Showing posts with label permanent austerity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label permanent austerity. Show all posts

Saturday 1 November 2014

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.


        I have always stated that the "austerity" policy has nothing to do with "balancing the books", "debt reduction" or the "financial crisis", it's all about creating sweatshop conditions here in the West, so that our imperialist masters can compete with their rivals in the East. Austerity will be a permanent feature of our future society, it is all ideology, and we are mere units in their productivity plan, units that they can manipulate to reduce the cost. It is unbelievable that vast swaths of people still think that Oxbridge millionaires are the best people to look after the welfare of the poor. That people who grow their wealth and power by investing in large corporations, will in some way help the poor to better wages and conditions, it's an absurd line of thought, our interests are in opposition to their interests. 

      The system is controlled by corporate wealth, with one aim, to grow corporate wealth, and you and I, with our demand for a decent life, stand in the way. No matter what hardship you may think you have been hit by, because of this ideology, you ain't seen nothin' yet, think Greece. The average salary in Greece is now down to £17,000 per annum, that was their first experiment, and it worked, now to roll it out across Europe.

      An extract from an excellent article in The Guardian:
--------Now add in these: disability living allowance starts converting into personal independence payment with a target to remove 500,000 people in new Atos medical tests. The Guardian has revealed how jobcentre staff are under orders to find any sanction to knock people off benefits. New obstacles are strewn in their path: people must apply for their benefits online from computers they don't possess; many of these claimants are semi-literate. When in dire straits, there will be no more crisis loans, only a card for buying food, with not a penny for bus fares. Trussell Trust food banks expect a great surge of the hungry, so they ask everyone to donate the price of an Easter egg.
     Here is the final wicked twist: legal aid has been removed for advice on benefits, housing, divorce, debt, education and employment. On Monday the budget of Citizens Advice for such cases falls from £22m to £3m. The few emergency cases still covered – families facing instant eviction – can only use a phone service, not face-to-face legal help. Law centres will close. There will be no help on school exclusions, landlord or employer harassment, or failure to pay wages.--------
Read the full article HERE: 

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