Showing posts with label Occupy Wall St. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Occupy Wall St. Show all posts

Saturday 17 August 2019

A Wee Blast From The Past.

         Wrote this little piece some years ago during the "Occupy Wall Street" protests, but think it is still relevant to day as when I scribbled it down. 


         I found this poster on the internet, it seems that these protesters have found most of the questions regarding this society, but have they found the answer? Certainly bankers are the bad guys in this affair, but it goes a little deeper than that, it is with the system itself that the real problem lies, the bankers were just following the natural path of a corrupt and unjust system. So getting rid of bankers, in what ever way you please, will not put the world to rights. We have to think beyond our anger and focus on our desires, what kind of society do we really want. Do we want one that is based on competition, profit and self-centred greed, driven by wealthy shareholders, where gaps in wealth are unimaginable, and deprivation drags millions of people into despair and an early grave? Or are we going to go for a society based on the needs of all the people, a community oriented society founded on mutual aid, co-operation, justice and sustainability? What's the point of all the occupations in the world if you keep the system and simple ask your lords and masters to, please give us a little more?
              So do we run a hate a banker campaign, or do we occupy everything and change society into something we would be proud to hand to the next generation, a society where we know, all our grandchildren will be nurtured to reach their full potential as decent human beings.
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Thursday 12 January 2012


        Liberty Square in New York has been re-occupied, the barriers are down and the people are back with their library and their discusions. In spite of the lack of media coveage this protest gathers numbers and steam.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 14 December 2011


        The occupy movement seems to be gaining momentum and is moving in the right direction. In America there has been a campaign to occupy the ports, and though they have been evicted from the Wall Street site they are planning to re-occupy it with Occupy 2.  In London there has been the occupation of the UBS building and the forming of the “Bank of Ideas”.

        The occupy movement has to grow or it dies and the only way for it to grow is to branch out and bring the idea to a greater number of people. The occupying of the ports in America is widening the range of influence and allowing a greater number of people to become involved. The London “Bank of Ideas” again will involve a greater range of people and will widen the idea of occupation as a tool of change, rather than sitting in one spot in some symbolic action.

The work places, distribution and the streets should belong to the people, only then will we have justice.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 19 November 2011


      Media clamp down, co-ordinated nation wide move against peaceful protest, police brutality? Surely not in the West? It must be some foreign banana republic with a despot dictator!! This is the free democratic West where we value freedom of speech and expression, after all we export such values to repressed people across the globe, don't we??
      You can take it that there is more of this to come, as the so called "crisis" takes a tighter grip of our lives. The corporate financial mafia are determined to cover any losses by taking all public spending and transferring it to their coffers. The might call it deficit reduction, but it still amounts to taking tax payers money and putting into the bank accounts of the big boys who control the financial mafia.
     You can debate how the "crisis" came about, who was responsible, until you're blue in the face, when the simple answer is that the system is inherently flawed as far as the ordinary people are concerned, but works well if you happen to be one of the billionaire parasites with their hands on the roulette wheel. It is a gambling club, but you and I are not in the club, we just provide the wealth that they gamble over.

ann arky's home.

Friday 11 November 2011


       The Occupy movement is still growing, it may be stagnant in some towns and cities but that's not the story in most cities, irrespective of what the mainstream media spout. This a report from the Occupy Wall St event by somebody who is there doing his thing. It would be good to give live reports from all over the world a much wider audience, so that the public are aware of what is going on and encourage more to participate.

Listen to internet radio with polizeros on Blog Talk

ann arky's home.

Saturday 15 October 2011


         Glasgow's Occupy protest at George Square on October 15, probably wasn't the biggest in the world, but never the less it was passionate. Speaking to different individuals and groups, the same thing came through, the system wasn't working, it was a rip-off, it was corrupt. They all wanted a change, though most weren't quite sure what that change should be, just that it should be a fairer system that saw to the people's needs and not those of the corporate or financial world. Most had no faith in any of the political parties and didn't trust them to bring about the desired change. In spite of Glasgow's cold and damp ground there were those who seemed quite determined to camp out in October, on the Square's inhospitable grass.

Though Glasgow's protest was small it should be remember that this is the first time in the history of the human race that there has been a protest in practically every city on the planet at the same time, on the same matter, all with the same desire, to change a corrupt system. Obviously the people are waking up to the fact that this world-wide corporate system does not work in their favour and has to be changed. By communicating and staying clear of political parties, they will arrive at how they want to change it and with growing numbers, co-operation and solidarity between the various groups and individuals involved, nothing on the planet can stop them.

