Showing posts with label bankers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bankers. Show all posts

Monday 19 May 2014

Time For politicians And Bankers To Leave.

    I recently read an open letter by the leader of the Portuguese dockers union, to Passos, the Prime minister of that country, and published in Xpressed. Though I don't agree with the entire content, I agree with the feelings and the sentiments expressed in the letter, particularly the last couple of paragraphs. The last paragraph could equally apply here or for that matter, to any other country.

        The fury with which you take forward your ideological agenda is so radical that you are unable to look at the consequences for people’s lives. In the Lisbon Port, for example, which is the reality I know better, the irrationality of port law, which you have approved against everything and everyone, has led to 47 dockers being unfairly fired, when their job was crucial for the performance of the port. The bosses have recognised this and have committed to reinstate them all, but nothing erases the suffering of being jobless for one year. Do you have any idea what that means? I know well that you only care about the performance of exports –a reality you have hindered– but let me tell you that your intransigency has a tremendous impact in people’s lives. Unemployment is almost always to blame for other avatars, from divorce to depression, from giving up on having children to losing the house, from the lack of horizons to the illusionary escape of emigrating.
      Passos, listen… we are tired of seeing our relatives, rights and dreams emigrate and we will keep fighting so that you understand quickly that the best for everyone is that you, your government and your bankers leave. Nobody will shed a tear when you sail off. This trip today is a condition for people to have hope in a better future tomorrow. It’s not enough surely, but everything will begin again in that day, whole and clean.
President of the Dockers Union , Traffic workers and Maritime Clerks of the Centre and South of Portugal.
Read the full letter HERE:
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Thursday 5 April 2012


            Here in the UK we pride ourselves on being a civilised country yet our elected millionaire representatives are creating an education system that is tiered according to you place in the class system, a class system that they rigorously adhere to, it is built into the way they think. Since this bunch of millionaire parasites came to power, this country by 2014/15 will have seen, in real terms, a 13% cut in public spending on education. What this does is create a very high level of education for those super rich friends of the millionaire cabal in charge, a second, and lower level of expensive education for the lower caste, (middle class) and the lowest level of poorly funded sticking plaster education for the peasants, the “untouchables”, in this class ridden society that we tolerate.
       Dr Bousted, who heads the most moderate of the three teachers' unions stated: "This Coalition Government's attack on poor children is a blight upon our conception of ourselves as a civilised society. They remind me of a former Prime Minister who said there was no such thing as society." She also stated that among cuts that had affected the poor were:
A 22 per cent cut in grants to Sure Start centres designed to give the under-fives a good start in life. This has led to the closure of 124 centres;
The removal of the ring-fence on funding for school meals at a time when the number of children entitled to free food at school has risen by 110,000;
Cuts in local authority funding which have led to one in five councils axing the supply of library books to primary and secondary schools;
The withdrawal of education maintenance allowances of up to £30 a week which encouraged poorer students to stay on in post-16 education;
A real-terms cut of 13 per cent in public spending on education by 2014-15.    
        What we should never lose sight of is fact, that this “deficit reduction” is all to save the bankers and bond holders from losing any of their ill gotten gains. So on who side does that put our elected millionaires? Just whose benefit are they working for, those that they throw into the dustbin of society through unemployment, decimated health care, underfunded education, or their millionaire friends the bankers and bond holders who get all that public money?

        Since they believe in, and work at perpetuating a class system, then we have no alternative but to recognise that fact and to engage in earnest in class war.

ann arky's home.

Thursday 1 December 2011


     In Europe all the bankers and their yes men the politicians, are running around trying to find ways to save their billions. They keep coming up with grand plan after grand plan, only to find that it isn't working. Though they can hold their meetings in luxurious hotels and wine and dine their way through a multitude of exotic menus, the people at the receiving end of the grand plans are sinking fast.

    Under the present system of bankers corporate fascism, what has Europe got to offer the people? Country after country is seeing unemployment soar, some countries are at the moment away ahead of the others. At the forefront is Greece with youth unemployment almost at the 50% level, while total unemployment is at 18.3% and rising. Spain is in a similar position with total unemployment running at 22.8% and youth unemployment also approaching the 50% mark. Portugal and Ireland have approximately 30% youth unemployment, here in the UK it running at about 20%. All other countries in Europe have varying degrees of this malaise.

