Showing posts with label Bishopbriggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishopbriggs. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Sun And Bike.

     Managed out on the bike yesterday, just the same wee circuit that I abandoned last week because of roadworks temporary traffic lights in two sections, and single lane driving always a bit of a nuisance to an old guy like me. However all that had gone so it was just a half a dozen wee runs round the circuit from Cadder cemetery out past Lowmoss and towards Lenzie, turn and join the main Kirkintilloch Bishopbriggs road round the Cadder cemetery and repeat about half a dozen times or so. Just enough to remind the legs what they are supposed to do.

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Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Peddle Happy.

       Everywhere I turn it is covid19, coronavirus, pandemic, so it is good to escape now and again, my favourite escape is the bike. I have managed out a few times recently, and it always feels great to be on the road again, doing my thing in my own peculiar way. The last couple of times it has been a short buzz round the Lowmoss area. The wee video might bore most of you, but it brings a glow of pleasure to my heart. If you look carefully you can just about make out "yours truly" peddling his way along the main drag from Kirkintilloch to Bishopbriggs. I finished my wee run of pleasure at the Cadder cemetery, I do believe that a lot of people finish their run their, my grandfather for one.

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Friday, 22 September 2017

It Doesn't Always Go To Plan.

        Thursday was a pleasant day, a wee break from the usual wind and rain we have been getting. So good opportunity to get out on the bike, over the last month or so, I have been out once and on occasions twice a week as weather permits for a fair weather cyclist. Usually it was round the Campsie area, on a recent visit to Bishopbriggs I noticed a cycle path that went through a kids play area and on through some trees. With my twisted logic I assumed that it would continue meandering down towards the Forth and Clyde canal. So that was my plan, set off from Bishopbriggs along the cycle path on to the canal to Kirkintilloch, and then decide which road to take from there. Nice and easy through the kids park, into the tree area, then faced with a rather steep incline of a footpath/cycle-track. That's where I bumped into these three guys, they looked quite surprised to see me.
       At the top of the incline, disappointment, the cycle path didn't continue, it was onto a road, I was now in a housing estate. making my way through an area I didn't know, finally arrived at the main Bishopbriggs, Kirkintiloch road, a road I always try to avoid. The traffic was horrendous and every couple of hundred yards or so, a set of traffic lights. Before Kirkintilloch, I decided that I had had enough, and headed back to a café in Bishopbriggs and home. A rather short and not my most enjoyable outing, that will teach me not to assume anything, but check things out first.
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