Sunday 3 January 2021

40 Years!!

         I believe it is true to say that the American establishment is the most brutal, savage institution on the planet. It has invaded more countries than any other country on the planet, and it runs its own country with the same ruthless brutality. In doing so it has incarcerated a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and it runs that prison system with the same brutal inhumanity and savagery, and runs the prisons as one massive slave labour camp for the profit of its corporate moguls. 

The American criminal justice system holds almost 2.3 million people in 1,833 state prisons, 110 federal prisons, 1,772 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,134 local jails, 218 immigration detention facilities, and 80 Indian Country jails as well as in military prisons, civil commitment centers, state psychiatric hospitals, and prisons in the U.S. territories.

        Yet it sits at the head of the table of those nations that go by the name of the most developed and peaceful nations. The greatest illusion ever perpetrated on the human race.

The following is from Salon: 

40 Years A Prisoner.

       Eight-year-old me couldn't imagine not seeing my dad's smiling face on Christmas morning, or drawing my mom a cartoon-filled card covered in thank yous for Mother's Day, or the thousands of other memories small kids get to share with their parents. These types of memories make up the foundation of our traditions and are the things that we pass down to our kids. Mike Africa Jr., who was born in prison, was robbed of the chance of creating those in-person memories with his parents. The Philadelphia police department forced him to figure out life on his own.
        Africa Jr.'s journey is brilliantly related in the new HBO documentary film, "40 Years a Prisoner," directed by Tommy Oliver and available now on HBO Max. Featuring an all-star ensemble of producers including The Roots, Common and John Legend, "40 Years A Prisoner" is a compelling film about the horrors of America's criminal justice system. The story begins in 1978 when Philadelphia police raided MOVE, a back to nature organization based on love, among other peaceful principles. Africa's parents, two MOVE members, were arrested during that raid on trumped up charges and convicted before he was born. In the film, Oliver documents Africa Jr.'s life pursuit of freeing his parents, along with other MOVE members, and a decades-long battle with the Philadelphia police department. I recently got a chance to talk with Africa Jr. and Oliver about the film on an episode of "Salon Talks." 

"40 Years a Prisoner" is streaming on HBO Max.

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Saturday 2 January 2021

Game Plan.

          The pandemic has probably brought more people to board games to escape bored evenings, in lockdown, but how many of these board games come to suit anarchist ways of thinking? Well, C4SS, Centre for Stateless Society, have put forward the suggestion, Bloc by Bloc. See what you think. 
       For better or worse, board games tend to be a popular form of entertainment in radical spaces, and yet there are precious few games that explicitly deal with anarchist ideas. For those exhausted by games glorifying nationalistic conquest, monopoly capitalism, and settler colonialism, Bloc by Bloc: The Insurrection Game may offer a breath of refreshing (if tear-gas-scented) air. According to the introduction in the manual, Bloc by Bloc is “a semi-cooperative game simulating protest movements, riots and popular uprisings in urban areas of the world during the first decades of the 21st century.” The name refers to the black bloc, a tactic used to anonymize and thereby protect participants in these uprisings, and in the game refers to the literal wooden blocks that represent such participants.
      Released by Out of Order Games in 2018, the latest edition of Bloc by Bloc features randomized map generation, area control strategy, and hidden agendas, where each player is a faction of revolutionaries fighting against the police in an attempt to liberate their city. Each of the various factions (workers, neighbors, prisoners, and students) has a special ability giving them an advantage in their struggle against the state. For example, the students can more easily and freely move about the city, whereas the neighbors are better at building barricades to slow down the movement of the police.
        Bloc by Bloc is a game for 2 to 4 players and it typically takes 2 to 3 hours to play. Players new to strategy board games might find the learning curve a little steep, but the instruction manual is clearly worded and includes reference cards that remind players of their available actions. Experienced board gamers will probably find many of the mechanics familiar. Board game comparison site gives it a complexity rating of 2.7 out of 5; compare this to the 2.3 / 5 of the classic competitive mainstay Settlers of Catan or the 2.4 / 5 of the popular cooperative game Pandemic.
      While it can be played in fully cooperative mode, the game’s unique semi-cooperative mode is the recommended way to play, and in this Final Straw Radio interview, the game’s designer TL explains why. In contrast to fully cooperative games, where all players are on the same team and playing against the game’s “cardboard AI,” the players in Bloc by Bloc might all be on the same team — but they also might not. In fully co-op games, there is a tendency for everyone to follow the lead of the most experienced player, at its worst becoming a de-facto game of solitaire with less experienced players acting as mere extensions of the most experienced. This dynamic (while perhaps a rational strategy, the players want to win after all), isn’t necessarily encouraging of the critical thinking and anti-hierarchical mindset that anarchists seek to cultivate. But by introducing uncertainty about other players’ agendas, Bloc by Bloc instead forces each player to autonomously evaluate any particular move on its own strategic merit. 

