Tuesday 24 July 2012


    So PC Harwood was found not guilty, well he joins a long list of police officers who have got away with what any reasonable person can only describe as murder. While death after contact with the police is not a rare event, a police officer being prosecuted is a very rare thing, to be found guilty is even more rare. It is 42 years since a police officer has been prosecuted regarding death in police custody, this despite innumerable unlawful killing verdicts and the fact that there have been more than 3,000 such deaths since 1969. Deaths in police custody and deaths from direct contact with the police, it doesn't seem to make much difference, if there ever is a prosecution we should expect a not guilty verdict to come up.
      How far back do we go? Blair Peach 1979, killed by a baton blow to the head, Stephen Waldorf, 1983, shot by police officers, James Ashley, 1998, shot, Harry Stanley, 1999, shot, Jean Charles De Menezes, 2005, shot making his way to work, Abdul Kahar, 2006, shot, Mark Duggan, 2011, shot, and of course the 2009 assault and death of Ian Tomlinson. From that list, one prosecution and a not guilty verdict.
      Ian Tomlinson's death at the hands of a police officer must be the first where there was clear video evidence of the assault and dozens of eyewitnesses but that didn't make any difference, the verdict was still not guilty, and now we get the full story, PC Harwood, it seems, had a record of violence with 10 formal complaints against him. Ten complaints, one videoed assault and death, one prosecution, one not guilty verdict. The British judicial system at work.
     Of course the police are the police the world over, from recent figures it appears that in America, an African American dies in an extra-judicial killing every 36 hours. Who are they protecting?

ann arky's home.

Monday 23 July 2012


        We face “austerity” cuts, which will increase poverty, decimate our social services and destroy the social fabric of our lives, we face rising unemployment and wage cuts/freezes. If you have a job, you'll have to work longer to get your pension and that pension isn't going to be worth anything, it certainly will not let you go into old age with dignity. It is obvious that there is something drastically wrong with the system we live under.
       Where should we look for answers? Well the bankers are criminals, the politicians are corrupt and the business world is run by a bunch of greedy self seeking parasites, and all of them work together to increase and protect their own power and wealth. So we can't expect much in the way of help from those sections of this society. It should be obvious that if we appeal to that cocktail of greed and corruption they will only dispense more of the same. They are in fact the problem with our society and can never by part of the answer.
       The answers to our problems will only materialise when we all come together and decide to do something about it. The answer will not be found within the present system, we have to look outside to alternative ways of structuring our relations one with the other. Only the people can decide what the people want, and only the people can construct a society that sees to the needs of those people with fairness and justice. 
       We have had enough of leaders, kings, presidents and prime ministers, enough of party politics and so called representative democracy. Their track record is one of war, corruption, greed, exploitation, repression and wide spread poverty. The world has enough resources to see to the needs of all on this planet, the reason we don't do so is because of the system we tolerate, you can only have things, including the essentials of live if some parasite can make a profit from the transaction. It doesn't have to be that way, a society based on mutual aid, co-operation and sustainability is possible, but only if we want it to be that type of world. It is up to us, not them.

ann arky's home.


        How has it changed and why, what ever happened? Taken from Albert Meltzer The Taste of Defeat:
      In Glasgow the anarchist movement was flourishing more than ever with its own hall and huge open air meetings at factory gates, carrying on a tradition of integration in the working class movement which was lost in England, where the old movement had decayed. Such groups as there were in London, including Spain and the World collapsed. Almost the whole working class support in places like Wales, a minority though it was, disappeared. Cores in London continued virtually as a one-person band, arranging for weekly ‘lectures’ from a wide range of speakers, which was the last flicker of the old London Freedom Group.
From the Kate Sharpley Library, read the full article HERE:

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Sunday 22 July 2012


Dialogue and critique require honesty. This from Anarchist News:

