Showing posts with label economics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economics. Show all posts

Monday 17 July 2017

What Could Be The Last Crime?

             I believe that it is true to say that practically every person out side the army of parasites that control this system, are dissatisfied with the present system, all desire change. The debate usually centres round what to change and how best to change things. What we should be aiming for is to change everything, over the centuries we have had a multitude of changes, all within the the confines of the existing system, and we have failed miserably to eradicate poverty, homelessness, deprivation, exploitation, repression and wars, freedom has become a commodity that can be purchased, and quality of life depends on wealth, It should be obvious by now that we can never find the answer to these problems within the parameters of the present economic system, the present system is incapable of delivering satisfaction to our desires, it doesn't function that way.
                To limit the debate on change to economics, growth, the markets, and GDP, is to perpetuate the existing failed system, and more or less agree that the present system of exploitative capitalism is the only model possible. It places us in the position of believing that capitalism is the pinnacle of human imagination and ability. We would be indeed a race devoid  and barren of imagination if this were the case. We are capable of imagining a far better, far fairer world, we are capable of changing that imagined world into reality, but we have to change the system, we have to change everything.
            Below are a few comments from the Crimethinc article, To Change Everything: 
             Every order is founded on a crime against the preceding order—the crime that dissolved it. Afterwards, the new order comes to be perceived as legitimate, as people begin to take it for granted. The founding crime of the United States of America was the rebellion against the authority of the king of England. The founding crime of the society to come, if we manage to survive this one, will do away with the laws and institutions of today.
            The category of crime holds everything that exceeds the limits of a society—its worst and its best. Every system is haunted by all that it cannot incorporate or control. Every order contains the seeds of its own destruction.
             Nothing lasts forever; that goes for empires and civilizations too. But what could supersede this one? Can we imagine an order not premised on the division of life into legitimate and illegitimate, legality and criminality, rulers and ruled? What could be the last crime?
            Anarchy is what happens wherever order is not imposed by force. It is freedom: the process of continually reinventing ourselves and our relationships.
Any freely occurring process or phenomenon—a rainforest, a circle of friends, your own body—is an anarchic harmony that persists through constant change. Top-down control, on the other hand, can only be maintained by constraint or coercion: the precarious discipline of the high-school detention room, the factory farm in which pesticides and herbicides defend sterile rows of genetically modified corn, the fragile hegemony of a superpower.
          Anarchism is the idea that everyone is entitled to complete self-determination. No law, government, or decision-making process is more important than the needs and desires of actual human beings. People should be free to shape their relations to their mutual satisfaction, and to stand up for themselves as they see fit.
              Anarchism is not a dogma or a blueprint. It is not a system that would supposedly work if only it were applied right, like democracy, nor a goal to be realized in some far-off future, like communism. It is a way of acting and relating that we can put into practice right now. In reference to any value system or course of action, we can begin by asking: How does it distribute power?

         Anarchists oppose all forms of hierarchy—every currency that concentrates power into the hands of a few, every mechanism that puts us at a distance from our potential. Against closed systems, we relish the unknown before us, the chaos within us by virtue of which we are able to be free.
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday 29 April 2017

Cold, Wind, Rain And £2 Down.

       Today, Saturday, was not my type of cycling day, but cabin fever is a dreadful affliction. So, despite the forecast of 16mph cold wind and max. 10 degrees, I set off on my usual route. As I approached Auchenreoch I could see areas of sky that had white clouds, and the odd blue area, but not my patch, I felt a bit hard done by, above my head was low dark foreboding clouds, and that 16mph wind was cold, then to really upset me there started a smirl of light rain. So I cut it short, called it a day, and headed for Milton of Campsie, birth place of Thomas Muir. There to partake in the hospitality of their local café, though I must add, for the same soup, cake and coffee, it was £2 dearer than the Clachan of Campsie tearoom. Should have cycled the extra six or seven miles and saved a couple of quid, but alas, too late, I had ordered and eaten. 
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Tuesday 8 December 2015

A Thought From The Past!!!

      The following is a paragraph from a small article that I wrote some years ago. Amazing, I could quite easily have sat down today and penned the same article, as the powers that be, are working steadily at doing just what was proclaimed back then. 

–----- Some economists are proclaiming they have to to make it worse for the many. Insisting that governments must cut social spending to allow the real money makers to start creating greater wealth. While others state that the only formula is to cut social benefits and lower wages. Obviously the survival of the system is more important than the well-being of the people.
     Under these conditions, people have the right to defend themselves by what ever means possible, and that doesn't mean marching in an orderly fashion to some government office, and asking to be employed on a lousy job for a crap wage. We have a better imagination than that!!-----
      Ah well, I'll save it for another few years and use it again. Or are we really going to change things?
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Tuesday 2 June 2015

The Rule Book Hasn't Been Written Yet.