    It was fun but the gameplay is horrible . It wouldn’t be too hard to tweak it to Make it playable. The fix would to have way less dice rolling , which there is more of in this game than risk, which is the reason risk doesn’t hold up. Also the game is way too long. I appreciate the effort though, it’s hard work creating a game
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The Justice Illusion.

        Prisons, the not too subtle procedure of the state to protect the wealth and privileges of the rich and powerful. Hellholes of brutality, injustice, overcrowding slave labour and inadequate medical facilities. We have them in every country from so called democracies to dictatorships, it makes no difference, the state, no matter what shape or style, will have its array of prisons, backed up by a loaded, in favour of the powerful, judicial system and a brutal police force.

         A civilised society can't exist as long as we have the prison system, the two are incompatible. Prison are a barbaric way of keeping the status-quo, they have nothing to do with protecting the public, communities are well able to look after themselves in the interests of the community. In the vast majority of "crimes" the root cause in inequality and injustice, the very things that the prisons are their to perpetuate by keeping society structured the way its and to suit the rich and powerful.

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Friday 1 January 2021


     The following article was penned by a well known Glasgow Keelie and appears here courtesy of that pocket rocket of critical thought and information, the Glasgow Keelie. It is a subject matter that perhaps the anarchist groups should make their view more widely known, I'm sure there are strong opinions on this matter, it would be good to hear them aired. A shortened version of this article appears in the latest January issue of the Glasgow Keelie. Have a look at what the Glasgow Keelie has to offer.