        The anarchist project is one of constant dialogue and critique. Our ideas are not separate from our actions; theory is not separate from practice. Through the course of our activities it becomes necessary to re-evaluate our positions in relation to events. As anarchists we do not offer an answer or solution to the world's problems, but instead a lens through which to critique and act upon it. We should always be suspicious of those who claim to know, to have an answer or truth, especially from those who also call themselves anarchists but are not open to dialogue. This is how thoughts crystallize into ideology, into unquestionable positions. It is imperative that our ideas do not become static, that we remain dynamic in response to our environment.
       The adherence to ideologies lessens our ability to hear and be heard by one another. With the wide variety of positions anarchists take, there must be room for criticism and debate, as it allows for a sharpening of analysis and a deepening of understanding, of ourselves as anarchists and our positions in relation to each other. The following is an analysis of left anarchists' tendency to launch unfounded accusations instead of engaging in a critical dialogue. Sometimes it seems that those who question the authority of a false unity are committing an act of heresy. In response I would posit the question: what position is more appealing, that of adherent or heretic?

ann arky's home.


        The Spanish miners marching from Asturias to Madrid and then being attacked by riot police seems to have been the spark that lit the fire. Since then the people of Spain have mounted a series of protests across the country. Unemployed have marched from Andalusia, Catalonia and elsewhere into Madrid and are filling the centre of the city. The effects of previous “austerity” measures and the newly announced IMF/ECB dictated further €65 billion “austerity” cuts, a 3% increase in VAT, the attack on the miners and their supporters and an unemployment rate of 24.6% takes life in Spain to the level to which the financial Mafia have succeeded in foisting on the Greek people. Now, like Greece, the Spanish people are fighting back, the protests have been joined by fire-fighters and police in civilian clothes as well as civil servants. Last Thursday evening 500 police and fire-fighters protested in front of the Spanish parliament saying “We are angry because we have lost 30% of our income.” and on Friday, civil servants set up road blocks and were soon joined by nurses, teachers, university professors and doctors. On Friday evening a Facebook organised protest brought thousands out in front of parliament, they were promptly attacked by riot police. The ruling parasites are obviously concerned and there has been a rather stupid and shallow token response from the royal family, they have suggested that their budget takes a slight cut. Another piece of “we're all in this together” shit.
       The quicker the people of Europe realise that what is happening In Greece and Spain, with Italy, Ireland and Portugal not far behind, is coming our way, the better. The system isn't going to fix itself and get everybody back to “The good ol' days”, that never were, this is a downward spiral with ordinary people having their social structures decimated, a downward spiral the will make deprivation the norm. Call it what you will, but this is murder, thousands of people are dying, some slowly by health problems and malnutrition caused by poverty, others quickly by suicide, (check the increase in Greece). It is not an accident, it is the result of deliberate financial policies carried by our so called elected representatives at the dictate of the financial Mafia. A financial Mafia that is faceless, unelected, unaccountable, and yet controls our lives. These policies have only two results, the destruction of our standard of living and an increase in the wealth of that financial Mafia and their hit men.That's the system that we accept, why?

ann arky's home.


       According to a recent Reuters report the rich parasites of this world have as much as $32 trillion, (£20 trillion) of financial assets stashed away in offshore tax havens, which translate into approximately $280 billion in lost tax revenue. This pot of their secret money does not include their other toys, such as non financial assets, for example, yachts, racehorses, gold and real estate. The report also states that the richest citizens in 139 developing countries have from 1970 to 2010, amassed between $7.3 to $9.3 trillion in unrecorded offshore wealth. What was that you said about austere times?

 Why should I pay taxes, they'll only spend it on things I don't need.

         While the worlds parasitical leeches, as individuals, are robbing the people blind, the fine institutions of this corporate capitalist system are grabbing their share of all the dirty money in the world. HSBC, Europe's biggest bank, has just had it wrist slapped for laundering truck loads of drug money and helping to fund Al Qaeda and other such organisation. In case you don't know HSBC is also one of the best at screwing its customers, for example, it has the highest overdraft rate of any bank, it raises over £5 billion in overdraft fees in the UK in a year. Which of course helped it to £13.8 billion profit in 2011, and helped it hand its CEO over £7 million for his piggy bank. Of course HSBC does not stand alone in the fiddlers club, last week the offices of UBS Bordeaux and Strasbourg were raided on suspicion of money laundering and approximately 5,000 German clients of Credit Suisse are being investigated on suspicion of tax evasion. We can add to that the recent, but now not mentioned massive Westminster expenses exposure and you come up with a picture of a system that well and truly screws the public in favour of the parasites. Yes, we're all in this together.
          There is talk of climate change because of pollutants produced by us humans, perhaps the real culprit is the foul stench that emanates from our economic system that is choking all life on the planet.

