Showing posts with label VAT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VAT. Show all posts

Monday 10 June 2013

How To Get Rid Of Taxes.


      If your one of the ordinary citizen of your country, and one of that dwindling band who still have a job, you'll have no option but to pay your taxes. Even if you are not working, you are still taxed via VAT, you pay tax on practically everything you buy, you are even taxed when you cook and heat your house. We are told that we pay taxes to make society a better place, our taxes pay for social services hospitals and such. There is probably enough taxes paid by you and me to end poverty in our country and see to the needs of the vulnerable. However, our taxes also pay for the state to arm itself to the teeth and send armies across the globe to kill other ordinary people who pay their taxes, and that's a big slice of our money. So we put up with poverty allowing the state to rob us so that it can play its game of power and control.
      There are however, those in this society that don't bother with that crap of paying taxes, they just keep their money and spend it on themselves, I'm talking about corporations, that band of greed merchants that at the moment control our world. Apple, just one of those corporations, in recent years paid practically no tax on $78 billion simply by setting up shell corporations in low-tax countries and posting profits abroad. It is considered that across the globe, the corporate world avoid paying taxes to the tune of $1 trillion every year. That's a fair slice of money, it is reckoned that it could end poverty, it's enough to give every family on the planet $1,000 every year, or put every child on the planet in school, it is almost as much as the military budget for every country on the planet, and bigger than the total budget of 176 nations. But instead, it goes into expanding corporate power and keeping an army of parasites in unimaginable luxury.
      We know that those duplicitous suits, the political class, will not do much, if anything, to prevent this bonanza for the rich, as they are part and parcel of the same corporate world, they are the puppets of their corporate masters. The only real answer is for the people to take control of those corporations, change the production from crap trivia for fashionistas, to producing what the people of the world actually need. In one fell swoop we would end poverty and deprivation, get rid of that army of parasites and the need to bother trying to get them to pay their taxes.

ann arky's home.


Wednesday 21 September 2011


       Our dupicious millionaire politicians are still feeding us crap about improving the economy by austerity cuts, while those in the know are more or less saying it is all over and we are heading for the biggest collapse of the financial system - ever. The Greek people are in the front line of the harshest attack on anybody's living standards seen in Europe. They are expected to accept wage cuts, pension cuts, social service cuts, increase taxes, plus VAT up to 23%, a new porporty tax on all property, increased unemployment and price increases on energy and food. The attacks on the general public will become more vicious and more wide spread as the greed created crisis rapidly deepens.
      At the moment we have mass demonstrations in Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, with plans for co-ordinated union demostrations in the UK. The various goverments are not listening to the people, they can't, they are impotent in the face of the dictates from the leader of the banking cartel, the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) and the policy from them will continue to be, screw the people and hand the tax payers money to the banks. In this corporate fascist system we live under they hold total power over the political class and the International Mankind Fuckers will not allow their cartel to go down. When will the demonstrations turn to open revolt?

ann arky's home.

Saturday 17 September 2011


     While we in this country mobilise against the millionaire bankers' cuts to our living standards, we should not lose sight of the fact that this is not a UK problem. This is a crisis in capitalism across the globe. The financial system is in effect bust, and has to claw in money from the public to save the bankers arses. They have to raise more money from the people and take ownership of all public assets to shore up their greed gotten billions.

      As far as Europe is concerned, Greece is probably at the front line and what is happening there is in all probability coming our way. Recently the Greek government introduced a new tax very much reminiscent of Thatcher’s Poll Tax: every single house owner in the country is to face an “emergency tax” ranging between 3-20 euros per square meter (depending on their property value, location etc). Even people on unemployment benefits are not to be spared of the tax, only offered a discount instead. Practically, this means that an average household of, say, three bedrooms (approx. 100 sq m.) would have to pay an additional of 1,000 euros (!) annually in tax. It doesn't stop there, a staggering increase in VAT (from 13% to 23% for many products), and the effective sacking of thousands of public sector workers. Of course there are the usual exceptions from the new tax, no not the poor hard working, but the more leisurely, religious-use buildings owned by the Church will be exempt. The Orthodox church is the largest property owner in Greece.

      All this information looks innocent on paper, just statistics, percentages, numbers, but when it hits you personally the human effect is a different story. It means poverty in the present time with it likely to continue for decades, destroying the future of the next generation, stress and anguish which at times can be unbearable. Friday 16 September in the Greek Northern city of Thessaloniki, a 55-year old man tried to set himself alight in front of a branch of Piraeus Bank, in protest and desperation for his mounting debt to the bank. He was rescued by passers-by and police and has been transferred to hospital.

      You can write, text, send emails to your MP, decide to change who you vote for at the next election and it will all be to no avail. This is not a national crisis, it is global and it will be won or lost on the streets. It is the system that has to be changed, not the bums on seats of power, nor the smiling faces at the podium.
Some of the details here were taken from


Tuesday 2 November 2010


       Millionaire Cameron's “BIG SOCIETY” is certainly going to be big on unemployment. At present there are approximately 2.5 million people unemployed in the UK with about 1.5 million claiming Jobseekers Allowance. These figures are set to rise rapidly if the experts have done their sums properly. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, (CIPD) the private sector will lose most with the rise in VAT to 20%, they reckon that the increase VAT will throw approximately another 250,000 people on the dole from the private sector. John Philpott, chief economist with CIPD has stated that, ”The full impact of the coalition government's planned fiscal tightening has been underestimated.” The CIPD also says that their calculations show that the impact of VAT rise and the government's spending cuts will cost approximately 900,000 jobs from the private sector and 725,000 jobs from the public sector. Their estimate is that the coalition's cuts will cost the UK 1.6 million jobs over the next 5 years with the private sector taking the biggest hit.
        Well there you have it, the “BIG SOCIETY” everybody on the dole, services cut to the bone and everybody running around helping in charity organisations to alleviate the suffering of the poor, of which they themselves are part.
        How much of all this suffering will affect the millionaire cabal in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption that are implementing this grand plan? Not one of them will feel the least bit of pain as the deprivation increases on the rest of society. Why do we accept the will of the millionaire class that inflicts this suffering on us, knowing that it is all to the benefit of their friends in the millionaires' club. Their cronies in the financial sector will be wining and dining them from now until they are buried. They know how to work together for their mutual benefit, isn't about time we the workers done the same? Why let parasites feed of your body, let's get rid of this whole system of privilege and power to the wealthy, and replace it with a system of co-operation, mutual aid, and sustainability that works for the benefit of all our people.
ann arky's home.