The general public across Europe are
not being made fully aware of what is really happening in Greece, the
powers that be don't want you to know, as it is a brutal and vicious
crime, and the public anger would rightly explode if the full extent
of this crime was known. This is a European country that is being
turned into a third world country and it is happening with such
rapidity that it amounts to a crime against humanity. Hospitals are
running out of their very basic needs, schools are devoid of
materials for the education of the kids, homeless numbers have gone
stratospheric, suicides are rocketing and mental health problems are
soaring beyond belief. That is the stage they are at at this moment
in time, yet the Troika, (European Union, European Central bank and
the IMF) are determined to push further cuts to social spending,
increase unemployment, decimate pensions and plunder Greece's public
assets. It is rapid asset stripping of a nation for the benefit of
the financial Mafia. We would be naive to think that it can't happen
to us, it can and in all probability it will. This can't be allowed
to continue, what has already been inflicted on the ordinary Greek
people is plain and simple, a brutal robbery by a very rich small
army of parasites to gratify their unending greed. It is of course
class war, the very rich sending in their mercenaries to plunder the
assets of the ordinary people. We have to spread the word, let
everybody know exactly what is happening to the ordinary people of
Greece, every day sees more misery inflicted on the old, the young
and the sick, there is no relief in sight for them, unless we change
the system.
February 13, 2012 -- Coalition of Resistance -- The people of Greece face an unprecedented economic and political crisis. They are being driven to poverty and mass unemployment by the demands of the so-called Troika – the European Union, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund, which has imposed Lucas Papademos, former vice-president of the ECB, as prime minister.
Hospitals in Greece are running out of basic medicines, nearly half of all young people are unemployed, workers in some sectors have not been paid for months, and many are forced to resort to soup kitchens or scavenge from rubbish dumps.
Now the Troika demands a cut of 23% to the minimum wage, the sacking of tens of thousands of public sector workers and the decimation of pensions which have already lost nearly 50% of their value. International capital is asset stripping an entire country and ripping apart its social fabric.
Greece is at the cutting edge of the austerity measures that are being introduced across Europe. All the evidence shows that while these measures may protect the interests of the rich, they just make matters worse for the majority of the population. What happens in Greece today we will see in Portugal tomorrow and in Ireland the day after. In Britain, the Coalition government is pursuing similar measures which will see workers earnings cut, working longer for a smaller pension, and the dismantling of the NHS along with other public services.
Mikis Theodorakis, famous Greek composer of Zorba’s Dance, and Manolis Glezos, veteran resistance fighter against the Nazi occupation, have issued a statement calling for a European Front to defend the people of Greece and all those facing austerity.
The Coalition of Resistance and the People’s Charter have decided to support this call and agreed to work with trades unions, campaigns and parties across Europe to establish a European Solidarity Campaign to defend the people of Greece. The campaign aims to organise solidarity and raise practical support for the people of Greece; they cannot be made to pay for a crisis for which they are not responsible.
We are writing to you to ask you to endorse this campaign and to publicise it to others.
Below is a list of initial signatories. We will be calling an organising meeting for the campaign in the next week.
Below is a list of initial signatories. We will be calling an organising meeting for the campaign in the next week.
Greek translation of the statement.
German translation of the statement.
French translation of the statement.
Swedish translation of the statement.
Portuguese translation of the statement
- To sign the statement or see a full list of signatories, go to