Showing posts with label pursuit of power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pursuit of power. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 June 2022


Image by Erhan Yalvac, courtesy of Daily Sabah

          In every tragic war situation in which the West is involved, there is always the blame game, and we in the West always claim it was the other guy that started it. We immediately take the moral high ground, the other is evil, undemocratic, we are good and democratic. Basically that is all bullshit, wars are the result of powerful factions trying to gain or defend their perceived supremacy. It is a brutal and tragic game of bullying and brinkmanship and all for power, resources, markets and wealth, for that small class of powerful parasites that control the various corporate empires. The state will always be there to support their particular corporate empire, and be prepared to cajole the population into the roll of cannon fodder. The Ukraine situation is no different U$ and its puppets see Russia as a threat to their perceived supremacy and will work tirelessly to undermine and destroy that threat. Meanwhile ordinary people will die and the powers that be will sit back and enjoy any spoils that result from this bloodshed. In today's world, war and states are co-joined twins spawned by corporate capitalism.

         One of the old intel codgers, Graham E. Fuller, who was Vice Chair of the National Intelligence Council at CIA back when I was an analyst, has it figured out. He wrote a piece sure to get him removed from woke Washington, DC parties:
        The war in Ukraine has dragged on long enough now to reveal certain clear trajectories. First, two fundamental realities: Putin is to be condemned for launching this war– as is virtually any leader who launches any war. Putin can be termed a war criminal–in good company with George W. Bush who has killed vastly greater numbers than Putin.
Secondary condemnation belongs to the US (NATO) in deliberately provoking a war with Russia by implacably pushing its hostile military organization, despite Moscow’s repeated notifications about crossing red lines, right up to the gates of Russia. This war did not have to be if Ukranian neutrality, á la Finland and Austria, had been accepted. Instead Washington has called for clear Russian defeat.

       Contrary to Washington’s triumphalist pronouncements, Russia is winning the war, Ukraine has lost the war. Any longer-term damage to Russia is open to debate.
        Sadly for Washington, nearly every single one of its expectations about this war are turning out to be incorrect. Indeed the West may come to look back at this moment as the final argument against following Washington’s quest for global dominance into ever newer and more dangerous and damaging confrontations with Eurasia. And most of the rest of the world–Latin America, India, the Middle East and Africa– find few national interests in this fundamentally American war against Russia

Read the full article HERE 

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