I just received this sad news, from a wobbly friend and comrade, I'm sure he will have no objections to my sharing this with all those wobblies, friends and comrades out there, and like he said, we should use his life as an inspiration to organise for that better world.

Dave Patterson, an electrician,
who worked mostly overseas in places like Azerbaijan and Angola, died
last night. Dave joined the IWW before anybody else I know of in
Scotland, before the Stevenson College branch of the 90s. He joined the
Clydeside IWW, at its inception. He was born in Springboig, Glasgow, and
as a teenager was involved in the formation of the National union of
School Students in the mid 70s. He only rarely made meetings and
events due to his work, and his Scottish residence was south of
He was a dual carder also in OILC. In the course of a year I would
usually see him a few times, after attending different football matches
or at the STUC Mayday. In 2011 he got married to Lucy, a nurse in
Edinburgh. This year in May, he was absent. A mutual friend came up to
me before the Clydeside IWW took part in the procession, to explain he
had been diagnosed with an aggressive and incurable strain of cancer. A
few days ago he was moved to St.Columba's hospice in Gogar near
This is a sad and sudden demise and in Scotland we mourn the
loss of Dave, an unforgettable character. But knowing Dave and his
affinity with the wobbly tradition, he would say - "Don't Mourn,