        A lethal mix: Profiting from Alienation

        Joe Fitzpatrick sacked as Public Health Minister by the SNP Government had a poisoned chalice. It is doubtful his successor can make much of a difference. A major onslaught on the criminal gangs manufacturing street valium could have an impact. But for how long? The same might be said for the Drug advocacy industry, what lasting impact on harm reduction can we point to? Help with mental health from groups like SAMH are an exception.
        Prolonged drug use is like a slow car crash. The average drug user is in his mid twenties, but may not seek help until their mid 30s. Chances are by mid 40s, dead or severely damaged, physically and mentally. Only a minority rebuild their lives. It is not as if drug use is less throughout Europe but different drugs produce less deaths, although they may be implicated in, for example the mental health psychosis. For example, France has the highest percentage of the population aged 15-64 to have used drugs, mostly recreationally. 45% Cannabis in all it's variants. The Scandanavian countries, & Estonia have a higher minority drawn to 'hard drugs' but Scotland is in a league of it's own.
     92% of Scotland's drug deaths involve users supplementing heroin or methadone with an illicit drug. The active ingredient of street valium, however adulterated, is Etizolam, which is 10 times stronger than Diazapam and most other Benxodiazepine tablets. Nicknamed by the tabloids as the “blue plague” the problem is Scotland wide, not just in parts of Glasgow or Dundee. But already other substances are in the pipeline, like Flualprazolam. Europe wide, 71% seizures are for Cannabis, with only 10% Cocaine and Heroin 5%, and less for street valium.
       That Scotland has a problem that is in a “league of it's own” is undeniable. It might surprise you to find out Sweden is the next worse. But at 81 per million, that is slight compared with 229 here. That meant 1,264 deaths in 2019, rising 7% from 2018's previous 'high'! 69% are Male but the numbers of women dying are rising. The age bands which are now most at risk because of there are those born between 1976-85, ahead of the 1966-75. You might expect Cities with areas of multiple deprivation in England & Wales to be just as bad but Manchester, with twice the England average has 91 deaths per million.
      That is not to say that the greatest number of deaths come from those in 'disadvantaged' neighbourhoods but that there is a (not so) 'Bonnie Scotland' effect sub-culture which is perpetuated by the gangsters, who historically have their friends amongst the Police & legal profession. As the film “Battle of Algiers” showed, and for example the experience of Militant, and later the SSP in North Pollok in the period 1995-2005 showed, the pedlars are an obstacle to political change. quote from 2018:
      “Scotland with a population of 5.5 million reports a similar number of overdose deaths as Germany does that has a population of 83 million. Most cases in Scotland are associated with opioids (9 in 10) and benzodiazepines (7 in 10) but almost all 85% involve more than one drug. Recent increases are primarily seen in the 35–44 and 45–54 age groups.”
The Urge to Self-Destruct is not a Creative Urge
        It is no accident that two-thirds of drug deaths were born in the period 1966 to 1985. De-industrialization and a decline in the typical job opportunities for school-leavers without qualifications drove many to seek escape & construct a new harsh self-destructive culture. 1979 witnessed the Tory Government that brought Thatcher & her cronies to power.
       The Blair Government acted to accelerate globalisation & market forces. 'Lame Duck' industries were obliterated, some like the Miners through confrontation, but more usually by jobs being exported to countries by Multinationals with lower wage costs & social security. It is also no coincidence that after urban riots in the early to mid 80s, when collective resistance was a possibility that supplies of street heroin increased at affordable prices.
        Throughout history, people have been drawn to experience substances & out of body experiences. The Late 60s glamourised recreational drugs like LSD & Marijuana as pathways to self-exploration & enhanced consciousness. From a communal experience it has become an individualised or sub group expression of alienation . Males are brought up to act “tough' not share feelings, and drugs & alcohol are escapes from hurt & confusion.
      It is a challenge that those with radical politics are not meeting. This is especially true in housing schemes where anonymity is more difficult with sectarian or drug dealer attacks more likely. There are exceptions, as with the motorway protests in Pollok in the 90s, the Independence referendum 5 years back, but it can quickly dissipate. A culture of education, resistance and local agitation is largely absent. Living Rent is a cause of hope, such as in The Wyndford in Maryhill.
      Where there is hope, education & a sense of an alternative, the urge to self-destruct, will have less appeal.
      In case you think Alcohol is missed check out

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It's Our Time.

         HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my associates, friends, comrades, brothers and sisters, known and unknown. May your life be a long healthy walk  in a meadow where love blossoms on every stem, friendship drips from every leaf on every tree, happiness and peace your constant companions.

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Thursday 31 December 2020

Not Your Friends.


        I feel strongly that we should all be trying to break free from the enticing web of Facebook-twitter, etc. you can take it that they are not on your side if you are trying to change the way society is run, they like it the way it is. However I'm not a techy guy so when I throw something along those lines out, I hope that you bright individuals out their can keep me right. There must be alternative ways to communicate without the consent and blessing of the big corporate beasts that we wish to decapitate. This article is about "Telegram", a messaging service that to my simple mind has lots of the answers we should be looking for in communicating with each other.

       Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably noticed that the internet isn't what it used to be these days. Social media platforms that used to provide for the free exchange of information and the means of organizing resistance, have anointed themselves arbiters of truth, on a mission to protect our fragile minds from any ideas and opinions that they happen to disagree with. Controversial posts are now 'fact checked', restricted or flat out removed. Those who dare speak outside the lines are subject to temporary or permanent banishment.
       Unfortunately this trend isn't likely to reverse any time soon. In fact it's going to get worse. Calling them out or petitioning for change isn't going to work. These people feel validated and justified. And they are supported by a highly vocal contingent of the population that believes that dangerous ideas should be silenced, and that heretics should not be allowed any platform whatsoever to speak their minds. As such it is imperative that we develop new strategies for exchanging ideas and organizing that do not depend on their technology.
       In this video I'm going to describe a media strategy to bypass Facebook, Twitter and Youtube that makes use of Telegram, however the same principles can be applied to other apps.
       Telegram is an encrypted messaging app which ties to a cellphone number much like Whatsapp. However it has much more features than Whatsapp, including channels and multi-level admin controls for groups. It also has a desktop version for Mac and Windows that make it much easier to work with.
        Working with Telegram as a tool for activism is very different than old school social media because you don't have direct access to open pools of users that can find you in a search. However the fact that Telegram distributes all messages directly to your channel subscribers or group members without censorship and without limiting distribution algorithmically, makes the potential reach of this platform much more significant.
        Telegram also has secret chats which provide a means of communication for activists that intelligence agencies cannot monitor. Given the level of access that social media companies grant to the NSA and other entities this extremely important. And if you think this is a conspiracy theory, you might want to look into the Edward Snowden revelations.
       Once you have Telegram installed, setting up channels and groups is easy. Click the pen icon in the top right corner and choose new group or new channel. When you create a new channel or group you will be given the chance to set it as public or private and choose a custom URL. It's also worth noting that you can create a custom username for your account so that people can contact you without knowing your phone number.
        Once you've created a channel you'll want to enable comments by connecting a discussion group. This is done by double clicking the channel name and scrolling down to the discussion link. Follow the instructions and a group will be created that allows your followers to comment on posts in the channel and have conversations among themselves.
        Both Telegram groups and channels provide the ability to pin multiple posts. This can be used for setting discussion rules or to list links to resources.
       In addition to text messages you can post photos, videos, or polls by clicking the paperclip icon to the left of the text field. All of these media types can be embedded into web pages to share with a wider public.
       Now you can get your groups and channels jumpstarted by sending invite links to your contacts, or sharing them online. These links can also be converted to QR codes which can then be printed onto posters, business cards or stickers. You can also create location based groups in the phone version of the app by clicking contacts, find people nearby, then create local group. This will make your group visible to anyone who has location services enabled in the area.
       So imagine you are trying to organize resistance to a government policy and Facebook and Twitter have made it clear that speaking out against this policy will not be tolerated on their platforms. Rather than trying sneak past them (which is not likely to work), you create Telegram channel. In that channel you pin your manifesto or information about your event to the top and send an invite link to your contacts. You also make a post to your normal social media profiles sending people to the channel. Next you make posters, business cards and stickers with your message plus a QR code. You also post pdfs for these print outs into the channel, and encourage your subscribers to distribute them.
       You then create a network of local and regional groups moderated by people you trust. This enables people to organize their own events in their respective towns.
       Rinse and repeat and your movement will grow. Social media companies won't be able to stop you. In fact they won't even have information about your activities. They will be completely out of the loop. And that's a good thing, because it also cuts government surveillance out of the loop.
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Tuesday 29 December 2020

Mutual Aid.

           This Covid19 pandemic has forced us all to rethink the way we do things, and one of the positive actions that have come from the drastic circumstances we find ourselves in, is the number of "Mutual Aid" groups that have sprung up all over the country. Let's hope we learn that these groups are not just for  emergencies, but point the way to a better way of doing things in our communities from here on in. A way to get to know your community, to enrich your community, to offer the hand of help where needed, and spread friendship across your community. Also a method to bypass the corporate profit seeking moguls that exploit us on a daily basis. You know it makes sense.

         Got this wee article from a comrade, Nick, thanks Nick.

Mutual Aid – A Radical Response
        “Mutual Aid is the sharing of resources as opposed to the wealthy giving to the needy” 
         Glasgow Mutual Aid (GMA) was set up in response to the covid pandemic at a time when charities and state organisations were slow to respond. We saw organising democratically, without hierarchy and bypassing the system to deliver a non-judgemental service as both being necessary and to be a radical act. We quickly realised that we needed to respond to non-covid situations as well. However, few of us thought that ten months later we would still be active and be needed more than ever.

          Whether it’s help with shopping; collecting prescriptions; a friendly regular phone call; picking up medication for pets; arranging food parcels or accompanying someone anxious about travelling to visit their dying mother, our volunteers have met a variety of challenges both willingly and imaginatively. Many volunteers have also received a service, for example when required to self isolate.


        As people’s circumstances have changed and furlough has ended for many, our pool of volunteers has dwindled. However, the current resurgence of the virus and the toll that months of restrictions is taking on many people, means that demand is rising again. There are currently opportunities for volunteers across all Glasgow postcodes. Even if it’s only a couple of hours a week, you can make a difference to folk in your local community. Get Involved to volunteer or request a service:

Phone M-F 10-2 0141 280 7025

Text 07451289389
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3 Years unpaid!!