Saturday 21 July 2012


        While the corporate  greed machine gears up to make a killing at its latest cash cow, the London Olympics, I think we should do our bit to get in the mood. After all we the tax payers have paid a lot of our money to help them get a start on their greed feast. We have sunk a lot of our pensions and social services' money into this military exercise in an attempt to help out those sleazy, sweaty handed shareholders secure their fat pension pots, so let's not lose our enthusiasm at the last lap.

ann arky's home,


Peter Kropotkin, The Spirit of Revolt

        "There are periods in the life of human society when revolution becomes an imperative necessity, when it proclaims itself as inevitable. New ideas germinate everywhere, seeking to force their way into the light, to find an application in life; everywhere they are opposed by the inertia of those whose interest it is to maintain the old order."
ann arky's home.

Friday 20 July 2012


From "A World to Win"

Lords of the Rings take over London

      When a café owner has to change its name, shops are banned from having a certain number of linked rings in their window, roads are barred to ordinary motorists and thousands of police and soldiers occupy a quarter of a major city, it can only mean one thing – the Olympics are here.
And when corporations are provided with a tax-free zone for the duration of the Games, you know that the shadowy International Olympic Committee is running the show. Tax exemptions were granted by UK tax authorities as part of a package of concessions demanded by the IOC. They apply to corporation and income tax for non-UK companies and individuals working on the Olympics between 30 March and 8 November this year.
         The IOC’s charter states that their mission is “to promote Olympism throughout the world and to lead the Olympic movement” and “to oppose any political or commercial abuse of sport and athletes”. This is hypocrisy writ large from the owners of the Olympic rings logo.

ann arky's home.


Friday July, 2012, 18.50 GMT+2 
       More than 2,000 people gathered in solidarity outside the factory gates already. However, members of PAME (the stalinist trade union) decide to leave, using the pretext of their solidarity demonstration in central Athens on Monday.
      The workers of “Greek Steelworks” (Elliniki Halivourgia) in Aspropyrgos, near Athens, had been on a strike since early November 2011 (see our steelworkers tag for background to their struggle). At dawn today, at least five riot police vans arrived at the factory and riot police raided the building soon thereafter. At least six strikers have been detained. A small number (approximately 30) of scabs have entered the factory since. There is a call for a solidarity demonstration at the factory at 5.30 this evening, while people in solidarity are already gathering at the gates.

ann arky's home.


     We have always know that this type of society gives a myriad of choices, almost limitless, but all about how to make micro adjustments to the system, the choice that is denied everybody is the choice to change to an alternative system.
This extract is from an article on Void Mirror that details this in more detail:

Policy-makers nit-pick over the finer details but preserve the core, and in the wider population, in opinion polls, national elections and everyday conversation, ‘everyone is asked their opinion about every detail in order to prevent them having one about the totality.’ And so we’re left with a set of choices; pointless policy debates over taxation, budgets, bail-outs, bonuses, regulation – everything on the agenda is a set piece of fine-tuning and tweaking but never questioning the legitimacy of the whole - the social machine in its entirety.
Continue READING:

