Showing posts with label pensioners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pensioners. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Time To Tighten The Screw On Pensioners.


      Anyone who lives in the world of ordinary people is well aware that the vast majority of pensioners are not rich, a considerable number of them live in poverty, some in dire poverty. However, that does not stop the well heeled parasitic politicians with their grand salaries and lush pensions from putting pensioners in the line of attack in their pseudo science of economics. They have devised a method of stripping the unemployed of their benefits through workfare and sanctions, they have implemented a system to deprive the sick of their benefits by means of assessments and sanctions, so now it is time to attack the pensioners. They started by raising the age at which you can receive your pension, now, their latest manoeuvre to comply with the ideology of their pseudo economics, it is time to destroy the "triple lock" system, by which pensioners are guaranteed an increase in their meagre pensions each year. All this at a time when inflation is predicted to shoot up.

     Piece by piece our communities are attacked, section by section they are dealt an economic blow, all done under the financial Mafia's, "austerity" banner, wafted by the breeze of illusion called "balancing the books". If by some weird twist of the mind, our lords and masters were trying to "balance the books", there is no problem, our country is awash with money. We have billions for nuclear weapons, billions for bombing Libya, billions for war in Syria, billions to subsidise the corporate greed machine, but by their reckoning, not enough to see the the welfare of the needy in this country. 
       This "triple lock" attached to pensions has, since its inception, stuck in the throat of many of those well-heeled politicians, their twisted minds were mulling over the point, "why should pensioners get some sort of guaranteed increase each year, while we are screwing the rest of the population". So it is time to start turning the screw tighter on the pensioners. 
       By any measure, this system is insane, but worse, it is vicious, savage and brutal, to those who create all the wealth there is in this land. Are we to believe the blurb put out by the billionaire owned media, that this is the only way we can function as a society? It is simply a man made system of exploitation that creates wars, spreads poverty and spawns misery, for the benefit the few, at the expense of the many. I know we have the imagination, the ability and the resources to create a better world that cares for all, that takes care of the needs of all our people. All it lacks is the will of the people to take that step and demolish this insane creator of wars, misery and poverty. As long as we tolerate capitalism we will suffer poverty and deprivation, we will endure wars, and destroy the environment. Why?  
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Friday 22 November 2013

Pensioners Demand Their Stolen Money Back.

     Yesterday, Thursday 21 November saw the usual Thursday night demonstration against the Bankia bank in Madrid. This is the case where the Bankia bank in its eagerness to re-capitalise got thousands of mainly elderly to invest their life's savings in special preferred shares, stating that they would be a good return and they were as safe as houses!! Well we all know what happened to houses in Spain. They bank went bust and the administration took the lot. Elderly pensioners lost their life's savings and are demanding their money back. Individual cases are taking years to go through the courts and they are being offered a fraction of their original money, if anything at all. Some however are in no position to wait years as they are mainly elderly people. This is the usual inhuman, unjust, compassionless treatment that we would expect from an exploitative system run by the financial Mafia.

Small savers demonstrate for funds return after Bankia bank scandal

    The demonstrators, armed with a colourful array of banners, placards and posters, closed the main Gran Via street with their numbers. This has been a regular protest for some time now, but sadly the government and the courts know that this is an elderly group, and if they drag their heels on this one, the numbers will thin down. The scum can wait, the pensioners can't. 

Small savers demonstrate for funds return after Bankia bank scandal
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