Showing posts with label CEBR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CEBR. Show all posts

Monday 9 April 2012


        It seems that one of those brilliant intellectual "think tanks", Centre for Economic and Business Research, (CEBR), have come up with a simple way of increasing the UK's GDP. According to them, the UK GDP suffers from to many Bank Holidays, simply by scrapping the Bank Holidays the country would be richer by £19 billion a year. Of course the question that might be asked is, by the workers scrapping their one day holidays, how much of that increased GDP would end up in their pockets? The same brilliant team also pointed out that South Korean workers work approximately 500 hours a year more than their UK counter parts and that country doesn't have the same "crisis" that we have. 
       In spite of the fact that the filthy rich in this country are getting richer faster than ever before, by getting an ever increasing slice of that GDP, they still believe that they have to get the ordinary people to work longer hours and have fewer holidays. They find it difficult to understand why ordinary people should have weekends off and enjoy holidays when they could be at work producing wealth for the parasites club.
      Think of all those hours you work just to survive at a half decent living standard and how much of the wealth you produce ends up in the bank balance of those who want you to work longer. Is it any wonder that they want you to work seven days a week for as many hours a day as they can squeeze out of you? Think how little you would have to work if that bunch of parasites were not creaming off the largest slice for themselves.
     For us to pruduce all that we need for ourselves, without all that surplus crap and without supporting an army of leeches sucking us dry, would probably bring the working day down below 4 hours a day, with as many long weekends as you wish. There is an army of non productive jobs that are there just to make sure that as much as possible is creamed off for the parasites and as little as possible goes to those producing the wealth.
      By reshaping society so that we produce what we need and making at available to those who need it, we would free up all those people in the non productive wealth directing and protecting organisations. This would  allow everybody to reduce the working hours and lead a more creative and enriched life.  We don't need to feed that army of parasites that insist on telling us that we are not working hard enough nor long enough, but they most certainly need you. To change the world all the workers have to do is stop, and the world comes to a standstill. What would happen if all the CEO stopped? Sod all, we don't need them.

ann arky's home.