       This is a strange one, but comes from a reliable source, can't understand why the workers have not pulled the workplace down by now. Working for a state entity and not having been paid for three years. This is totally and utterly unreservedly beyond any realms of tolerance. These people deserve our full support and solidarity, pressure must be brought to bear to end this act of modern slavery. 

The following appeal from Labour Start:

        I'm not sure if you saw this message which we sent out last week. This campaign has 4,018 supporters - but we need many more of you to sign up in order to support these workers in Ukraine who have not been paid for three years.
        If you have supported the campaign - thank you!
 If you haven't yet, please read on ...
        All over the world, working people are suffering due to the global pandemic and economic crisis. Many have lost their jobs. Many businesses are failing. But not all these problems are being caused by Covid.
        We've received an appeal for help from workers in Ukraine who have not received their wages for more than three YEARS. And the business that employs them - KVARSYT - is state-owned.
       According to Ukraine's constitution, every worker must be paid for their work. The decision of the management to not pay these workers is also in breach of ILO Convention 95, entitled 'Protection of Wages' (1949), which was ratified in 1961 by the Ukrainian government.
         Please take a moment to protest to the Ukrainian government - and to show your solidarity with these workers.

Click here to support the campaign.

And please spread the word to your friends, family and fellow union members.

Thank you.
Eric Lee
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Monday 28 December 2020

Fork In The Road?

         Let’s imagine the coming year, it will be a year of struggles, as the wealthy, pampered, privileged class will struggle hard to get us to accept the “normal” we used to know before Covid19. On the other hand there should be a struggle by the many to make sure we never go back to that unequal, unjust “normal” we used to know. If we return to their “normal” it will be very one sided, they will do their normal visits to Monaco and St. Moritz, looking at a new luxury yacht and running their eye over a larger mansion, all accompanied by opulence. However, our side of their return to “normal” will be working harder for less, wage cuts/freezes, slashed working conditions and austerity sabotaged social services. So why do it? 

      Of course after such an devastating year and possibly two, of authoritarian rule, harsh and inhumane conditions, added to the suffering and death of loved ones, there will be some sort of burning desire to get back to some sort of “normal”. Despite all that, we have to be rational, that yesterday's “normal” has gone forever, and if you give it some thought, it was a dreadful unjust and unequal “normal”. We now must choose, which of the two roads will we struggle towards, their brutal exploitative “normal” where millions were exploited, oppressed, alienated and ravaged by wars and famine in the midst of plenty. Or will we take on the struggle for that new “normal”, one of our choosing, one of our shaping, a “normal“ where we bury the profit motive, see to all our people’s needs, and build a sustainable society based on mutual aid, co-operation, free association, and respect and dignity for all. 

       On looking at the situation before us, it doesn’t seem a difficult decision to make, but the action required will take courage, determination, solidarity and that long term view that we will never allow our grandchildren to be exploited and abused by a pampered and privileged bunch of parasites, as we were for generations. The alternative is that at the end of this pandemic, we pick up our shackles and fasten them to our ankles and aimlessly follow where our masters’ chains pull us, and bind our grandchildren to a heritage of bondage. Their "normal", or our new "normal"?
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Sunday 27 December 2020

Our History.

        Prisons are books, that contain dark and dreadful tales, tales of brutality, savagery, suffering  and death, but also tales of struggle, explosions of desire for freedom and enduring comradeship. Most of these tales go untold, but they are there, a history of endurance and struggle in the face of continuous state repression, we should tell these tales they are an inspiration to all those who struggle for that society of justice, freedom and comradeship.

The following from Act For Freedom Now: 

