Showing posts with label parsites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parsites. Show all posts

Sunday 2 October 2011


       Our millionaire public school thugs keep spouting that what they are doing is for the benefit of the country. What do they mean by “benefit of country”? What most people would think is that it is for he benefit of the people of that country. However the policies being administered by this bunch of millionaire parasites is most certainly not for the benefit of the people. Let's start with the £9billion cut from disability benefit, hitting some of the most vulnerable in our society. Then of course there is those effects that are not linked to any specific cut, like for example the fact that in the last year FareShare, which redistributes waste food from food manufacturers and super markets to various social care charities, has seen the demand for its food rise from 29,500 to 35,000 and increase of 20%. A lot of those coming forward for the food are from what would be termed “stable families” affected by rising unemployment. The number of charities applying to the FareShare scheme has risen from 600 to 700 over the last year. Almost half of those charities signed up to the scheme have claimed that the demand for their food services has risen by more than 50%. That's an awful lot of people depending on food handouts to survive, in what is one of the richest countries in the world. So much for “the benefit of the country”. Another action for “the benefit of the country” is a wage freeze, and in some cases, a wage cut, on public sector employees, while inflation is running at 5% and fuel bills for heating have risen by 18% this year alone. What is the total so far that are benefiting from these policies?

     Cuts in social services and benefits, wage freeze and wage cuts, high inflation and rocketing fuel prices, cuts in education, closure of libraries, leisure centres, and school, attempts to privatise the National Health Service, higher pension contributions, working longer and lower pensions at retiral, plus unemployment rising, all for your benefit. Of course you won't benefit now, but in 20 years or so this will be a great country for big business, lots of cheap labour and hundreds chasing every job. What you are being promised is the usual pie in the sky for you, and an immediate killing for the millionaire parasite class. So as far as they are concerned what they are doing is for “the benefit of the country”, as they consider it is their country, we are just the tools by which they make their fortunes. In the words of that old song,”When will we ever learn”?

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 2 November 2010


       Millionaire Cameron's “BIG SOCIETY” is certainly going to be big on unemployment. At present there are approximately 2.5 million people unemployed in the UK with about 1.5 million claiming Jobseekers Allowance. These figures are set to rise rapidly if the experts have done their sums properly. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, (CIPD) the private sector will lose most with the rise in VAT to 20%, they reckon that the increase VAT will throw approximately another 250,000 people on the dole from the private sector. John Philpott, chief economist with CIPD has stated that, ”The full impact of the coalition government's planned fiscal tightening has been underestimated.” The CIPD also says that their calculations show that the impact of VAT rise and the government's spending cuts will cost approximately 900,000 jobs from the private sector and 725,000 jobs from the public sector. Their estimate is that the coalition's cuts will cost the UK 1.6 million jobs over the next 5 years with the private sector taking the biggest hit.
        Well there you have it, the “BIG SOCIETY” everybody on the dole, services cut to the bone and everybody running around helping in charity organisations to alleviate the suffering of the poor, of which they themselves are part.
        How much of all this suffering will affect the millionaire cabal in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption that are implementing this grand plan? Not one of them will feel the least bit of pain as the deprivation increases on the rest of society. Why do we accept the will of the millionaire class that inflicts this suffering on us, knowing that it is all to the benefit of their friends in the millionaires' club. Their cronies in the financial sector will be wining and dining them from now until they are buried. They know how to work together for their mutual benefit, isn't about time we the workers done the same? Why let parasites feed of your body, let's get rid of this whole system of privilege and power to the wealthy, and replace it with a system of co-operation, mutual aid, and sustainability that works for the benefit of all our people.
ann arky's home.