Showing posts with label food insecurity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food insecurity. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 February 2022


         There is a lot of talk at the moment of the impending brutal attack coming down the line on the living standards of the ordinary people of this country, and rightly so. However what we should not forget is that the living standards in this country have been falling for quite some time. The system is merely accelerating the process at an ever increasing rate. A recent survey from Food Foundation comes up with some figures that tell a story of ever falling living standards in one of the richest countries in the world. Their figures show the extent to which this capitalist system is punishing the ordinary people. According to their findings, during January 2022, 4.7 million adults, 8.8% of the population, experienced food insecurity, that's up 20.5% from last July. The survey also found that according to a response from over 4,000 questioned, showed that 62% of households were struggling with higher food and energy costs. While 16% stated that they cut back on food to service other essential bills.   
 When times are hard, parasites play.
Billionaires double their wealth during pandemic.
         This is the state of the living conditions of millions of people in this country at the moment, and we are about to face a tsunami of vicious price increases in everything for food to energy to taxation. The bunch of privileged parasites that manage and administer this attack on us, will always display it in figures on a balance sheet, the economy and what the economy can afford. However the reality of this savage attack on living standards translates into ill health in our children, early deaths in our elderly and a stunted life for most.
       Meanwhile, energy companies are shovelling billions into the bank accounts of CEO and shareholders. This year BP's little profit earner was $12.9 billion and Shell's $19.3 billion. All of this will disappear into the pockets of the parasite class, to keep them in the luxury to which they believe they are entitled. While you and I can go to hell in a paper cart.
When public transport is crap, just go your own way.
Image courtesy of  You & I    The Rolls Royce Phantom Extended 2018
      Is this the system under which we wish to live, is this how we will treat our children and our grandparents, is this what we wish to pass on to future generations? Or will we finally stand up and take control of our lives and through community solidarity and mutual aid take action to finally destroy this system of insane economics that pampers the privileged few.  

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Tuesday 8 November 2011


        America, the most developed capitalist country in the world, land of the free, opportunity and plenty?? Well the figures on the ground don't paint that picture.

      Land of the free-- According to a recent study America has more than 2.3 million people behind bars, and leads the world in both the number and percentage of residents it incarcerates, leaving far-more-populous China a distant second. This is costing state governments $50 billion a year plus a further cost to the federal government of $5 billion each year. These figures are on the rise year by year.
        Land of Opportunity---Unemployment in America is running at 13.9 million, approximately 9% of the population. According to recent figures, 49.1 million, approximately 16%, are classified as poor. The figure for 2010 for those who have accessed emergency food programs more than twice  was 5.6 million, 4.8% of all households. Approximately 50% of American workers have an annual income of less than $25,000.
         Land of Plenty---The figures for 2010, classified the number of households in food insecurity as 48.8 million, approximately 17.2% of the population. In household with children the figure was higher, 20.2%. According to government figures more than 16 million low income families paid more for rent and utilities than the federal government said was affordable. Another very disturbing figure for a so called civilised country, more than 46 million Americans have no form of health insurance.
          From a report by “World Hunger Education Service” "There are, we believe, three main causes of poverty in the United States: poverty in the world; the operation of the political and economic system in the United States which has tended to keep people from poor families poor, and actual physical mental and behavioural issues among some people who are poor."
         America is also seen as the consumer capital of the world, but even that doesn't hold water. Recent figures show that 40% of all consumer spending in America is done by the 5% richest section of the population.
        America, the richest country in the world, has a a government debt of $10.5 trillion, spends 4.7% of its GDP on defence, twice that of China, and in spite of that massive debt managed to pour over $1 trillion of borrowed money on its adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan.
         "Three years after the onset of the financial and economic crisis, hunger remains high in the United States. The financial and economic crisis that erupted in 2008 caused a dramatic increase in hunger in the United States. This high level of hunger continues in 2010, according to the latest government report (with the most recent statistics) released in September 2011 (Coleman-Jensen 2011)."