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          The war in Afghanistan has been a costly, bloody and brutal affair, it has been 11years of savage conflict where the NATO countries have poured in money and young lives. The total NATO deaths has passed the 3,000 mark, of those more than 2,000 were American forces and over 400 were from UK forces. On top of that there has been tens of thousands of physically injured and mentally scarred young people from the NATO forces. Then of course there is the figures that get very little coverage in that babbling brook of bullshit, Western media, Afghan civilians killed. The figures are horrendous, according the UN figures almost 13,000 have been killed in the last six years, 2,332 in 2011 alone, a 10% increase on the previous year. Then it being a capitalist war we have to look at the financial side. The estimated cost to the US tax payer, calculated up to September this year, will be a staggering $487.6 billion, and to the UK tax payer it will be £20billion. How much is that in social services?
        Why have the Western nations poured so much in suffering and money into this poor country? To catch/kill, Osama bib Laden? To bring democracy to the Afghans? Well they have succeed the first mentioned, at what cost? They have of course failed miserably in the latter.
       However could the reason for this costly savage slaughter be clarified by this extract from a BBC article:
      Afghanistan is known to have vast reserves of oil, gas, copper, cobalt, gold and lithium. In late 2011, a consortium of Indian companies inked a deal to begin mining some of the country's large stores of iron. But the country is known to have a wider array of mineral resources; in 2010, the Afghan ministry of mines claimed a value of its reserves of nearly a trillion dollars, then carrying out tours to promote investment in them.
Continue READING:

       Of course a Western compliant puppet government in Afghanistan would see them control those assets as the have done in Libya and Iraq, with Syria and Iran in their radar.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 18 July 2012


         People on the streets across Europe, but as we know, it isn't just Europe. From the Middle East to America, to South America, people are calling for change, with more pain, corruption and deprivation coming our way the anger will rise, the call for change will get louder.
         In Mexico this was billed as the biggest demonstration in the world, perhaps not accurate,  but it is up there with the big ones.

ann arky's home.


      We all know that capitalism has no morality, but capitalism is nothing but for the people who run the system, so it follows that those individuals have no morality. We read day in and day out about how this corporate body and that corporate body put profit before human life and limb, all in the interest of fluffing up a group of shareholders' bank accounts. It's how the system works, profit is the GOD and people are sacrificed on its high altar. However, even a hard nosed anti-capitalist like myself is sometimes stunned by the depth of depravity that the system, by that I mean the people who work he system, will sink to. It seems that thousands of women, mainly poor women, in the state of Chhattisgarh in India, have had their wombs removed so that the hospital could claim an insurance cheque form the government. The stories that are coming out are that women went in for minor complaints were told that they would contract cancer if they didn't have their womb removed. Some of those women, being poor were intimidated by the medical staff and though they had gone in for a back complaint or some other minor ailment, had their wombs removed. It doesn't seem to be the odd rogue doctor, but seems to be across the state. According to some estimates, there have been 50,000 hysterectomies performed across the state in the last 30 months. In each of these cases the clinic/hospital can claim from the government, 30,000 Rupees, approximately £348 per operation. This is no back street con trick, this is done by those Oh so respectable professionals in their shiny suits, those pillars of society who drive home to their des-res in the leafy suburbs. Human bodies are just another commodity from which to extract profit, after all that's what the system is all about. 


Taken from  an article on Killing King Abacus:   
        So indeed, on all fronts, the American ruling class is fighting for democracy, because democracy is perhaps the most effective swindle that any ruling class has ever come up with to keep those they rule in line. Abstract equality, the ideology of rights, the myth of the “common good” and the work ethic all work together to blind the exploited to the real conditions of their existence, to create false hopes for changing those conditions within the context of this society and to allow the masters of this world to present their interests as the interests of all. Our liberation depends on our rejection of the democratic swindle, not in favor of some other form of rule, but as an aspect of the rejection of all rule, of every form of domination and exploitation. If the most reasonable response the American soldiers in Iraq could make to their situation is mutiny and desertion, our most reasonable response here is to move toward insurrection through autonomous direct action and attack against the institutions that dominate our lives. But our reasons are not those of the rulers, and will appear to them as barbarous madness. But as to their opinion, why should we give a damn?


        Secularism, one of the many building blocks on the road to freedom or all.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 17 July 2012



I am a foreigner and I'm walking
Through new streets
But before I want to I see the same deeds
Inherited by few a power machine
That crushes you and strangles you
Right in your sleep
But be it me, or it's you, the leisure class
I think we all know:
That be it punk, hip-hop, be it a reggae sound
It is all connected through
The gypsy part of town...
Let's go!
And let your Girl Scouts lip-synch
About the freedom
Just the way you like them,
But soon enough you'll see them
Soon enough they all turn around
And soon enough you'll see them
In a different part of town
But be it me, or it's you, the leisure class
I think we all know:
That be it punk, hip-hop, be it a reggae sound
It is all connected through
The gypsy part of town...
Let's go!

