Showing posts with label blood profit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blood profit. Show all posts

Thursday 1 April 2010


       We kill horses to make money for the big bookmakers and their cronies, the rich horse owning fraternity. The Grand National horse race is coming up and no doubt another few horses will be killed during that event. Last year's race saw 4 horse killed in what is not a horse race but an obstacle course where it is more luck rather than skill that will say who wins and who survives. Last year's winner was a 100 to 1 shot, so not rated as the best horse in the race.
      In this country, the UK, over the year, 500 horses have been killed while racing or had to be put down due to injury while racing. This is a horrendous price to pay for what is supposed to be a sport. It is sometimes referred to as "the sport of kings" and I find this very apt, as kings never really bother who gets killed for their pleasure or power as long as it isn't them. Horse racing is big business and so as long as the big boys continue to make money from it, then it will never be taken into account how many horses die for that profit. It is like corporate business the world over, profit first, profit second and profit above all else. As long as there is big money in horse racing then horses will be pushed to and beyond their limit, it is not a sport, it is a business, it is only the punters that are fooled into thinking that it is a sport and continue to fund it on the illusion of making money. However rationalism tells you, that if the punters make all the money, then the bookmakers would pull out. When death is a very strong possibility it is no longer a sport. If it were the jockeys that were being killed at this rate there would be an outcry, but horses? And they don't even have a choice in the matter.