Showing posts with label Finland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finland. Show all posts

Saturday, 9 December 2017

100 Years Are Enough.

       December 6th. was the ninth anniversary of the cold blooded police murder of young 15 year old Alexis Grigoropoulos, outside a café in Exarchia, Athens, we must never forget. However, the 6th of December also marks another anniversary. This year 6th of December 2017, marks the centenary of the birth of the Finnish state. Like all states, it has not been a love affair between the established elite that grabbed power in that birth, and the people.  It has always been a struggle and sometimes a brutal and savage struggle between the people and those of the establishment who wish to hold on to their privileges and power.
      However, large sections of the country feel that 100 years are enough, and it is time for that deformed birth to be put to rest, and disappear into the dustbin of history.  

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Nuclear Power And State Repression.

        Across the globe people are demanding an end to nuclear power. When there is talk of a new nuclear power station being built, they can never give and exact price and, like all these large contracts, it always runs over budget. The next problem is they can't give a accurate price on decommissioning, except to say it will be astronomical, then they don't really know what to do with the waste from the site, of course the land on which the power station was built, usually can't be used for years and years. So it is no wonder the people don't want to leave that sort of legacy to their children and grandchildren. However, the people's desire to be rid of the nuclear nightmare has no bearing on the various states, they will come down heavy on any group who stand up against this crazy and dangerous source of power. After all a nuclear power station is a massive contract for the corporate world, and we don't expect "our" governments to get in the way of that feeding trough. We certainly don't expect them to follow the will of the people.
This from Act For Freedom Now: 
– We need help immediately!
       Today 28.4. around 3 pm, riot cops and a police patrol with dogs started to approach the camp. We communicated clearly to the police with a megaphone that they are not welcome, and we don’t want to engage in conflict with them. The police didn’t say anything or answer any questions.
      The police started to shoot people with a projectile / rubber bullet gun and the people at the camp defended themselves by throwing rocks. The police were clearly aiming for the activists heads, backs of heads and upper bodies with the gun. People got hit several times on the area of their upper bodies. As far as we know, not to their heads though… The police got hit several times with the rocks, and there was one police car burning up in flames at the area.
      After a long struggle with delay tactics, the police managed to move ahead to the camp when the people who were defending the camp disappeared to the forest. In the camp the police shot projectiles towards the kitchen-collective people. The police evacuated all the people from the camp, and took some people into custody.
       The police have also threatened to evict another camp location which is still in our use.
        We don’t accept giving into repression and police violence, and the struggle against Fennovoima will continue. Now we’ll need everyone to help build up the camp again, and to continue the fight and actions against Fennovoima. We invite comrades to this fight wherever you are – let’s aim our actions towards the companies which are working with/for Fennovoima, the embassies of Finland, or the local police.

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Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Recent General Strike In Finland.

The latest from Anarchist Radio Berlin:

       As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview with two members of the new Anarchist Federation in Finland, Alusta. The interview was made during the Anarchist Bookfair in Tallinn, Estonia. The comrades tell us about the idea and the goals of the federation, the recent general strike in Finland and the political and social panorama of the country, including the rise of the far right in midst of governmental austerity measures.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Europe's Race To The Right.

      Europe's governments are moving rapidly to the right, and it becomes more obvious and more brutal by the day. Here in the UK the Cameron Bullingdon Club boys are introducing legislation that will make it practically impossible to take strike action, and when you do, the employer will be able to ignore that strike by legally hiring agency workers, (scabs, blacklegs). Spain's gagging laws, among other things, makes demonstrations almost impossible. Finland's new right-wing coalition government is cutting wages and slashing at working conditions. This is the direction of Europe today under the dictate of the financial Mafia and their corporate buddies.
This from IUF:
Stop the government of Finland's massive attack on trade union rights!
      Finland's new right-wing coalition government has announced plans to unilaterally cut pay and benefits negotiated through collective bargaining through legislation which violates basic trade union rights, Conventions of the ILO and international and European human rights instruments. They are asking for solidarity and support.
      On September 9, after unions refused to agree to the proposals, the government announced a series of measures to be legislated and imposed as collective agreements begin to expire next year. These include substantial reductions in compensation for overtime, weekend and night work and sick pay, the elimination of two paid national holidays and a substantial reduction in annual leave. Unions estimate that the impact would be a 4-6% reduction in pay, with the impact falling hardest on the most vulnerable, including part-time and women workers.
     The national trade union centers SAK, STTK and Akava have called for a mass demonstration on September 18 as the first stage in a fight to defeat these laws. The IUF's Finnish affiliates, on behalf of the country's labour movement, have called for messages to be sent to the country's Prime Minister and Minister of labour in the run-up to the demonstration.

