Showing posts with label Oxbridge millionaires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oxbridge millionaires. Show all posts

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Perfoming Members Of The Prancing Prick's Clubs.

       The circus game of Crooks and Liars, known as the general election, is being thrust upon us with all the usual hysteria, by that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, all the usual slight of hand and smoke and mirrors will be in use. It will of course, be the same old boring waffle, the usual attempt by the Crooks and Liars to prove they are the best Crooks and Liars in the game. To take part in the Crooks and Liars contest, you are expected to be a member of one of the prancing pricks clubs, sometimes called political parties. 
        In the ensuing weeks we will be smothered in the same old crap, spouted from the same old privileged Oxbridge educated millionaire parasite class. They will, with the obligatory smiling face, be telling us how much they care about us peasants, how we are all in this together, promising you and I, the same old pie-in-the-sky, if we will only let them screw us for another five years. They will be asking you to legitimise their entrenched power and pilfered wealth, seeking your approval as they bolster the wealth and power of their buddies in the financial/corporate Mafia. Sadly, the greatest fraud show on earth, the general election, will be seen my those who indulge the Crooks and Liars with their X on a piece of paper, as having achieved something. It will of course, no matter how few actually vote, be taken as giving the charade of the Crooks and Liars game, the stamp of legitimacy. They will then be entrenched for another 5 year spell of helping themselves, and their corrupt corporate cronies, in their continuing plundering of the public purse. 
      By then, as George Carlin said, "they have you by the balls". Of course, we could turn up at their performances and have a good laugh and expose it for the smoke and mirrors illusion that we know it to be. We could also spend the run up to the Crooks and Liars competition in a concerted effort to reveal the hypocrisy, corruption and self serving reality of the Crooks and Liars competition they call the general election.
      Though there is a call for change, there doesn't seem to be too great a ground swell to scrap the ballot box and take control of our lives. So perhaps Ian Bone's Class War election campaign has something going for it. An opportunity to use that platform as a propaganda exercise, a chance to talk class war politics to a wider public, to put class war on the agenda, to once again get more people talking about class, and the realisation that we are being conned, and this is a class war situation.
     We are standing Class War candidates in the general election on May 7th 2015. We are doing this to launch a furious and co-ordinated political offensive against the ruling class with the opportunity an election gives us to talk politics to our class. We in no way see the election as an alternative to direct action. By the brick and the ballot.
We are not talking community politics here. It’s too late for a patient slowbuild like the IWCA. The ruling class have us by the throat -they need a short sharp kick in the bollocks. Our election campaign will use any means necessary. we won’t be ushered away by PR minders – we will make ourselves central to the campaign in a funny, rumbustious combative and imaginative way. We will be on the streets and in their faces.
Comrades whatever our yesterdays you are welcome now. join in. reject cynicism. have fun.
 Visit ann arky's home at

Saturday 6 December 2014

"Austerity" A Tool In The Class War.

      I have always said that "austerity" is not a necessity, but an ideology, it is the strategy of the rich and powerful in their class war. We, the plebs, are being made to pay for the upkeep of the wealthy, the corporate, and the financial Mafia. They staked their lot in a mad gambling frenzy, and it blew up in their faces. In comes "austerity", of course it only applies to you and I, the plebs. The fat cats are all doing rather well at the moment, more millionaires, increase sales in top-of-the-range cars etc. While you and I see our standard of living edging ever nearer the Dickensian era.
     The phoney chorus coming from our Oxbridge millionaire cabal, sitting in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, that we have fixed it and are on the mend, is just hogwash, propaganda. We have had inflicted on us almost 5 years of slashing social services, and now that we are on the mend, there are more and more, vicious cuts coming our way. In this class war, "austerity" is to be the new way of life for us lower orders.
     After the next election, no matter which bunch of privately educated rich parasites get in, their agenda will be this cry of balancing the books, so more cuts to the living standards of the ordinary people. The pattern has been set, sweatshop future awaits you.

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Monday 3 November 2014

Having The Shit Kick Out Of Us.

      George Osborne at the recent Tory party conference announced that if the Tories get in at the next election he would introduce £25 billions worth of new cuts, which would include one of the biggest squeezes of welfare in recent times, at the same time promising his rich friends tax cuts to help pour more cash into their already overflowing coffers. He also announced a two year freeze on working-age benefits. This is another way of saying two year of cuts to working-age benefits, as no doubt inflation will not stay frozen at the same time.
 How the West introduces democracy abroad.
      This arrogant pompous millionaire parasite, also said the the British people could no longer afford to live in a country which spent £100 billion on welfare payments to people of working age. Perhaps he could start by getting his rich billionaire corporate friends to start paying wages that would stop those working, from having to claim benefits just to survive. Of course we are a country that can afford to spend more than £250 million on bombing Libya back to the stone age, and re-entering the Iraq war at an unknown cost, as it forecast to last for years, but missiles being fired are in the region of £250,000 and £750,000 each, and tornadoes flying at a cost of more than £40,000 an hour. However, all we ever get from this bunch of pampered Oxbridge millionaire parasites, is about how the poor and the vulnerable are a heap of scroungers and are costing us too much. 
The West's version of a ballot box in the Middle East.
     We are being severely  beaten in a brutal class war, and the sooner we realise this, the sooner we can begin to address this as united group, aware of our class connections, and take on the pampered parasite class, that at the moment, is kicking the shit out of us.
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Saturday 1 November 2014

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.