        Chile : 10 years after the massacre in the prison of San Miguel: words from Memory and tales of struggle
        If prison walls could talk they would tell the experiences of those who were (and are) locked up behind them; perhaps they would tell us many stories where the poor are the protagonists, or perhaps they would tell us of the immense yearning for freedom that fills the hearts of those locked up in the dungeons and the cells.
      Unfortunately prison walls are silent witnesses of the experiences of the people inside them. It is therefore a precise responsibility of each of us, kidnapped by the State, and of whoever wants to put an end to the present system of terror to tell what happens inside these places. The history of the prisoners is our history and cannot be lost.
        Sadness reigns in prison, is its lady and mistress and dominates the lives of those who end up in this gloomy place. Not only does the prison of San Miguel contain stories full of pain, it has also had many experiences of resistance and struggle.
        In the early 1990s many political prisoners were locked up in this prison, men of several organizations filled the tower cells until they were transferred to the C.A.S. in 1994, a transfer that the combatants opposed arms in hand.
        During the cell searches right after the clashes a large quantity of weapons and ammunition were found: a 7.65 mm Browning gun with seven cartridges; an Italian calibre 38 Trident revolver; a Dachmaur gun with fifteen cartridges; a 7.65 calibre Llama; a bag containing thirteen bullets; another leather bag with 18 bullets; a NEC cell phone and three homemade explosives (1). Several prison guards and a number of prisoners were injured during the clashes, among whom Mauricio Hernández Norambuena (guerrilla and ex-commander of the FPMR, Manuel Rodrìguez Patriotic Front). Commander Ramiro (one of the founders of FPMR) said: “I was seriously injured. I had never been hit by gunfire before, and it was precisely in jail that I was shot for the first time” (2). The same event was recounted by Ricardo Palma Salamanca (ex-guerrilla of the FPMR) in an interview given in Paris on 27th January 2019: “In the middle of the clashes two people were killed, I was also armed but I wasn’t hit”.
        The weapons used in the resistance during the transfers to the C.A.S. had originally been destined for escapes. Mauricio Hernandez tells it like this: “We managed to get various weapons into the prison of San Miguel and had devised a very interesting escape plan with external support, which was joined by fighters of Mapu-Lautaro (Mapuche military leader protagonist in the war of Arauco in Chile and the MIR, Movement of the Revolutionary Left). The idea was to get a large group of prisoners out. There were fifteen or twenty combatants in support outside. There were good weapons but unfortunately the plan failed. The whole operation was organized right down to the smallest detail, the fighters outside occupied a house whose walls adjoined those of the prison, with the intention of blowing it up. They could just go through a gate and get out from that side. Unfortunately, we were transferred to the C.A.S. a few days before the escape and used the weapons for the escape to resist the transfer” (3).
        This was not the only escape attempt from the prison of San Miguel. In 1997, a group of ex-members of the FPRM tried to escape from the prison through the roofs, with a system of ropes and pulleys, so as to reach one of the adjoining roads. But the attempt failed and a revolt broke out, the prisoners involved were transferred to the prison of Colina I and II, among whom Jorge Saldivia, who was killed during a bank robbery in 2014.
      The walls don’t talk but they bear signs that are difficult to erase. Many prisoners tell us that in Tower 5 in the prison of San Miguel, where 81 prisoners died in a fire, the stains of the bodies were never completely erased … The women say that the stains seem to be made of oil, and it doesn’t matter how much wax and paint they put on the floor and walls, they always come through again. Many anecdotes are told about the ghosts and spirits of tower 5, beliefs, myths or reality… but the death of 81 prisoners has never been forgotten by the other prisoners of tower 5, and shouldn’t be forgotten by any other prisoner.



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Saturday 26 December 2020


         I have always maintained that those who believe we can "fix" capitalism, are idiots. They are trying to fix something that isn't broken, capitalism is working just fine, and doing what it was intended to do, make a few people very rich at the expense of the many. Once you grasp this truth, you realise that the only answer for justice and equality for all, is the total destruction of capitalism and all its attendant institutions. We are sold lies and illusions, and dwell in a land of smoke and mirrors. A world woven by the massive corporate advertising beast and its companion, state propaganda. Nowhere in the world of these two servants of capitalism is there a shred of reality, nothing related to the world we the ordinary people inhabit. 

      Nothing is as it is painted, "the economy" dressed as necessary and benevolent to all, reality, a label for the continuation of exploitation of the mass of people. Bearing in mind that the richest 1% have massively increased their wealth while the bottom 50% have become poorer.  "Prison", a place to put dangerous people, reality, a dustbin to dump those who would hinder the exploitation of the people. Bearing in mind that approximately 80% of those in prison suffer learning difficulties, substance addiction and/or mental health issues, and should be somewhere in the social care system and not prison. "Advertising" bringing the latest information to assist you to make choices to enhance your life, reality, devious and duplicitous manipulation of desires and reality to increase consumption and profit. Bearing in mind that the corporate world spends billions of pounds annually on advertising, so it must work. "Democracy", hailed as a way for you to be involved in the running of your country, reality, an illusion created to try to stop you from taking control of your own lives and communities. Bearing in mind that practically all those in government have connections and investments in the corporate world and they decide the shape of your world and how your tax money will be spent.

