Showing posts with label CEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CEO. Show all posts

Sunday 1 July 2012


          According to a recent survey, 4 out 5 people questioned wanted individuals to be prosecuted when banks break the law. How sad, that means that they want to keep the same banking system which is no more than a millionaires gambling casino. They seem to think if you put a new suit at the roulette wheel everything will work out well for everybody. 

 If you don't pay us enough, we'll leave.

      There is nothing wrong with the banking system, short of the odd fiddle or two, which all the corporate world are into as a matter of routine. No, it is working just fine and is doing what it was designed to do, make lots of money for those that run the banks. Commercial banks were never set up to be compassionate and caring, and to see to the needs of the people. They are part and parcel of the capitalist grand plan, wealth for the few and screw the many. Banks are the lubricant of the exploitative capitalist system with a gambling casino at their heart. So let's not talk about prosecution, but talk of destroying the system that relies on banks, and banks rely on. Then we will not have to trouble our heads with the prosecutions of fiddling parasites. Bank Chairmen will resign, CEO will come and go, but the fiddles will still go on, as money buys the greedy and all too often, the needy.

Monday 9 April 2012


        It seems that one of those brilliant intellectual "think tanks", Centre for Economic and Business Research, (CEBR), have come up with a simple way of increasing the UK's GDP. According to them, the UK GDP suffers from to many Bank Holidays, simply by scrapping the Bank Holidays the country would be richer by £19 billion a year. Of course the question that might be asked is, by the workers scrapping their one day holidays, how much of that increased GDP would end up in their pockets? The same brilliant team also pointed out that South Korean workers work approximately 500 hours a year more than their UK counter parts and that country doesn't have the same "crisis" that we have. 
       In spite of the fact that the filthy rich in this country are getting richer faster than ever before, by getting an ever increasing slice of that GDP, they still believe that they have to get the ordinary people to work longer hours and have fewer holidays. They find it difficult to understand why ordinary people should have weekends off and enjoy holidays when they could be at work producing wealth for the parasites club.
      Think of all those hours you work just to survive at a half decent living standard and how much of the wealth you produce ends up in the bank balance of those who want you to work longer. Is it any wonder that they want you to work seven days a week for as many hours a day as they can squeeze out of you? Think how little you would have to work if that bunch of parasites were not creaming off the largest slice for themselves.
     For us to pruduce all that we need for ourselves, without all that surplus crap and without supporting an army of leeches sucking us dry, would probably bring the working day down below 4 hours a day, with as many long weekends as you wish. There is an army of non productive jobs that are there just to make sure that as much as possible is creamed off for the parasites and as little as possible goes to those producing the wealth.
      By reshaping society so that we produce what we need and making at available to those who need it, we would free up all those people in the non productive wealth directing and protecting organisations. This would  allow everybody to reduce the working hours and lead a more creative and enriched life.  We don't need to feed that army of parasites that insist on telling us that we are not working hard enough nor long enough, but they most certainly need you. To change the world all the workers have to do is stop, and the world comes to a standstill. What would happen if all the CEO stopped? Sod all, we don't need them.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 4 December 2011


        As the austerity policies being pursued by our millionaire public school thugs, continues to bite ever deeper, it pays to have a wee look at salaries. Over the last year people have been finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, what with wage cuts/freezes, VAT increases and rocketing fuel prices etc., but of course, this is capitalism and it doesn't work out that way for everybody. Take those pampered parasites the CEO of the FTSE 100 companies, this year on average, they enjoyed a 7% salary increase on top of their already fat-cat salaries and monopoly money bonuses. However, if you are one of the CEO of the “blue-chip” companies, then you chuckled all the way to your winter home in St Moritz as you enjoyed on average an increase of 32% on your bloated undeserved salary.

I'm a CEO,  I work bloody hard!!

       32% salary increase when their friends in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, are dictating a 1% cap on public sector pay increases, for at least two years, this after a two year pay freeze. Remember, inflation is running at just over 5%, that makes it a massive pay cut for all public sector workers that will continue for the next few years. In reality, public sector workers will never get back to the level of salary they were at two years ago.

       We are continually told we can't afford all these social services, but there seems to be an awful lot of money sloshing around in this corrupt system. The shape of our society, under this present system, is all down to government choices. It is not that there is not enough money, the government choose to spend vast sums on armaments, wars and tax breaks to big business. It could if it so wished, spend that money on social welfare, it could introduce a fairer tax system, whereby those fat-cat CEO and others of that ilk, paid a larger share into the public pot. However under this corrupt and exploitive system, we have to realise that the government is the guardian of wealth and power and has a duty to make sure that those with the wealth and power see it grow and in no way can it be diminished.

