Showing posts with label sedentary life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sedentary life. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 January 2021

The Matrix.

      Hi-tec has defined the way we live our lives and has shaped us to suit that platform. Just as the industrial age shaped us and our culture, so has the screen and the micro-chip shaped the present generation. At least the industrial age was mobile and social to a degree, today's world of micro-chips and screen is becoming more sedentary, less actual social contact. Thousands of friends but never met any more than a handful, all very surreal. A handful of high-tec designers are shaping the world for us, and it is not a pretty world, a world of a fast and furious avalanche of bite sized information. Before you can digest it you are buried under another cascading waterfall of bite sized info. Who are we, where are we, where are we going, who decides?
        Some words of wisdom from Not Buying Anything: 
        Want to get an up to date, accurate assessment of humanity's current state of affairs so you can help change the world? Don't go to social media for answers, that's blue pill stuff.
        The place we need to go is BOOKS, because so many are red pill material. Power brokers know we don't read books much any more, and therefore have not been aggressively censoring them.
      Our attention span has been reduced to the size of a pea, consuming information in smaller and smaller bites, bits, and microbits. It is imposible to get a big picture look at things. They think that if we are confronted by anything longer than a meme or tweet, we will lose concentration and wander off.
       But we can still read books, can't we?
      I am going to give it a go because you never know when they will stage real and/or digital conflagrations to eliminate inconvenient ideas. I am leaving a link to a book that I have been looking at recently, because I am all about taking that red pill and escaping the matrix.
      2021. The Year Humanity Escaped The Matrix, after 6000 long years. 
      Here's the link to a free online copy of Escaping The Matrix: How We The People Can Change The World by Richard Moore.

        "We need a culture based on mutual understanding and cooperation rather than on war and conquest, a culture based on common sense rather than dysfunctional doctrine, on respect for life rather than the pursuit of profit, and on democracy in place of elite rule.
       After six thousand years of domestication, we sheep must finally cast aside our illusions, recognize our condition, and reclaim our identity as free human beings.
        In reclaiming our identities we will also be redefining our cultures."

- Richard Moore
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