Great oak trees from little acorns grow!!

am fire,
I surge, I hiss,
sometimes bursting forth in a flame
that lights up the world
illuminating unimagined dreams.
Then the black cloak
blankets out the glow.
Again all is dark,
but, still
beneath the surface
I surge, I hiss,
I endure, waiting, seeking,
building up pressure.
One day I will explode
destroying forever
the Tartarean crust of oppression.
I am fire,
I am the people.

ann arky's home.

Monday 10 October 2011


           The Occupy Wall St. movement in America just keeps growing and growing but the media coverage is minimal. How can they ignore such a vast event in their own back yard yet claim to be bring you the news as it happens? They will give you lots of details of celebrities, sex and sleaze and bring you the latest sports results, but on no account bring you information that might help you to sort out the problems in this type of society. Gather your information from the mainstream media and you will be blind and impotent, they are a tool of the corporate fascist system that we live under. They do a wonderful job of creating illusions, of weaving impossible dreams before your eyes, they legitimise greed and excess, they glorify war, they bury reality beneath a sludge of pointless drivel. This is their job and they are very good at it, the world they portray is never the real world where we the real people live.

@OccupyTheHood, Occupy Wall Street from adele pham on Vimeo.


The questions arise. Why war and hunger?
Why does poverty continue to linger?
Why such need in a world of wealth?
Why put a price on a child’s health?
Confused and angry the public stand
gazing in disbelief at this pathetic band.
Those shiney politicians designed by spin
their street credibility paper thin,
the great persuaders looking the mood
struggling so hard just for our good!
Masters of the art of wheeling and dealing
exceptional experts at legal stealing.
Enter the Media, drowning us all in trivial text,
everything you need know
of scandal and sport, crime and sex.
Together they create a world of confusion
all fashion and style, a vicious illusion.
So no matter how often we point at need,
we always drown in a sea of greed,
no debate entered into, no answers found,
the waffle the babble goes round and round.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 9 October 2011


         Several weeks of protests in New York by the Occupy Wall St. movement and still the media give it a very low key approach, the fact that it is spreading to other cities in America makes no difference what so ever. It is not hitting the headlines, there is obviously a form of censorship in the West. You can report protests and up-risings in lots of countries across the world, the further away the better, the nearer to home the less coverage they get. Not much in the European media about the protests in Athens, Madrid and Rome, to mention a few, but lots of cover on the uprisings in the Middle East. As Julian Assange said at the London anti-war protests this weekend, "journalist peddle lies", but what is equally abhorrent is the non reporting of certain events when it might throw a bad light on their lords and masters the corporate world. The mainstream media is a subservient tool of the corporate world, the peddler of illusions, a PR machine for the corporate and political parasites at the top. It is time that we stopped looking to the mainstream media for "news" and stick with the independent alternative media, activists' news-sheets, internet, facebook, twitter, etc. Let the mainstream media peddle their lies to the thin air. Information on Protests and Anti-war info.

By John Hartfield.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 8 October 2011


       Mitt Romney, front runner for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination is one of those people that the West is always demonizing, and sending drones out to kill, he is a religious fundamentalist. However, his religious fundamentalism is of the type accepted by the Western warmongering nations, he is a Christian fundamentalist rather than a Islamic fundamentalist. In his recent speech he spouted the usual supremacy crap about how God created America different from other countries, it seems he thinks God is a biased creature who prefers white supremacist Americans over all other people. He is also spewing out the usual shit about America having a unique destiny and was never meant to be, “---one of several equally balanced global powers”, another piece of his delusional drivel, "---God did not create this country to be a nation of followers," and if America doesn't lead the world someone else will. Sounds much like the Nazis in Germany around 1939. Of course it is very difficult to separate an American religious fundamentalist neocon for an old German Nazi, they spew out the same arrogant self centred psychotic bile.

       This religious nut also wants to beef up America's military power and is surrounding himself with the other equally fundamentalists from the G. W. Bush, Iraq massacre era, saying that America would work with United Nations “--where appropriate” but also saying ”-- "know this. While America should work with other nations, we always reserve the right to act alone to protect our vital national interests." Another statement proving he is nothing less than another dangerous religious nutter visionary, he believes, “---this is America's moment”. I can't think of anything more frightening than a bigger military America with a religious nutter sitting with his God controlled finger on the nuclear button.

       Reading his speech I couldn't help thinking that, if this guy was speaking anywhere else in the world, it would probably be on a soap box in a park surrounded by a crowd of laughing hecklers. Sadly in America there are millions who will take him seriously and believe his crap, also a lot of big money will get behind him, the arms industry for one, the oil industry for another, and attempt to propel him into that seat of power. The future looks bleak, if it wasn't for, Occupy Wall St. the demonstrations in Athens, Madrid, Rome, Paris, London and other cities across the world. More power to the people of the world.