Showing posts with label Inter Arma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inter Arma. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 June 2015

The Rule Book Hasn't Been Written Yet.

       The babbling brook of bullshit that is our mainstream media, always frames any discussion on our future in the language of economics. As long as we accept that frame of reference, we have lost the argument. If we desire a society of justice, freedom and equality of opportunity, we will not find it in balance sheets, we will not find it in a set of calculations devised by accountants. We have to step out of their frame of references and start our calculations based on humanity and the needs of each other. The rule book of their normality must be shredded, we have to move forward creating our own normality and it will always be a transient normality, as our humanity and needs evolve. Our normality must never become a "tradition". It must always be alive, evolving, untrammelled, flowing, guided only by our humanity and justice. We can't assume the right to lay down the rules for future generations, that is their job and their job alone.

The following is a short extract from an article in Inter Arma, though it is referring to the situation in Greece, it equally applies anywhere in the capitalist world:
--------There, then, where some see an opportunity, because of the economic crisis, we see a trap. A trap of sinking in the swamp of confusion, of fantasies about the social “good” deriving from Marxist analysis, of certainties about revolutionary subjects, of economism.
First of all, the global crisis we are experiencing today is not just a crisis of numbers, financial figures and mathematics, but part of the overall crisis of values ​​and conscience in the world of authority. It is the cannibalistic crisis of western lifestyle which after it grew big consuming blood and oil from the “underdeveloped”, it now feeds from the flesh. Today, the “developed world” not only lives in the grip of economic tyranny, but also in the desert of spiritual and emotional bankruptcy.
       Unlike the Marxists and their “anarchist” great-grandchildren, who want to interpret life with the rationality of mathematics, we seek our liberation inside the blasts of a permanent existential revolt of relations, situations, values, morals, and everyday life.
        Even the economy, which is the center of the tedious analysis of the communists, for us it is not a series of ordered numbers leading to the equation of the class struggle. Instead, the economy is, first and foremost, a hierarchical social relationship that speaks the language of money. Money is a symbol of accumulated power. It is a property title that owns objects, land, time, admiration, relationships, people. The anarchist challenge, then, cannot be trapped in the demand for “better wages”, “lower taxes”, “economic equality”… One cannot destroy the morality of property by making it equal and uniform to all.
        The experiment of communist totalitarian regimes spawned monsters, dictatorships of the proletariat and obedient subjects. One cannot exorcise ugliness with a new ugliness, simply by changing the name to something more “social” and imagining that through the “anti-imperialist struggle”, the country won’t become a “modern colony “.
Read the full article HERE:
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Monday 6 April 2015

A Victory For The Prison Hunger Strikers.

       A victory for solidarity, and the determination of those on hunger strike. An action taken to force the state to stop its vindictive collective punishment, to free those relatives of the prisoners who were being held for no other reason than they were relatives.
 Inter Arma received and translated:
      Today is a day that a crack in the walls of the imprisoned world around us has opened. After 32 days of hunger strike, the mother of Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the girlfriend of the latter will soon pass the exit of prison, free again…
      32 days of hunger strike, with eight comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire being hospitalized, balancing between life and death. Mihalis found himself in the ICU the last few days, Olga has reached 40 kilos, Panagiotis had an already compromised health from previous surgeries on his head, George P. has a problem with his heart, with his heart-beats reaching 30 and all of them had medical measurements indicating that they lost 15-20% of their initial body weight.
      32 days, the hunger strike became a daily, slow torment of death, in order for us not to make truce with the absolute death of emotional blackmail. An insidious blackmail which authority wanted to impose on us by abducting and keeping our relatives as hostages in prison. 32 days of hunger strike, every fading beat of our heart, reminded us of the promise we made together when we met for the last time, “Let’s go, until freedom …”.
      After 32 days of hunger strike, the shadow of repression grew pale, the walls of captivity lowered and prison admitted defeat.
      This victory is not only the result of the hunger strike of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. It’s a victory of a whole world of solidarity with arson attacks, occupations, sabotage, marches, gatherings, unexpected interventions, which broke social peace, turned cities into fields of insurrectional moments and occupied buildings into living labs of subversive situations. In an everyday life where the desire for freedom has been suspended indefinitely, life flooded with small and large liberation gestures, with fires, with slogans and sparkling eyes of persons who wore hoods.
We are flooded with many thoughts that want to fill with words the corresponding meanings. But now, there is neither a day for celebration, nor for accounts of victory. Today we stop the hunger strike, having beaten the scarecrows of authority who wanted our relatives in prison, BUT at the same time the hunger strike of the remaining political prisoners, for the overall requests that have been set, continues. The days that follow are critical both for their health and for the total bet of anarchist struggle. Therefore, there is no time neither for relaxing, nor for victory celebration. The die is cast long time ago… We, as the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, remain on the ramparts and prepare our counter-attack, supporting the struggle conducted within and outside prison.
Authority and it’s scarecrows should know that every judicial coup, every jail, every moment of oppression, every propaganda lie, every shade of bourgeois morality will return back to its instigators and owners, with multiple power and vehemence. With the power and vehemence of sabotage, fire, explosion, execution… In war, we answer with war. Time for us to attack first…
STRENGTH AND SOLIDARITY with anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis. member of R.S., and the Network of Fighting Prisoners
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF,
Imprisoned members’ Cell,
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