Tinsel Cities.
In the city of tinsel and bright lights
midst the playthings of the rich
just beyond the champagne bubble
out of earshot of the butterfly people
in the dark shadows where no one looks
there you’ll find poverty and destitution
dance a macabre dance of survival.
In Mammon’s city of grand illusions
where rivers of wealth feed frivolity
in its twisting dark and musty lanes
where the light of hope seldom shines
an army of the living dead sweat and toil
polishing the tinsel, changing light bulbs
refilling the champagne bottles
nothing must stop the flow of frivolity
or the butterfly people will die.
Everybody knows that the ordinary people are facing a crushing blow to their standard of living. The media and the various state mouthpieces keep telling us that this is a crisis and we are all in it together. Of course this is utter bullshit, yes it is a crisis, but a crisis of capitalism, created by capitalism. However the cost of this crisis is being passed onto the backs of the ordinary people. The crisis is simple a squabble between the various power blocks that control the world's resources as they each try to expand or defend their grip on their slice of the ever diminishing planet's resources. This bloody squabble is going to create shortages and to maintain their profits, the various corporate juggernauts are simply passing that extra cost on to the ordinary people. We will suffer while the billionaire parasite class continue in their plundering and pillaging of the Earth's resources and fattening their ever growing bank accounts. Increased prices does not equate with increased cost of production, This parasite's squabble creates shortages, but instead of decrease in income, they simple put the price up to protect their sacred god, "profit".
We, the ordinary people of the world are being forced to pay for this inherent malaise in the capitalist system, the need for ever increasing profits. We will pay for it in the privatisation of our public assets, the closing of amenities, failing health services, crumbling education system, and of course the stratospheric rise in prices for the every day necessities of life.

Image courtesy of The Herald. We can accept this crushing burden and allow the system to try to sort itself out by means of wars and ever increasing austerity for the majority and greater wealth, power and privileges for the few. We can knuckle under and play the role of the subservient humble citizen and pass a heritage of poverty and submissiveness onto the next generation. Or we can stand up and take what we have earned and that is everything ever made on this planet. we created it all, the wealth and the necessities, by our sweat, blood and tears. We do not owe the corporate parasites anything. Our response must be anger, anger that spills over onto the streets, the parasites will not give up their privileged positions of power and wealth without a fierce struggle. There is no alternative, it is our world, or it is their world, there can be no compromise. We are, at this moment in time, living with their compromises, poverty and hardship for the majority, privileges, power and wealth for the few.
We the people have, every brick laid,
have fed the world with sweat and spade,
every instrument played in every band
created by the skill of the craftsman's hand.
We made every truck and every load,
our toil our effort every winding road,
every ship that ever sailed the sea,
our power our imagination made it be.
Cities and towns large and small,
our labouring hands fashioned them all,
every home, every spire,
luxury mansion or humble byre.
No matter what dreams the mind might spawn
without labour's hand, never see the light of dawn,
without labour's strength and labour's skill,
we would be foraging beasts in a jungle still.
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