    This is the stark reality of conditions for the next generation of young people growing up in Europe, poverty and unemployment. These figures are an indictment against a system that can pour unbelievable wealth into the coffers of the few, while the vast majority struggle to keep their heads above water. A system that, to protect the unearned wealth of the few, is quite prepared to sacrifice country after country to a life of deprivation.

      Unemployment never comes alone, it has constant companions, the obvious is poverty, less noted but just as cruel is mental health problems, then there is the usual rise in suicides, violence, drug addiction and malnutrition. All this brings about the destruction of our social society, but only at our level. The millionaire class responsible for all this misery and destruction, go unscathed and will continue to take their yacht to the Med. fly to Dubai, and soak up the sun at St Moritz.

CRISIS!!  What crisis?

      As across the continent unemployment and poverty rises to scales not seen since the 30s and the 1% parasite class continue living in luxury on the backs of the ordinary people, it is surely obvious that the system doesn't work for the majority of the people. If the people want an end to this corrupt, unjust and exploitative system, they have to take control away from the financial parasites, remove the corrupt political class, (the parasites' managers) and organise society from the grassroots, creating a society that sees to the needs of all our people. A society based on mutual aid and sustainability, one that is free from the profit motive. Capitalism doesn't work.

Saturday 5 November 2011


        Perhaps you agree with the Occupy Movement but because of circumstances you can't take part in the actual occupation. Well there are ways of doing your bit to let the wanker bankers know that you are aware of their corruption and greed and you support the occupy movement. You can also cost them money and time. Just follow the instructions in this video and you are part of the movement, but like the man says, try to get out there on the streets, that's where our power can be seen.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 19 October 2011


         Greece is shut down, the people have called a 48 hour general strike against the extremely severe “austerity” cuts being imposed by the financial puppets of the IMF, (International Mankind Fuckers), the Greek government. 70,000 on the streets of Athens, over 15,000 on the streets of Thesilonika, riot police fire stun grenades and tear gas into the protesters, running battles across the city centre. This is democracy Western style, the people don't want the policies the government is forcing on them, so they try to beat the shit out of the people to intimidate them in the hope that they will meekly accept poverty and deprivation.

       What the Greek people have had inflicted on them over the last 18 months or so, is unacceptable in any so called civilised country. They have faced massive pay cuts, not just one but in some cases two pay cuts, cuts to their pensions, if it is over 1,00Euros a month, it is cut by 20%, also lump some retirement payments cut, increased taxes, tax threshold lowered from 8,000 Euros to 5,000, VAT increased to 23%, plus new taxes. One such new tax is the property tax, whereby you have an extra tax if you have a house, it is worked out at so much per square metre. Prices are rising and unemployment is soaring, the health budget has been cut by 40%, health problems are mushrooming plus alcohol problems, drug problems and suicides are on the increase. Perhaps it wasn't the best health service in the world, but whatever it was has now been decimated. Students complain of not having books, 30,000 public sector workers have been put on “reduced” pay, 60% pay, with the possibility of being made redundant after a year. New reduced pay and conditions for all civil servants, and an end to pay bargaining, Still the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) claim it is not enough, their puppets in Athens must do more. Apart from the savage dismantling of the social fabric of the country, they have been ordered the sell-off of 59 billion Euros of public assets. The IMF puppet government that is hell bent on pursuing these policies, will in no way suffer themselves, no, the “necessary” hardships they claim that must be imposed are for the people, not for the implementers. Western capitalist democracy at work.

       What we are witnessing is the Greek people being sacrificed on the alter of corporate greed, a blood curling and savage process to appease the world's billionaire bankers. The will not suffer any losses, if they can take the money from the general public, and if Greece is not enough then other countries will have to be sacrificed on that same alter. Spain, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, are all being prepared for the sacrifice. With the rest of Europe being held in the same trap in case that last list is not enough. France isn't far down the list, and so it will go on until they own everything and their coffers are secure. All this misery and deprivation to save the wanker bankers from losing their unearned billions that they gambled and lost.