Gogol Bordello

ann arky' home.


        The ordinary punter knows that the entire financial system is no more than a private fiddlers club, a very lucrative scam only open to those and such as those. The continual "shock, horror" by our political class of "Honourable Members", at each of the many revelations of blatant corruption, just re-affirms their complicity. The financial system stinks to high heavens and the political class are part and parcel of that smell. After all most of those sitting in those marble halls of the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption are millionaires and they them selves will have some of their ill-gotten gains swilling around in that very lucrative slush pot of the financial world, and no doubt will have "connections" to the top of the fiddlers club. They are all doing very well from the corruption and fraud. It is you and I that take the hit.

A quote from a more detailed article by Naomi Wolf:
It is very hard, looking at the elaborate edifices of fraud that are emerging across the financial system, to ignore the possibility that this kind of silence – "the willingness to not rock the boat" – is simply rewarded by promotion to ever higher positions, ever greater authority. If you learn that rate-rigging and regulatory failures are systemic, but stay quiet, well, perhaps you have shown that you are genuinely reliable and deserve membership of the club.

Her Heading:
        "The media's 'bad apple' thesis no longer works. We're seeing systemic corruption in banking – and systemic collusion." is the only conclusion available. But then again we always new that.

Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.

Sunday 15 July 2012



Well said.

Dan Barker on Atheism Being Positive.

"I have something to say to the religionist who feels atheists never say anything positive: You are an intelligent human being. Your life is valuable for its own sake. You are not second-class in the universe, deriving meaning and purpose from some other mind. You are not inherently evil–you are inherently human, possessing the positive rational potential to help make this a world of morality,
peace and joy.Trust yourself."

Dan Barker in "Losing Faith in Faith"

 ann arky's home.


        With the hullabaloo about Olympic security and G4S, a little information on the Goliath corporate beast that goes by the name of G4S is perhaps welcome. This is no ordinary corporate beast, this one is the spearhead of the financial Mafia's privatisation program and in being so has made billions from tax payers money taking over security, prisons, police stations, migrant detention and a host of other parts of the state's control and repression facilities. It's tentacles reach across the world and slither into any area of repression that any state wants to privatise. All done with tax payers money at an extortionate profit to G4S.

G4S - 'securing' their world, not ours

        Despite its inability to fulfil its London 2012 contract, the rise and rise of G4S is the story of the privatisation of the state and an increasing emphasis on “threats” and “security concerns” aimed at keeping people in thrall to authority.
     G4S is no ordinary corporation. It operates in more than 125 countries and has 675,000 employees. Group turnover last year was £7.5 billion, mostly derived from state contracts around the world, with 30% of revenues coming from “developing markets”. Pre-tax profits were up 2.1% to £531m.
      The self-styled “world's leading international security solutions group” has cashed in on the drive by the state to divest itself of more and more functions like prisons, crowd control and significant parts of the police service. As the company’s website declares: “In more ways than you might realise, G4S is securing your world.”
Of course, it’s not “our world” so much as their world – the rich, the bankers, the state, and the corporations that G4S helps to secure. And nowhere is “security” more on the state’s lips than in Israel, which continues to occupy Palestinian lands in defiance of countless UN resolutions.
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       When it comes to the media, that babbling brook of bullshit, reporting on the "CRISIS" in Europe, all they report is of the meetings of the financial Mafia and their servants, the political class. They will comment on how the rating agencies are shuffling their betting odds, and we will be told how the bond markets are screwing this country more than that country. Very rarely will it report what the "CRISIS" is actually doing to the ordinary people and what those people are doing to defend themselves against rape and plundering of their standard of living. All this reporting is a public relations exercise for those responsible for the "CRISIS", but never a word about those at the receiving end.
      Greece is in turmoil with poverty and deprivation rampant, and below is a glimpse at what is happening in Spain. As the financial Mafia continue with their assault on the public purse of the European people, we can expect to see more of this type of real resistance. Enjoy the ecstasy of your righteous anger.

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