On Saturday 23 October there will be a massive demonstration and rally in Edinburgh against the cuts. It is important that we the ordinary people show our anger at the millionaire's attack on our living conditions. This onslaught against the working class is not because the millionaires are sadistic prats that want to hurt the poor, nor is it because they are stupid and got their calculations wrong. Nor is it about balancing the books, good housekeeping or about reducing the "deficit", this is a set agenda, it is about the transfer of public assets to the corporate world. It should be seen for what it is, it is class war. Starve the councils of funds and they will not be able to provide the services the community needs. Libraries, swimming baths, leisure centres, nursery schools, museums, sports grounds, etc. will all be up for closure. Lo and behold, in will come the white knight in shining armour, the private sector, ready and eager to supply you with everything you want or need, ---at a profit to them of course, with you having no control over the where and when and how. Quite simply it will be a case of no money, no facilities, you will of course still be able to apply to a charity to help you out, assuming that there is one that can see to your particular needs. The corporate world will provide everything from cleansing, pay by the kilo for your rubbish to be collected, pay by the litre for your water, we already have private prisons, why not education, health, policing, sports and leisure facilities?
This is such an important issue that it will not be enough to march from A to B waving your banners, shouting your polite slogans at the selective deaf, and of course escorted by your friendly community police, still publicly financed but could soon be a private force. Remember the anti war demonstrations of 2003 when they completely ignored you and went in and blew Iraq back to the stone age with their "shock and awe"? We need to come up with different strategies, think back to the 1915 rent strikes, the first world war Clyde Workers Committee, the Poll Tax struggle the Upper Clyde Work-in. All mass grassroots movements that worked outside the usual party system, communities organising in federation with all other communities. We don't need to beg for more crumbs we have the power and the resources to create a just and fair society. The millionaire cabal and their masters the corporate world, are working as a united force to change the shape of society forever to their benefit. As a united force we, the ordinary people, can change the shape of society forever to our benefit and create a society that sees to the needs of all our people, sending the pampered millionaire parasites to the dustbin of history.
This attack by the millionaire parasites on our class is our opportunity to create the foundations for the "BETTER WAY".
There will be several of our Red and Black flags at the march, why not join us and show that we will be thinking outside the party political system and are determined to find that "BETTER WAY".
There is a Better Way - March and Rally
Edinburgh 23rd October 2010
11.00 am: Assemble East Market Street Edinburgh
11.30am: March off
12.30 pm: Rally Ross Bandstand
The STUC has called a massive demonstration against the public spending cuts in Edinburgh on Saturday 23 October under the slogan There Is A Better Way. Asylum seekers and refugees will be targeted by the Government. Racism and Islamophobia will be dusted down from their war work and used to drive a wedge between people. The cuts will be accompanied and supported by nasty and dangerous scapegoating.
Please join the demo.
To help with banners and placards (if you live near Edinburgh) phone 07791913316 or email
More about the demo
Buses to the Demo.
Many trade unions and trades councils are organising buses to the demo. It may be worth contacting them even if you aren't a member
EIS Glasgow
Glasgow EIS have three buses booked to go to the march, leaving from George Square at 9.30am and returning from Edinburgh at around 2.30 pm. contact
glasgowla@eis.org.uk or phone 0141 572 0550, leaving name, number of seats needed and the name of their associated school, college, service, playgroup, university, community group, etc.
Inverclyde LA (EIS)
Bus leaves from Gourock 8.30am, Greenock 8.40 am, Port Glasgow 8.45am and Paisley 9.10 am.
Contact Tom Tracey
South Lanarkshire EIS
Four Buses, all depart 9am leave Edinburgh 2.30 pm
Lanark - at the bus stance at the bus station
Hamilton - Beckford Street across from Courts
East Kilbride - Atholl House
Rutherglen - Stonelaw High, Community Wing Entrance
All welcome
To book seats phone Bill Ramsay Secretary South Lanarkshire EIS 01698 452769
City of Aberdeen Unison
Inverurie 7.00am, Aberdeen 7.30am, Stonehaven 8.00am
Buses are free to Unison members, family and friends. Places can be reserved by contacting Wendy Hudson
w.hudson@unison.so.uk or on 01224 620624
City of Dundee Unison
Leaving from “The Howff, Meadowside 9.30 am
City of Glasgow Unison
UNISON Office, 18 Albion Street, Glasgow, 9.30am
Members wishing to book should e-mail
South Lanarkshire Unison
Atholl House, East Kilbride at 9.30, Council Offices, Hamilton at 9.45.
To book a place contact South Lanarkshire UNISON on 01698 454690.
West Dunbartonshire UNISON and joint trade unions
The buses will leave at approximately 9.00 am from the following departure points:- Balloch Bus Stance, Alexandria CE Centre, Renton Health Centre, Dumbarton Central Station, Dumbarton East Station, Bowling Station, Old Kilpatrick, The Ettrick and Clydebank Town Hall. Members wishing to reserve a seat should contact Linda on 01389 737246
or email
unison@west-dunbarton.gov.uk indicating numbers and preferred pick up point
Inverness Unison
Bus leaves Inverness (Highland Council Headquarters rear car park, Glenurquart Road) at 7 am.
The bus leaves Edinburgh at 4 pm.
Please contact Liz Mackay, UNSON on
or telephone 01463 715891
Kilmarnock and Loudoun TUC
Kilmarnock: A bus is leaving John Finnie Post Office Kilmarnock on Saturday October 23 at 9.30am .
Contact Arthur West on 07803936228 to book seats or
Bus organised by Kilmarnock and Loudoun Trades Union Council. .
Aberdeen TUC
Aberdeen TUC Marsichal College, Broad Street, Aberdeen, 7.30am
North Lanarkshire TUC
Bus will leave from the COMMUNITY Union Building, Motherwell at 8.30am and should return about 17.00pm. Due to cost a donation will be taken on the bus.
Contact Hugh Gaffney
Unite the Union
Aberdeen, Marsichal College, Broad Street, Aberdeen, 7.30am Tommy.Campbell@unitetheunion.org
Dundee, Unite, Dundee Office, 110 Blackness Road, 9.30 am Colin.Coupar@unitetheunion.org
Glasgow, Blytheswood Square, 9.00am Jackson.Cullinane@unitetheunion.org *
Scottish Borders: 8.00 am - Hawick Market Street.; 8.30 am - Galashiels - Bus station; 9.00 am Peebles - Post Office, Main Street.
Unite members should book seats by contacting the named official for each bus
Glasgow GMB
There will be a bus available on Saturday, 23rd October for Organisers/Members who wish to travel to the Demo from Glasgow. There are 70 seats available.
The Bus will depart from Fountain House at 9.30 am on Saturday, 23rd October and will return to Fountain House immediately following the demonstration.
If any Organiser/Member wishes to book a seat on the bus please e-mail these names to Ellen Page at
Glasgow General Apex Branch
Departs STUC, 333 Woodlands Road, Glasgow G3 6NG at 9.00 am, Returning 4.00 pm
Members wishing to book seats should email kbuchanan@stuc.org.uk
Check for transport updates at
ann arky's home.