        I have always stated that the "austerity" policy has nothing to do with "balancing the books", "debt reduction" or the "financial crisis", it's all about creating sweatshop conditions here in the West, so that our imperialist masters can compete with their rivals in the East. Austerity will be a permanent feature of our future society, it is all ideology, and we are mere units in their productivity plan, units that they can manipulate to reduce the cost. It is unbelievable that vast swaths of people still think that Oxbridge millionaires are the best people to look after the welfare of the poor. That people who grow their wealth and power by investing in large corporations, will in some way help the poor to better wages and conditions, it's an absurd line of thought, our interests are in opposition to their interests. 

      The system is controlled by corporate wealth, with one aim, to grow corporate wealth, and you and I, with our demand for a decent life, stand in the way. No matter what hardship you may think you have been hit by, because of this ideology, you ain't seen nothin' yet, think Greece. The average salary in Greece is now down to £17,000 per annum, that was their first experiment, and it worked, now to roll it out across Europe.

      An extract from an excellent article in The Guardian:
--------Now add in these: disability living allowance starts converting into personal independence payment with a target to remove 500,000 people in new Atos medical tests. The Guardian has revealed how jobcentre staff are under orders to find any sanction to knock people off benefits. New obstacles are strewn in their path: people must apply for their benefits online from computers they don't possess; many of these claimants are semi-literate. When in dire straits, there will be no more crisis loans, only a card for buying food, with not a penny for bus fares. Trussell Trust food banks expect a great surge of the hungry, so they ask everyone to donate the price of an Easter egg.
     Here is the final wicked twist: legal aid has been removed for advice on benefits, housing, divorce, debt, education and employment. On Monday the budget of Citizens Advice for such cases falls from £22m to £3m. The few emergency cases still covered – families facing instant eviction – can only use a phone service, not face-to-face legal help. Law centres will close. There will be no help on school exclusions, landlord or employer harassment, or failure to pay wages.--------
Read the full article HERE: 

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Tuesday 29 November 2011


          Some little bits of information to remember when on the November 30th. day of action, march and rally. The chancellor has give his autumn budget report this afternoon and it doesn't make nice reading if you are an ordinary member of the public. When this Oxbridge millionaire laid out his first plan to save the bankers from losing the money they had gambled, it was to be a short sharp kick up the backside of the general public. Two years of austerity cuts and then fantastic growth would propel us all into eternal prosperity. Now it seems that the austerity bit for you and I is to last much longer. Public sector workers, who have suffered a two year pay freeze are to be limited to a 1% pay increase for a further two years. That is a helluva drop in wages over a five year period, remember inflation is running at 5%. On top of that, the original estimate of the number of public sector pay-offs of 400,000 has been revised up to 710,000. That's a helluva lot of people being thrown on the dole. So we are supposed to be grateful to this bunch of millionaire public school thugs for wage cuts/freezes, youth unemployment of over 1 million, total unemployment to rise to 3 million+, social services decimated, National Health privatised, education shredded and fuel poverty. All this to save the bankers going bust after their biggest greed feast in financial history. None of the measures being put in place by this millionaire cabal, will in any way impact on their luxurious parasitical ways. They and their millionaire corporate friends are doing very well, thank you, and will do everything they can to protect their wealth and power, sadly that means screwing you the general public. Though that is not a problem to them.

These are hard times, you'll all have to tighten your belts.

        Dwell on these matters as you march and wave your banners tomorrow. We don't want the millionaire Mafia to be kinder to us and spare us the unemployment and gentler with the cuts. We want the parasites to be removed, the system to be destroyed and a fairer and more just system based on the needs of the people to be created in its place. What's more, we don't want their help to create that system, there are poison to any system of justice and fairness. We have the ability and the imagination to do it the only way it can be done, by ourselves, the ordinary people.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 31 July 2011



       One of our over lords, Oliver Letwin, Policy Minister for the millionaire cabal, has stated the old upper class mantra that, public sector workers should be afraid of losing their jobs because it will make them more productive. His comments were made at a meeting with a leading consultancy firm. This is the same Oliver Letwin who reportedly agreed to repay a bill for £2,145 for replacing a leaking pipe under the tennis court at his constituency home in Somerset after having claimed it on his parliamentary expenses. The same guy who once said  that he would rather beg on the street than let his children go to an inner city comprehensive school.
         It never fails to amaze me how the arrogant bunch of Oxbridge millionaires and their lackies see people as units to be worked harder, to live in fear of losing their job and a constant fear of deprivation. While they themselves feel they are entitled to any and every privilege that they can lay their grubby sweaty little hands on.

   We need to put the fear of death into those bloody workers.
     Do we need them? They cost US a fortune to keep THEM at a priveleged standard THEY believe THEY are entitled. They produce nothing except hot air and spend their time passing legislation that will slash the living standards of all the ordinary people in this country, but will not affect them one little bit. They call it democracy!!!