        The fight that the Greek people are involved in is our fight, we are not immune from the greedy tentacles of the corporate greed machine. Whatever it can do and get away with, to protect its wealth and power, it will do. It has no nationality, it knows no borders, the only pain it can feel is the loss of money. People are of no consequence, wealth and power are all that matters. We have to think the same way, solidarity across nationality, solidarity across all borders.

Wednesday 17 August 2011


           Just a wee thought. The American taxpayer bailed out the American financial sector to the tune of $700 billion, that's a lot of money. What can you do with $700 billion. Well for starters, you could fund the two illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, well almost, the total cost so far, to the American tax payers for these to brutal and inhumane wars is a staggering $750 billion, so you would need some more taxpayers petty cash. Or you could go a long way to sorting out the 850 million human beings who are starving in this world. Perhaps we could fix the 2.6 billion people who lack sewage services. Then of course there are those 800 million illiterate in the world, what would $700 billion do for that problem? Then in a loving way, we could sort out the problem of the 640 million children who lack adequate housing. The list could go on and on, there is so much we can do in this world to alleviate deprivation and suffering. If we add up the bail-outs across the developed world and threw it at the problems facing the deprived, what a wonderful change there would be, but no, we prefer to throw it at the bankers and the bond market, to try to unsure that they don't lose any of their billions that they have salted away. That's democracy for you!!
ann arky's home.

Wednesday 20 July 2011


  The longest running anarchist newspaper in Britain is Freedom, established in 1886. As well as fighting the sysyem for the last 125 years, publishing lots of interesting and informative articles, keeping you in touch with what anarchists are up to, it also has "Wildcat". "Wildcat" has some wonderful insights and words of wisdom, this little session is from 16 July Freedom issue Vol. 72 No. 14.

Why not get your copy of Freedom and enjoy Wildcat and keep in touch with what is going on.

ann arky's home.

Thursday 30 June 2011


     For those poor deluded souls who still think that "their" government is driving the fiscal policy in their respective countries, the extract below helps to clear the smoke from the bankers and bond markets smoke and mirrors illusion. Austerity cuts, as I keep spouting, have nothing to do with deficit reduction, it is all to do with flogging off everything in sight to the corporate world at "firesale" prices. Everything must go, ports, airports, land, anything that the corporate world can make money from will be handed to them on a plate, social services will be starved of funds letting the corporate world step in and sell the service to you at a price and profit to them, all of this at the dicate of the IMF and ECB. "Your" government is selling "your" country and the money raised will of course, not go to those who actually own these assets, the people, no, it will all go to the bankers and bond markets to cover their losses, and "your" government will comply, even if it decimates the living standards of the people, even if the people take to the streets in mass protests making it quite clear that they do not want this policy to continue. The state's minders will also be on the streets dealing out brutal repression with baton and tear gas, and if that doesn't work their is always the army. So much for democracy. 

     The short extract below was taken from from an article that appeared in The Guardian June 29 and was written by Aditya Chakrabortty and  titled, Greece crisis. As Athens erupts Mayfair hosts a classy firesale,.  The full article is well worth reading. The graphics are not The Guardian's.

     'At first, yesterday's meeting looked like a thousand other upmarket business events; suits gathered at Claridge's hotel in London's Mayfair for a day's discussion of how to reform Greece and its economy. But listening to the presentations from Greek ministers and officials about the airports, the ports, the land they were auctioning off to the highest bidder, the real purpose of the day came into sharp focus. Here in an art deco room with five chandeliers and too many mirrored surfaces to count, was the beginning of a classy firesale.

       The men from Athens were not calling it that, of course. “A professionally run privatisation plan” is how George Christodoulakis, the man in charge of Greece's asset sales preferred to describe it. But even he conceded that the pace and scale of the government's scheme to flog €50bn (£44.8bn) of assets within the next five years had been forced on it. “One can say; is this the best time to sell assets?” '
ann arky's home.