Showing posts with label subservience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subservience. Show all posts

Sunday 28 November 2021



        I find it odd that on the main, the anarchist groupings have fallen in line with the state's dictate of isolation, separation, wait for further orders from the state before you decide how to live your life. Yes I am aware that we are still in a pandemic and have been for approximately two years, but was there really no alternative? No possibility of communities organising to protect themselves and in co-operation with other communities in a manner deemed best for them? Did it have to a state decision which in lots of instances was based on political ideology rather than medical expertise. The state will always have priorities that don't put the well-being of the people first, but somehow it convinced us to obey and to show solidarity with the state and its agenda. The state will always seek ways to control the population, our acceptance of its dictates in this case of the pandemic and our submissiveness gave the state an open door and straight road for population control, and they have seized it with both hands and vigour. Despite what we might be fed, this was and is a medical emergency, so why did we allow the politicians to be the main controllers of the decisions?

The following is an extract from an article in Act For Freedom Now:

         While “we” stay #home, the state offers the only alternative out of the lock-down, managing the situation and organizing the “solidarity”, with “our” tacit consent. Since when has delegating – especially to the state – been part of the anarchist toolbox? The gap left by the “radical left” in not criticizing and opposing the state measures is now mostly filled by fascist and other reactionary bullshit propaganda.
         In this context, the question arises for us whether people in the circles of the “radical left” are aware of the real consequences of the often used slogans? “Against capitalism” “Against the authorities” “for a self-organized and self-determined life” (for some also “destruction of state, borders, prisons”). Are these things that people want to fight for and stand by, whatever happens? Or are they empty words that look cool on stickers or t-shirts and are just a required part of a subculture?
         Because dear people, the struggle for another world, a revolution or revolutionary moments, in real life, will probably be so beautiful and full of emotions, but also full of suffering, difficult moments, losses, and will force us out of our comfort zones. Making the proposal to #Stayathome or to isolate ourselves and rely on the measures prescribed by the state, in our opinion, is not a good start if we want to learn how to struggle, live a self-determined and self-organized life and how to support each other in “times of crisis”.
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Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Mainstream Medis, The State's Tranquilliser.

      That babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, is meant to be a form of tranquilliser, to lull the populace in to a stupor, a befuddled subservience. Across the world the streets are alive with protests, riots and police brutality, but what do we get? A large helping of what Kate wore in America, how the Americans love her, and the children are beguiled by her charm. We are informed of how passionate Wills is about poachers living fat of the sale of ivory. I wonder just how much ivory lurks in the vaults of his family residence, and does he ever think about his entire family living fat of the sweat of others. No doubt we will never know.
      From Greece to Finland, from America to Mexico, people are raging on the streets, but it is not considered news. Thousands poured onto the streets of Barcelona at the weekend, but you would need to search to find any info on that event. We did get a lot of coverage about the Hong Kong riots, but then again, they were rioting against China, an enemy of the Western imperialist, hence the cover. Police brutality is rife, in Greece, after a series of arrests at a demonstration, MP's went to the police station and were astounded at the blood all over the place as those arrested were beaten by the police once inside the police station. We hear of daily shootings and beatings by American police, and the case of the 43 abducted and murdered students in Mexico, beggars belief.

      One would imagine that journalist would be highlighting this mass unrest, and asking questions such as why are our cities exploding, why is there so much discontent across the globe. But then they may come up with the answer, that it is the system we live under that is the real problem, that wouldn't suit their masters the media barons. They are the ones that are tasked with keeping us all in a state of ignorance and subservience.
      They peddle illusions, they manufacture a false world, and make you believe you live there. In this world of smoke and mirrors, truth is a crime, an act of rebellion. We are meant to believe that we live in a world of glamour and high fashion, where the highest aim is to be a “celebrity” where happiness comes in pretty boxes with designer labels. We are angry because we know the real world and it is harsh, brutal and unjust, we know it need not be like that, and we want to change it to that better world that lives in our hearts.
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