       Under these conditions we are foolish if we sit back and expect the government of the day to look after our welfare at the expense of their old school friends in the millionaires club. We don't come into that equation, we are at times an inconvenience, and at other times a necessity, as a mob needed to keep buying their crap. Give your imagination a wee bit freedom, think, can you visualise an alternative society that would see to the needs of all? It's not that difficult!!

ann arky's home.

Monday 31 October 2011


         There are all sorts of pundits spouting what is wrong with the system of capitalism at the moment. Even those who support the system are still critical of the way it is functioning at present. To them the system can be fixed, it is just a bit more regulation and nice ethical CEOs at the top of the corporations, and all will be well. Poverty will disappear and we will all live in abundance. I find this belief in an ethical corporate beast as rather laughable. Corporations buy politicians, politicians move into lucrative positions in the corporate world. A quote from one of these reformers tells us something about the system: Read the full article HERE.
        Our Congress today is a forum for legalized bribery. One consumer group using information from calculates that the financial services industry, including real estate, spent $2.3 billion on federal campaign contributions from 1990 to 2010, which was more than the health care, energy, defense, agriculture and transportation industries combined. Why are there 61 members on the House Committee on Financial Services? So many congressmen want to be in a position to sell votes to Wall Street.

Adbusters corporate flag.

        Don't for a minute think that what goes on in the American political/financial circles doesn't go on here and in every country in the developed world. Another quote from the same article perhaps should be taken seriously over here as well as in America: 4) Finally, an idea from the blogosphere: U.S. congressmen should have to dress like Nascar drivers and wear the logos of all the banks, investment banks, insurance companies and real estate firms that they’re taking money from. The public needs to know. Of course, we will never really know, it is a duplicitous system.

I used to be a politician, but I'm in finance now.

          The basic principles of the system has no room for ethics, the rules are simple, maximise your profit margin, increase your market share and reduce your costs. How do you equate this with improving the conditions of the workforce, removing exploitation, improving the health and safety of all workers and workplaces and of course distributing the proceeds of the labour fairly? Capitalism is an inherently unfair system, those with the wealth are always in a position to exploit those without the wealth, there is nothing fair, just or ethical about that. The system can't be overhauled to eradicate these contradictions, it has to be dismantled and an alternative system created in its place. I'm sure we have the imagination and the resources to create a system that sees to the needs of all our people, based on mutual aid and co-operation, a system of fairness and justice founded on sustainability. The only problem is when, time is running out.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 5 January 2011


      According to The Telegraph the “average” UK household spends £24,100 annually on utility bills, rent/mortgage, shopping etc, but the “average” annual income is £23,244. The same survey shows that household bills have risen by approximately £650 in the past year. So it would appear that the “average” UK household is sinking fast into a swamp of debt. This year we are facing increase fuel bills and increase VAT, will the average income be increased to cope with these events? After all, our Millionaire public school thugs keep telling us that they are being fair. Malcolm Tyndall of the grant-giving charity, Elizabeth Finn Care stated, “We have seen first hand that over the past 18 months there has been a substantial rise in the cost of living, but that few people have had their salary rise at anything like that rate. Huge rises in food, fuel and household utilities have left many people struggling financially.”

       Of course this being capitalism, it therefore follows that not all are suffering from this millionaire ConDem's fair society. For example in the Alternative Investment Market, (AIM) listed companies the CEOs have managed to push their “average” salary through the £200,000 barrier up from £168,860 last year. That is an increase of slightly over 6%. Where else would you get a 6% salary increase in this country? So though we have been told of tough economic conditions, lower profits and low wage inflation for you and I, the CEO of AIM companies think that is a good reason to increase their salaries by over 6%, now that's fair!!

Of course we should say something about “average” salaries, it is not quite all like it seems. Take gender, the salary for male is £30,000+ but if you are female then your average drops to £23,000+. Then again how you work, permanent worker average is £23,000+, temporary worker £19,000+ and part time £13,000+, and there are lots of those who drop below the average. So our fair society puts prices up for everybody but your income can be static and below £13,000 or can see massive increases and be above £200,000, now that's fair!!
       The inequalities within this society can never be resolved, the system is built on the exploitation of the many by the few and the state structure is designed to make sure that nothing changes that pattern. Poverty will be the lot of the many, unearned affluence for the few pampered parasites feeding of our labour, unless be destroy the capitalist system of greed for profit. There are alternatives, after all capitalism is a relatively new system and it is man made, not written in tablets of stone. We have the imagination, the resources and the ability to take control of this society and shape it to serve the needs of all those involved in society. We can create a needs founded society based on mutual aid, free association and voluntary co-operation with sustainability at its foundation. We can of course continue to face deprivation while we beg and struggle, and fight over the crumbs the parasites throw our way. It seems an easy choice!!!

ann arky's home.