       The babbling brook of bullshit that is our mainstream media, always frames any discussion on our future in the language of economics. As long as we accept that frame of reference, we have lost the argument. If we desire a society of justice, freedom and equality of opportunity, we will not find it in balance sheets, we will not find it in a set of calculations devised by accountants. We have to step out of their frame of references and start our calculations based on humanity and the needs of each other. The rule book of their normality must be shredded, we have to move forward creating our own normality and it will always be a transient normality, as our humanity and needs evolve. Our normality must never become a "tradition". It must always be alive, evolving, untrammelled, flowing, guided only by our humanity and justice. We can't assume the right to lay down the rules for future generations, that is their job and their job alone.

The following is a short extract from an article in Inter Arma, though it is referring to the situation in Greece, it equally applies anywhere in the capitalist world:
--------There, then, where some see an opportunity, because of the economic crisis, we see a trap. A trap of sinking in the swamp of confusion, of fantasies about the social “good” deriving from Marxist analysis, of certainties about revolutionary subjects, of economism.
First of all, the global crisis we are experiencing today is not just a crisis of numbers, financial figures and mathematics, but part of the overall crisis of values ​​and conscience in the world of authority. It is the cannibalistic crisis of western lifestyle which after it grew big consuming blood and oil from the “underdeveloped”, it now feeds from the flesh. Today, the “developed world” not only lives in the grip of economic tyranny, but also in the desert of spiritual and emotional bankruptcy.
       Unlike the Marxists and their “anarchist” great-grandchildren, who want to interpret life with the rationality of mathematics, we seek our liberation inside the blasts of a permanent existential revolt of relations, situations, values, morals, and everyday life.
        Even the economy, which is the center of the tedious analysis of the communists, for us it is not a series of ordered numbers leading to the equation of the class struggle. Instead, the economy is, first and foremost, a hierarchical social relationship that speaks the language of money. Money is a symbol of accumulated power. It is a property title that owns objects, land, time, admiration, relationships, people. The anarchist challenge, then, cannot be trapped in the demand for “better wages”, “lower taxes”, “economic equality”… One cannot destroy the morality of property by making it equal and uniform to all.
        The experiment of communist totalitarian regimes spawned monsters, dictatorships of the proletariat and obedient subjects. One cannot exorcise ugliness with a new ugliness, simply by changing the name to something more “social” and imagining that through the “anti-imperialist struggle”, the country won’t become a “modern colony “.
Read the full article HERE:
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Monday 28 April 2014

Austerity Is A Scam.

        So austerity was not necessary and George Osborne has been wrong on everything, and is always wrong, of course we always knew that fact.

And now for a evening at the movies.

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Monday 7 October 2013

We Are Blowing Pretty Bubbles---.

     What a shame this is not on mainstream media on a daily basis, however, that babbling brook of bullshit we call mainstream media is not meant to inform, it is the system's propaganda machine.

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Thursday 26 July 2012


         The IMF's (International Mankind Fuckers) hit squad, the financial Mafia, are back in Greece, to see if their minions, the Greek state apparatus, has plundered the public purse to their satisfaction. The answer of course will be no, they will have to introduce more “austerity” cuts. The fact that the Greek economy has contracted by 20% since 2008 and is expected to shrink by a further 7% and what this means to the Greek people, is of no consequence to the IMF/ECB, all that matters is the the various states make sure that the bond markets, banks and others of the financial Mafia, get all the money back that they gambled and lost. We should accept that in their plans this is not a temporary drop in the living standards of the people across Europe, this is a permanent adjustment in the difference in wealth between what is drip fed to the public and what goes into the coffers of the very rich. You are not meant to get it all back in a couple of years. Here in the UK they are now talking of “austerity” cuts continuing through 2017 and possibly 2020. However, it is not happening quick enough for the banking leeches, so Spain is now being pushed to get public spending down to the level of Greece or below. The results of their attack on public spending, wages and pensions, is that Greece is now running out of medicines, hospitals are closing, health problems are rocketing, suicides, drug and alcohol problems are escalating, and with the closing of needle exchanges due to cuts, HIV is increasing faster than anywhere else in Europe. This is not even noticed by the financial Mafia, all they see is financial balance sheets. Just as the Greek people take to the streets in anger, we are now seeing mounting revolt spreading across the cities of Spain. The fact is that the financial Mafia will not be deterred by a couple of countries in social turmoil, they will proceed with their march of destruction through country after country, carrying the false idea that they can balance their books and get back all that gambling loss. How long they go on with their vicious attack on the living standards of the people of all Europe will depend on the public. We can stop them dead in their tracks and change the whole structure under which we live, or we can accept their vision of the future and hope that if we put up with it, they will throw us a few biscuits, in some time in the future.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 7 April 2012


