Showing posts with label responsibility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label responsibility. Show all posts

Monday 31 August 2020

Left Unity.

      Left politics and right politics, where does the right stop and the left begin, how far left is still right, is left unity just another branch of the right, seems an odd way of classifying your political thoughts. Do you stand for no authority over others or just a little, do you think people need to be lead, or do you think that they can handle things by themselves. Do you think the people need some sort of leader to point the way and make sure they don't get it wrong, or do you think that people should be left to shape their own future, based on respect, equality, free association and responsibility, mistakes and all. I stand firmly in with latter.
The following is from Raddle:
Submitted by ziq in Anarchism (edited ) 
          The disturbing trend of anarcho-tankies we've been seeing can be traced back with a straight line to the proliferation of "left-unity" spaces
The biggest one is r/chapotraphouse and its spinoffs, along with r/dankleft, r/breadtube, r/genzanarchist, and probably leftbook and several youtube channels.
         Red fascists infiltrate the mod teams of these spaces and initiate left unity policies that successfully ban all criticism of their backwards conservative views. The more vocal opponents of the new policy are quickly purged for breaking left-unity, leaving a more passive audience who are ripe for indoctrination.
       Then the propaganda starts. Endless authoritarian memes to normalize gulags, guillotines, firing squads, violent struggle sessions and genocide. Tomes of nonsensical ideological "theory" that serves to brainwash young people who are starved for identity and belonging. Almost immediately, any ideas that conflict with the writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Xi create desperate cognitive dissonance in their minds and the kids angrily lash out at the unindoctrinated for being "libs" and "imperialists" rather than risk parting with their new-found identity.
        Once the majority in the space are comfortable joking about murdering "kulaks", and quoting Chinese state media to counter "western propaganda", the shaming campaign begins.
        Anyone in the space who breaks with the tankie party line is lambasted and ridiculed into submission. The remaining anarchists in the space now find themselves hopelessly outnumbered by smug middle class white genocide fetishists telling them they're imperialist CIA stooges for thinking the Uighurs maybe shouldn't be put in concentration camps.
        In order to not be shunned by their peers, the anarchists adopt an obscene anarcho-tankie ideology that allows them to favor libertarian writers like Chomsky and Kropotkin, while embracing the authoritarian third positionist dogma enforced from the top down by their chosen community.
       Uncritical support for every nation (and empire) that opposes the "West", the insistance that anarchism and communism are one and the same because "they have the same end goal", the claim that anarchist communes and an ML state can co-exist in harmony, the attempt to whitewash authoritarian concepts like the dictatorship of the proletariat and the vanguard, the nonsensical belief that they can be an anarchist and also a Marxist. Suddenly they're able to take completely contradicting ideas and fuse them together in order to be accepted by the red fash echo chamber they so desperately want the approval of.
       The conflicting ideas grow increasingly out of whack the further down the rabbit hole the left unity space takes them, and the ridicule they get for their remaining libertarian attachments begins to eat at their ego, until finally they post "How I went from an anarkiddie to a principled Marxist-Leninist" and the transition is complete.
       Tldr: Left-unity is a deliberate ploy by disturbing groomers to indoctrinate impressionable young minds into their authoritarian third positionist fascist ideology and force them to abandon any libertarian beliefs they once had in order to be accepted within the collective's rigid hierarchy and not be branded a liberal or an anarkiddie for forming their own thoughts or questioning their leaders narratives in any way.
      "Left unity" is nothing more than tankie doublespeak for "obey us or be purged".
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Wednesday 20 November 2019

The Crime Of Obedience.

       Obedience is a failing in humans, following orders is the abdication of your own will to that of another. So which is worse, the tyrant who issues the order or the subservient that follows those orders? My own personal opinion is that the order follower is by far the greatest threat to the freedom of the individual. Without them all tyrants, dictators, demagogues etc. would fail miserably. Without the ability and desire to asses your actions and come to you own decision, your nothing but a pawn in another’s game plan. Just following orders or blindly doing your duty are probably the most under estimated crimes in society. Nobody knows better than you what your desires are, and nobody has the right to make that assumption.
      If we desire that better world for all, then we have to be rid of the order followers, the obedient and subservient, each individual has to take responsibility for their actions, you can’t hide under that shield of “only following orders”. To do so is the abdication of your right as a rational human being. Be a freethinker, question everything, take responsibility for your actions, so consider their outcome very carefully.

Visit ann arky's home at

Sunday 1 January 2012


        I suppose at the start of the year and claiming to be an "anarchist" and advocater of "anarchy" I should make it a wee bit clearer what I personally mean when I use these two words. I know there are a multitude of meanings out there and I don't state these as the difinitive word on either, just what I personally mean when I use them.

Anarchy - 

      Without (an-) ruler (archos). To my way of thinking this doesn't mean, a free-for-all. My interpretation is, I am responsible for ALL my actions and accept ALL the consequences of those actions. It is a freedom that comes with one basic human responsibility, you govern yourself, instead of abdicating to some external authoritarian coercive group or individual, be it dictator, president, monarch, religion or government, In essence, no Gods, no Masters.

Anarchism -

       A political theory advocating the elimination of governments, also the elimination of authority over any individual, be it religious, gender or race. Society based on mutual aid, free association and voluntary co-operation.

        I think, together, these two definitions are not a bad way to live. Certainly an excellent place to start.

       It would be nice to know what is your personal interpretation of these two words.