You can support them - CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE!
        Add to this Hungary's border fence to protect the purity of their Christian values. Christian values that obviously have no respect for the suffering of other human beings.
        This trend will continue and accelerate as capitalism tries in desperation to salvage itself from another one of its perpetual crisis. Plunder the working class, divide and rule, backed up by ever more brutal state repression. That is tomorrow's world, unless we, the people of Europe, take the only step that will bring an end to capitalist crisis and the misery and mayhem that it spews, bring down the capitalist system. We must consign it to the dustbin of history, with the label, "man's darkest hour".
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The Mainstream Medis, The State's Tranquilliser.

      That babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, is meant to be a form of tranquilliser, to lull the populace in to a stupor, a befuddled subservience. Across the world the streets are alive with protests, riots and police brutality, but what do we get? A large helping of what Kate wore in America, how the Americans love her, and the children are beguiled by her charm. We are informed of how passionate Wills is about poachers living fat of the sale of ivory. I wonder just how much ivory lurks in the vaults of his family residence, and does he ever think about his entire family living fat of the sweat of others. No doubt we will never know.
      From Greece to Finland, from America to Mexico, people are raging on the streets, but it is not considered news. Thousands poured onto the streets of Barcelona at the weekend, but you would need to search to find any info on that event. We did get a lot of coverage about the Hong Kong riots, but then again, they were rioting against China, an enemy of the Western imperialist, hence the cover. Police brutality is rife, in Greece, after a series of arrests at a demonstration, MP's went to the police station and were astounded at the blood all over the place as those arrested were beaten by the police once inside the police station. We hear of daily shootings and beatings by American police, and the case of the 43 abducted and murdered students in Mexico, beggars belief.

      One would imagine that journalist would be highlighting this mass unrest, and asking questions such as why are our cities exploding, why is there so much discontent across the globe. But then they may come up with the answer, that it is the system we live under that is the real problem, that wouldn't suit their masters the media barons. They are the ones that are tasked with keeping us all in a state of ignorance and subservience.
      They peddle illusions, they manufacture a false world, and make you believe you live there. In this world of smoke and mirrors, truth is a crime, an act of rebellion. We are meant to believe that we live in a world of glamour and high fashion, where the highest aim is to be a “celebrity” where happiness comes in pretty boxes with designer labels. We are angry because we know the real world and it is harsh, brutal and unjust, we know it need not be like that, and we want to change it to that better world that lives in our hearts.
Visit ann arky's home at

Saturday, 22 December 2012


        Looking at the figures of the prison population in Scotland, and comparing them with the prison population in other European countries you begin to ask yourself some questions. Take Northern Europe and look at the figures for other countries with a similar population. Denmark, population approximately 5.5m, prison population, just over 4,000. Finland, population approximately 5.3m, prison population, 3,100. Norway, population just under 5m, prison population, 3,600. Ireland, population approximately 4.5m, prison population just over 4,400. Not a lot of difference there, but let's look at Scotland, population approximately 5.2m, prison population 8,178, for the year 2011/12. This was an increase of 4% over the last decade. You are looking at approximately double the prison population in Scotland compared to other European countries of similar population size. What makes the situation worse is that this 8,178 prison population is housed in a prison system with a design capacity of 7,840.
      Could it be that we Scots are just a bad lot, just a wee land of terrible people? Or could it be that we have more problems in our society, poverty etc.  get locked up for problems related to mental health and addiction, or is it simply that we have a more authoritarian government in this country. Probably a combination of all of the last three.
        Prisons are never about justice, they are about control, they are about protecting the establishment, the status-quo, about protecting the wealth and power of those who rule over us. The more they feel threatened, the more the prison population will grow.

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