        All the reporting and discussion on the "crisis" always refers to the situation as if it were something mechanical, beyond the ability of us mere humans to control or even alter. What they never hint at is that it is not mechanical but human. It is human decisions made for short term selfish human gain. Individuals sitting in their marble halls making decisions as the shift billions in cash around the world, with no other reason than to increase those billions. The human cost, the effect on the lives of the billions of people adversely affected by those decisions is of no consequence. They neither notice nor care, unless it might adversely affect their gambling results. It is not something set in tablets of stone that we have to sit around soaking up the punishment inflicted by the financial mafia, we can take control of all the production and distribution setting up a society based on communities that see to the needs of all our people. We don't need the cabal shareholders that live like parasites of our labours, but they do needs us. Capitalist economics is not some phenomenon of the natural world, it is a man made system of exploitation, it could be wiped away if the will of the people so desire. A better world is possible, just think of a world based on mutual aid, co-operation, sustainability and humanity. Or we could accept this world of injustice, poverty and inequality and leave our grandchildren, a world of exploiation devoid of hope.
        The following is from "This is our job", originally translated from Liberación Total
        Street protests against the attacks of capitalist States on our living conditions have recently spread throughout Europe. Despite the strikes, actions, and massive demonstrations, and despite the broad movements that haven’t even expressed any grand revolutionary aspirations beyond the mere defence of minimum basic necessities, the States have responded with indifference.
        Appealing to confusing economic formulas, numbers, statistics, and abstract concepts, those States have tried to locate the problem’s origin in inaccessible, metaphysical realities. However, the origin and causes of our daily problems have no metaphysical foundation whatsoever. Poverty, exploitation, repression, and systematic abuse are the results of very concrete structures, of specific decisions taken by specific people who have specific interests.

ann arky's home.

Monday 12 March 2012


        While this present "financial crisis" is rumbling along sucking all the wealth from the poor to the very rich, we keep getting all sorts of economic explanations from the academics and politicians. We get Keynesian to Marxist theories thrown at us, all in jargon that doesn't mean much to the ordinary member of the public, the ones hardest hit. Seldom do we get the truth set out in accurate but simple form, that we can all accept and understand. The following is probably the most straight forward, honest and simplest explanation that will come your way.

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Sunday 19 February 2012


        Something that is lacking in all the debate about the Greek debt is the actual suffering of the Greek people. We get long academic out pourings on all the minute detail in economic parlance. We get varitions on the possible effects on this country's banking system and that country's banking system. We are given %'s of debt to GDP, interest rates on the bond markets. We can have the first 20 minutes or so of the evening news on the miriad of statements from the various finance ministers across Europe, telling us banks will have to increase their capital, or banks will have to lend more. However what we don't get is the increase in suicides, the increase in mental health problems, the break down in social relationships, the increase in malnutrition, the increase in drug and alcohol abuse. We are not told that deprivation among the ordinary greek people has gone stratosheric, nor are we told that there are now more than 20,000 homeless in Athens, an ever increasing number of soup kitchens are handing out a bowl of food too an ever increasing army of hungry. There are counties in other parts of the world where these conditions would have aid pouring into them from the West.
      This is the price in human suffering that the Greek people are expected to pay, and pay for at least a couple of generations in an endeavour to save the billionaire bond markets from taking a loss. The financial markets played a dangerous game of throwing cheap magic unearned money at everybody and everything and now they want it all back and it's the people that are expected to pay. We have a system where debt and profit are away more valuable than people, that surely is unacceptable, but don't expect the 1% billionaires to want in any way to change that relationship. Any change will have to come from the 99%, those at the receiving and of this financial corporate fascism's plunder of the public purse. The following is from Two Minds. 
     The potential for loss and actually bearing the consequences from irresponsible extensions of credit was unacceptable to the banking cartel, so they rewrote the laws. Now student loans in America cannot be discharged in bankruptcy court; they are permanent and must be carried and serviced until death. This is the acme of debt-serfdom.
      The global banking cartel has declared Greece's debts to be permanent and its people debt-serfs. More precisely, some privately held debt will be written down, but certainly not all of it, and the debt owed to the European Central Bank cannot be written down a single euro: Greece must pay the interest on the full debt, whatever the costs to its people.
     We might ask why the fully-financialized Status Quo of financial and political Elites so carefully insures no shadow of ethics passes over the Greek debt crisis: If they did, it would become obvious that when debt becomes more important than people, the system is evil and should be dismantled.
 ann arky's home.

Tuesday 8 November 2011


           An economic lesson from the street, no need for a university degree, listen to the voice from the street. It is cheaper, clearer and more accurate. When will we wake up and destroy this game of fraud and corruption, that shackles us to a permanent fear of deprivation, in a world of plenty?

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