary people of this country learn the force of the kick in the teeth we are about to receive from this capitalist system. The latest detail is the rise in interest rates. It might not seem much, but could be enough to push those on the edge over into the poverty bin. Mortgages could increase, interest on you credit card, any future HP you might feel you need to take on, any loans you may find yourself forced into, will in all probability cost you more.
Of course the big one is the increase in energy bills, that thing that no home can live without. The increase is going stratospheric. No matter the sticking plaster or paracetamol the government offers, it will not be any where near enough to eliminate a massive increase to your bills.
Then there is inflation in general, sending food prices, among other day to day necessities, through the roof. Trying to put food on the table never mind trying to cook it, will an impossible task for thousands. Just to add a little bit more pain to that kick in the teeth, those working families who are at the moment just about managing, will now be hit with an increase in National Insurance, over and above those just mentioned.
This July 2021, before this latest attack on living standards of ordinary people. Glasgow.
Now, if that sort of unjustified pain doesn't make you angry, what will? This pain is being planned and administered by millionaires, who will probably be unaware of what their energy bills are and care even less. Some will take off to their luxury extra home somewhere in the warm sun, or take their yacht to the Mediterranean for a wee break. They will have no need what so ever to change their way of living, they live in a land of plenty. They don't feel that pain, they administer it, without a care in the world.
So you are angry, who will you direct you anger at, the local council, mere pawns in the game, who are legally bound to do the dictate of the government. So the government, well they are just the managers of the system, they follow the instruction of the financial Mafia, that is where the power lies. That gang of mobster who go under different flags, but belong to that one clan, the corporate financial Mafia. The main gangs being the IMF sometimes called the International Monetary Fund, but in reality, the Internation Mankind Fuckers, the ECB, know as European Central Bank, real name Eternal Money Bastards, and the Davos Club, the place where the rich and powerful meet up to decide the best way to exploit the world's people and resources to create greater profit to be split among themselves. They all come together under the banner of corporate capitalism. Until we smash that organisation, we are at the mercy of the financial Mafia.
Take what you get or fight back. Organise your communities in conjunction with other communities, not to ask nor demand, please can we have some more, but to take control of you communities resources, in solidarity with all other communities. Every brick, every house, every boat ever built was built by your hands, every piece of equipment every item transported was made and transport by you, it all belongs to you. Take it and use it to service our own people and see to the needs of all our people, with no place for profit, CEO and shareholders bonuses. It's yours by the sweat and blood of you and you forbearers. Nothing is gained by self contained anger, show it, direct it, along with solidarity, it is your righteous weapon.
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