It looks like those tarmac worshippers in the Kremlin in George Square Glasgow, have prevailed again. Another public green spot in our city is to disappear, Sighthill Park is to be sacrificed on the developers altar. Another slice of public open green space that people enjoy will get a monochrome coating of tarmac, and developers will pop their Champagne bottles, paying homage to a council that is supposed to represent the people. Soon, if you want a green space in Glasgow you will have to put it in a flower pot and stand it on your window sill.
The stones were the first astronomically aligned circle built in Britain for 3,000 years.
Visit ann arky's home at Lunan just posted an update on the petition you signed, Glasgow City Council should scrap their plans to demolish Sighthill Park and its stone circle.
Last Event at the Stone Circle
Mar 20, 2016 — The Paper Kiln Event at Sighthill Stone Circle on Sunday 20th March 2016 will be the very last event at the Stone Circle as it will be taken down in the first week in April. Please support this event. A Spring Equinox event with the opportunity to fire ceramic pieces using a traditional outdoor paper kiln at the Sighthill Park Stone Circle with... Read more