        So the answer seems to be straight forward, to live our lives in a world we recognise and relate to, we must screw the "economy", abolish "prisons", scrap "advertising", and get rid of their so called "democracy" and take control of our communities and workplaces in co-operation with all other communities scrapping the profit motive. Well, what are we waiting for?
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Friday 25 December 2020

26 Years A Slave.

       It is impossible to imagine how you would feel if at the age of twenty you were incarcerated in a hellhole of a prison for a crime you did not commit and then spend the next 26 years locked away from public view, proclaiming your innocence, lots of that time in solitary confinement. However, in this state controlled world we live in, these things do happen, sometimes the person never manages to prove their innocence serves their full term, or worse ends their days under the shackles of state incarceration.
       Lots of individuals who do leave prison, are often broken and damaged after their experience, some with that wonderful human resolve, fight to maintain their humanity and succeed, we should honour them and support them all. One day, when we become a civilised species, prisons will be a horrible memory from the distant past.


         My life changed in an instant on September 30, 2020 when a Wayne County circuit court judge apologized for 26 years of wrongful incarceration, and then released me from prison.
         I walked out of the Michigan prison and into a crowd that worked years to prove my innocence. But that was a beginning of sorts. The challenges have been both small and big.
       The small challenges have been things like never having used a cellphone and not knowing what I’m doing. The bigger ones have been things such as re-entry during COVID-19 – with so much shut down or slow or not working.
       While incarcerated, I painfully self-educated and became a social justice activist, organizer and critical thinker. And in between starting life completely over at 46, I’m searching for ways to do the same on this side of the wall.
       I want to continue to be an advocate for justice.
       I’ve come a long way in less than two months due to the assistance of RootsAction and others. But I have so far to go, and counting on the support of the broader community.

Thank you,
Lacino Hamilton

P.S. from the RootsAction Education Fund:

     Through all those years in prison, many of them in solitary, Lacino never gave up or gave in. Now that he’s freed, we need to help amplify his voice so he can educate his fellow citizens about the evils of mass incarceration.
     You can help make that happen with a U.S.-tax-deductible donation of any amount. Please do what you can to support Lacino Hamilton’s advocacy.

Donate Button

  Truthout columns by Lacino Hamilton

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Wednesday 23 December 2020

Our Kate.

          As usual the people at Kate Sharpley Library do a magnificent job in preserving and making available anarchist info and history, we at Spirit of Revolt, Archives of Dissent, take our hats off to them, as I'm sure lots of others will do likewise.  This latest bulletin is no exception, packed full of interesting info. Take a wee look.


          Quite a lot has gone up on the website (and gone on in the world) since our last KSL Bulletin in September. We are not even thinking of trying to sum up our year. But we send you our good wishes and some anarchist history you might have missed.

Stuart Christie 1946-2020

Four months on, we’re still coming to terms with the fact it’s no good thinking ‘I must ask Stuart…’ John Barker, his friend and fellow defendant in the Stoke Newington Eight trial, has written a tribute: ‘I couldn’t stomach Bakunin and he Marx but when it came to the politics of the prison we acted as one. And something else, the great thing about Stuart as comrade and friend is that he was always cheerful and ready to make things both happen, and to work. […] With Stuart there was never any need to say, Don’t Let The Bastards Grind You Down.’
Read the rest of the tribute at

Bob D’Attilio tribute from the KSL

For many years Robert (Bob) D’Atillio was an inexhaustible source of material on the Sacco and Vanzetti case. His loss is a tremendous one to those of us interested in the nuances of anarchist history. See
There’s a longer obituary by Luigi Botta at

Other Anarchist Lives

Thoughts on Francesco Ghezzi
Francesco Ghezzi was an anarchist militant from Milan who was also active in France, Switzerland, Germany and Russia (and was imprisoned in the last three countries)…
On the 5 November 1937 Ghezzi was arrested for the final time. His case file records his frank replies to the secret police ‘I declare that I was and remain an anarchist, and that no one will change my convictions.’… (from the Gulag Anarchists blog)

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