Councils and government bodies are now pushing for draconian cuts in our standard of living in an attempt to reduce the mountain of debt that has been piled on the backs of the ordinary people. Debt that appeared because the greed merchants in their voracious and reckless greed feast were about to go bust. So the tax payer, through the government, hands them billions of pounds of our money. Only to be told by the same financial institutions that the mountain of debt has to be reduced. It is not to be reduced by the financial institutions who got the money of course, no we paid them the money so we have to carry the can.
We are expected to quietly sit and watch TV, football and chat merrily at the pub. Meanwhile, they hack away at our kids education, our health care, our social benefits our other services, freeze wages and in some cases reduce wages, as well as thrrowing thousands on the unemployed scrap heap. All because the financial world can't function with this mountain of debt.. It is as insane as if a small business was going bust and the bank loaned it some money, the the small business then says that it can no longere do business with the bank as the bank has this debt on its head, so I would like the bank manager and his staff to take a cut in their standard of living. Alice in Wonderland stuff, only they are trying to make it a reality.
We have an obligation to take to the streets and support all those who are fighting these cuts, the authorities will try to pick you off one at a time, but united in solidarity we can resist this savage attack on all of our living standards. This is not an attack on any one group, this is a brutal full frontal assault on the entire working class of this country. Organise, resist, take control, or see your future and your kids future go down the tubes. We can build a society based on mutual aid, voluntary co-operation and free association, that will see to the needs of all our people, not a bunch of parasitical shareholders and their minders the sleazy politicians. Now seems the right moment to put that to the test.
ann arky's home.
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