It is the universal pattern of this insane economic system called capitalism. Each government can spend billions on all sorts of grand plans, and at the same time cut down on those essentials, like health care, education, social services, pensions, and so forth. The London Olympics cost billions, the war in Afghanistan has cost us billions each of its disastrous 11 years, but we are seeing a rapid deterioration in the living standards of the ordinary people because we can't afford to run a civilised society. The recent events in Turkey were sparked off by the governments plans to build another shopping mall on a green space in a city.

Yesterday hundreds of thousands, (
Reuters put it at 200,000) took to the streets of Brazil in protest at government corruption, with such comments as
"They have spent billions of dollars on building stadiums, but nothing on health and education." More than half a dozen cities saw there centres grind to a standstill, among them Brasilla, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Belo Horizone. The world is in revolt against a system of injustice and insanity.
So it doesn't matter which bunch of politicians you vote for the outcome is the same, big business gets the contracts, be it arms manufacturers or designers of grandiose edifices to the corporate God of greed, and the people get austerity. The world is awash with wealth, and more and more of that wealth is falling into the hands of fewer and fewer people. It's the way the system is designed to work and it's doing just fine. As long as we continue to accept this insane system we will continue to see the poor grow in number and get poorer and that little bunch of bloated parasites get richer and richer.
Is it beyond our imagination to devise a system where the wealth of the world is distributed around the planet according to the needs of the people. Is it reckless and terrorist orientated to attempt to bring about a system that sees those who create all that wealth, the ordinary people, control how it should be distributed? The present economic system is not set in tablets of stone, it is not given to us by the booming voice of some other-worldly being on high. It is a man made system that works for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many.
Our tomorrow will begin when we think co-operation, think community, think mutual aid, think no-borders, think sustainability, think of the heritage we want to leave to our children and our grandchildren. This world is our world, we built the cities and the factories, we grow the food, we therefore have the right to shape it to our needs. we have no need for the blood sucking parasites that bleed us dry to feed their own geed and arrogance.
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Brazil tonight
protesting corruption, police violence, and a government that funds massive stadiums and ignores public services.
Gosh, conditions in Brazil sound quite a lot like here in the US, don’t they? Maybe it’s time we took to the streets too.
- See more at:
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Brazil tonight
protesting corruption, police violence, and a government that funds massive stadiums and ignores public services.
Gosh, conditions in Brazil sound quite a lot like here in the US, don’t they? Maybe it’s time we took to the streets too.
- See more at:
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Brazil tonight
protesting corruption, police violence, and a government that funds massive stadiums and ignores public services.
Gosh, conditions in Brazil sound quite a lot like here in the US, don’t they? Maybe it’s time we took to the streets too.
- See more at: