Showing posts with label corporate imperialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate imperialism. Show all posts

Sunday 26 June 2022


Image by Erhan Yalvac, courtesy of Daily Sabah

          In every tragic war situation in which the West is involved, there is always the blame game, and we in the West always claim it was the other guy that started it. We immediately take the moral high ground, the other is evil, undemocratic, we are good and democratic. Basically that is all bullshit, wars are the result of powerful factions trying to gain or defend their perceived supremacy. It is a brutal and tragic game of bullying and brinkmanship and all for power, resources, markets and wealth, for that small class of powerful parasites that control the various corporate empires. The state will always be there to support their particular corporate empire, and be prepared to cajole the population into the roll of cannon fodder. The Ukraine situation is no different U$ and its puppets see Russia as a threat to their perceived supremacy and will work tirelessly to undermine and destroy that threat. Meanwhile ordinary people will die and the powers that be will sit back and enjoy any spoils that result from this bloodshed. In today's world, war and states are co-joined twins spawned by corporate capitalism.

         One of the old intel codgers, Graham E. Fuller, who was Vice Chair of the National Intelligence Council at CIA back when I was an analyst, has it figured out. He wrote a piece sure to get him removed from woke Washington, DC parties:
        The war in Ukraine has dragged on long enough now to reveal certain clear trajectories. First, two fundamental realities: Putin is to be condemned for launching this war– as is virtually any leader who launches any war. Putin can be termed a war criminal–in good company with George W. Bush who has killed vastly greater numbers than Putin.
Secondary condemnation belongs to the US (NATO) in deliberately provoking a war with Russia by implacably pushing its hostile military organization, despite Moscow’s repeated notifications about crossing red lines, right up to the gates of Russia. This war did not have to be if Ukranian neutrality, รก la Finland and Austria, had been accepted. Instead Washington has called for clear Russian defeat.

       Contrary to Washington’s triumphalist pronouncements, Russia is winning the war, Ukraine has lost the war. Any longer-term damage to Russia is open to debate.
        Sadly for Washington, nearly every single one of its expectations about this war are turning out to be incorrect. Indeed the West may come to look back at this moment as the final argument against following Washington’s quest for global dominance into ever newer and more dangerous and damaging confrontations with Eurasia. And most of the rest of the world–Latin America, India, the Middle East and Africa– find few national interests in this fundamentally American war against Russia

Read the full article HERE 

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Saturday 23 February 2019

Truth, That Elusive Gem.

      In this world of capitalism, financial speculation and imperialism under the flag of corporate development, that diamond known as the truth is an elusive gem. We can't find it in the words of our prancing puppet, political ballerinas, who dance to the tune of their masters, and sing the song of their lobbyists. Their main interest is driving their lucrative career, so truth is something with which they are not familiar, on the contrary, it puts the in a state of confusion.
      Now where do we find it, this elusive gem? We have to look at the interests and agenda of "big money", and accept that that particular tribe will never have the interests of the ordinary people at heart. They will destroy a country, its infrastructure, and throw its people into the mire of deprivation and death, all in the drive to further their grip and control over any country's resources.
      So to Venezuela, our mainstream media that septic puss ridden mouthpiece of "big money" will pour out tainted vomit, laced with their crocodile tears, of the suffering of the people of Venezuela, weaving the illusion that they care, in the hope that you will willing accept their greed driven agenda, of stepping in with our flag waving military and rescue the poor people of Venezuela.
     I, like most of you, don't really know what it is like living in Venezuela today, but we can accept that the people of Venezuela are suffering, and not from the results of their own actions, but I'm sure we both agree that what we are served up as "news" is well divorced from that elusive gem, the truth. I'm also sure that most will accept that it is a power grab by American "big money" and it will take a tremendous outpouring of loud public anger to stop this intended rape and plunder of a people and their resources. "Big money" is not in the business of listening to the people, until we destroy the beast, the Venezuela type of events will keep on happening.

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Sunday 27 March 2016

The Army Without A Uniform.

         War is universal, it is the life blood of modern capitalism. It is not just the uniforms that carry out the destruction, it is all the research centres, manufacturing centres, logistics and transportation companies that back them up and make war possible. The nice guy that works in the arms industry office, the driver of a transport company that carries the weapons to their destination, the researcher that is working on new weapons systems, they all go home to family and friends, but they should be obliged to wear a uniform. They are an integral part of the imperialist war machine, without them no war would be possible.    
         We destroy cities, and whole countries, then hand out contracts to multinational companies to re-build the infrastructure, all part and parcel of the merry-go-round of the imperialist war machine. How much of this system's time, energy and resources are wasted in this vicious circle of destruction and rebuild? No matter how much, the destruction and waste of life and resources will continue, as long as we accept the society that capitalism forces on us. It will continue as long as we see war as only a thing in uniform, we have to realise that war is dependent on an army of participants not in uniform, they are the core of the war machine.

         As I said, war is universal, this is a call for solidarity from Italy:

       War is no longer declared: it is simply there. Since 1991 the Italian State has been at war with its troops deployed in over 20 countries and its participation in all the most prominent ‘international missions’.
         Renzi’s government is now getting ready to attack Libya with the purpose of lining up the army in defence of ENI oilfields and gas pipes.
         As this wasn’t enough, the Italian State will soon go back to Iraq with a contingent of about 500 soldiers, who will oversee work on the Mosul dam to be undertaken by the construction company Trevi from Cesena.
          War has always been used by the States and the ruling classes in order to affirm their own interests. From resources grabbing to the availability of low cost workforce, war is the oxygen of any business.
          Not only: war is a business itself, as it secures huge profits to the bosses of the arms industry – first of all the State’s giant Finmeccanica – and to speculators who distribute ‘reconstruction’ contracts between themselves, not to mention the bosses of the logistics necessary to military manoeuvres.
         While the bosses feast at the expense of the whole world, we also see war here close to us, under the form of hunted humankind: millions of refugees are crowding on the external borders of the very States that have bombarded them; but they are faced with kilometres of walls, barbed wire, iron, internment camps and troops watching them. Borders which had apparently disappeared are becoming material again.
         On this side of the border people are being made to live in the terror that war can bounce back in the form of indiscriminate attacks. Zones of dissent are being restricted, life conditions are worsening and cities are being militarized. All this is being achieved amidst the tacit consent of anyone who doesn’t oppose resistance to these choices.
           But we can find the responsible of the horror also here close to us. In fact it is not only the military that make war. They need others to support them in their doings: companies that produce arms, universities that develop technology and intervention strategies, commercial carriers for the logistical transport of arms and soldiers.
        An armoured vehicle that is not boarded on a ship can’t go and shoot oversea; a bomb that is not carried outside a factory can’t be dropped on a Libyan or Syrian village. For these reasons Moby Lines, Tirrenia, FS Logistica, Saima Avandero, Ter Roma and many others are complicit in the war. FS Logistica earns over 10 million euros per year from the railway transport of military vehicles. Moby Lines transports RVM bombs from Sardinia to the Continent in order for them to reach war scenarios.
       Therefore it is necessary to act against war logistics, the imminent attack on Libya and all the accomplices of militarism. For this reason we call on all the enemies of the war machine for mobilization from 28th March to 2nd April, with actions of disruption and opposition against those who send instruments and supplies to the front, according to each one’s desires and possibilities.
     We call for demonstrations to take place in as many cities as possible on 2nd April, in squares, outside universities, research centres and war businesses.
       Because we respond to the war between the states and the peoples with social war, for the destruction of all borders and all forms of exploitation made by human beings on other human beings and nature.

Anarchists and antimilitarists

Translated by act for freedom now!

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Saturday 5 April 2014

The New Imperialist Mercenaries.

         In the past Africa helped the empires of Britain, France, Germany, Belgium etc. to enrich their coffers and swell the bank accounts of captains of industry. Of course this help wasn't given willingly, it was extracted at the point of a gun and under the most brutal hand of occupation. For many decades the peoples of Africa fought continuous savage battles to throw off the yoke of brutal colonialism. In most cases the imperialist troops left, but not before the men of empire had set up a series of corrupt puppet governments, to enable the rich resources of that continent to be continued to be plundered for the enrichment of the West. Today the imperialists of the West continue their rape and plunder of the African peoples, though this time round it is not with the gun and brutal occupation. The new troops are mercenaries in the shape of Western corporations, backed up and financed by the various Western governments, the UK a willing partner. To the big corporations Africa has no people, only resources and the Western governments support whole heartedly that philosophy. Your tax money goes to support the new imperialists as they ride roughshod over the peoples of Africa, plundering, polluting and empoverishing that vast continent to bolster the wealth and power of the Western corporations. Africa has untold wealth and resources, they are being extracted in vast unimaginable quantities, but its people are among the poorest on the planet. The enormous wealth from those resources in the the vast majority of cases, end up in the pockets of Western corporations. It is simply government backed, supported and sponsored plunder.
From The World Development Movement.

Published on Apr 3, 2014

Find out more:
      Executives from companies including Monsanto and Unilever visit the UK government to thank ministers for their support in carving up the African continent for their profits.
     This spoof video highlights how the UK government is channelling millions of pounds worth of aid into helping multinational corporations get their hands on African resources and markets.
     Some of the world's biggest multinational food corporations see Africa as the final frontier for expanding their markets. This is kicking off what African groups are calling a "new corporate scramble for Africa"

Find out more:

This is a spoof stunt by the World Development Movement

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Monday 5 November 2012


     Well tomorrow hurricane Sandy will slide from our consciousness, all that mayhem and misery will disappear from the “babbling brook of bullshit”, commonly called the mainstream media, there are more important things to report. Tomorrow is the culmination of the biggest, most expensive ever, Crooks and Liars competition. Yes, $6 billion, I'll repeat that, $6 billion, spent on helping the American people to decide whether they should vote for Coke or Pepsi. Each contestant in this Crooks and Liars competition claiming that if the American people vote for the other, the world will collapse and the Apocalypse will be upon us all. 

      Once the decision is made, and the new mouthpiece of corporate imperialism takes his place on the throne at the White House, no matter who, the same old, same old shit will continue. There will be wars dotted around, which we will be told is our way of bombing democracy into those people fortunate to be picked by our imperial masters. Most of those chosen, will of course have oil and/or gas on their land, but that doesn't influence our decision to bomb them into democracy. Poverty will continue to grow across the world, while the corporate world continues to get richer and richer. The army of parasites will sink deeper and deeper into the froth of opulence, while the vast majority sink further into the mire of poverty and deprivation. Then in four years when the shine has worn off the residing Pope of Plutocracy, the merry-go-round will start up again, the billions of dollars will once again flow, and the spectacle of the Crooks and Liars competition will repeat itself. And so the cycle goes on, our reward for allowing ourselves to be screwed big time is this very expensive illusion of change, every four or five years depending on where you live. Can you think of a better way to shape our society?

ann arky's home.

Monday 24 September 2012


       An old article, but nothing much has changed, it is still America bombing democracy into the world. In the language of American (world) corporatism, the road to freedom and democracy is through the slaughter and misery of the people. For them true democracy is paved with the slaughter of children, is the freedom to exploit all natural resources and to destroy any resistance to that exploitation.
Recent studies from the New York Times show that...
  • Over 300,000 children are fighting as soldiers in armies world-wide today
  • Over the last ten years, 2 million have died in wars...
  • ...there have been 1 million orphaned...
  • ...6 million have been seriously injured...
  • ...12 million have become homeless...
  • ...and ten million are seriously psychologically traumatized as a direct result.
        The UN, in response to these figures, drafted a document to try and end the abuse of children. Only two UN nations turned this down. One was Somalia, and the other was the United States. That's right, the good old USA, the world's leader in support of human rights, refused to sign or ratify the Convention on Children's Rights. Why? Their excuse was that they recruit 17-year-olds into the Marine Corps. Doesn't it make you feel good to live in a country that would rather promote the abuse of children rather than slightly reform the recruitment policies of a single branch of it's (needless, wasteful, abusive) military?
        I've said it a million times before, the US people take a government press conference as gospel. Of course there's bickering between conservatives and liberals, but they share a common goal, and they don't want it to look like it's a priority. An example? Look at the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. As Noam Chomsky has said...
"Despite the desperate efforts of ideologues to prove that circles are square, there is no serious doubt that the
NATO bombings further undermine what remains of the fragile structure of international law. The US made that entirely clear in the discussions leading to the NATO decision."

        Stop and think about it. There are too many instances of attrocities committed or bankrolled by the United States, each of which is covered up from the eye of the media or appologized for, to suddenly start trusting them just because a dead revolutionary wrote a song. Things have definatly changed since the revolution, if you'll consider Thomas Jefferson's ideals about aristocrats vs. democrats. So how can you believe that the US actually supports a human rights mission? The attrocities by the Yugoslav government have noteably increased by god-knows-fold since the NATO campaign started, which was admitted as "predicatable" by the US leader of the bombings. So why didn't someone stop and say something? Well, England is "by now, about as much of an independent actor as the Ukraine was in the pre-Gorbachev years", and none of the other NATO countries, or capitalist countries for that matter (with the exception of Russia, who isn't a NATO nation anyway), would stand to oppose the US. Not surprisingly though, despite thier willingness to take a stand, the other NATO countries are, for the most part, growing tired of Madeline Albright and the violent policies of the United States. The really scary thing is this: The US gets away with it, but other nations catch the breeze by the source of all disruption to anti-war world order, the United States, whenever they do something of this sort.
       Could it be that the US wants to turn the world into one capitalistic empire? The other reformed capitalist countries sure don't seem to stand up for all the people in the world that die in needless wars. If they're not part of the solution, obviously they're part of the problem, because passive agression or blind agreement in a "focus, nod, go back to work" fashion gives the aristocrats of the American government exactly what they want: to be the rulers of a secret imperialism.

ann arky's home.

Monday 3 September 2012


    The recent conference Non-Aligned-Movement, held in Tehran may be seen as a counter movement to that other grouping of national states, the UN. However what it can't be seen as, is a move for democracy.  What we all know is that the UN is the implementer of the world's most powerful nation's corporate and imperialist wishes, and it will use what ever brutal force it needs to achieve those ends. The slaughter of thousands, the displacement of millions and the total destruction of a country's infra-structure, as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. damage that will last at least a generation, is hardly putting the ordinary people first. The UN, like the corporate system that it supports, is mired in corruption, driven by greed and has no other purpose than to defend the hegemony of the world's most powerful corporate bodies, and the expansion of Western imperialism.
      The Non-Aligned-Movement, is no different in its form, its aims are to create an alternative power structure to the UN but not to bring freedom and democracy to the people of those countries, but to protect and increase the power of those institutions that control those countries. It is just another imperialist body gearing up to challenge for total control.
     Just as in the past the British Empire, the German Empire, the Spanish Empire and the French Empire, all squabbled and slaughtered to keep and gain the spoils of empire, so now we have moved on to the world more or less being dominated by one empire, the Western corporate imperialists. The Non-Aligned-Movement is at present, a junior player in another imperialist war. We can expect that war to become more brutal as the dominant sees the other as a threat.
      Is this the best that man can come up with, the slaughter of millions of ordinary people to protect the wealth of the few? That beast that some call the pinnacle of evolution has slaughtered more of its own kind than any other beast on earth. Surely we as thinking beings can come up with an alternative to follow -my-leader and start to destroy that which is destroying us, this corporate system of greed, driven by the few.
      Our imagination, compassion and experience can surely create a system of fairness that sees to the needs of all our people. We can create a better world built on co-operation, mutual aid and sustainability, but the old one has to come crumbling down and end up in the dustbin of history.

Once upon a time,
in our not so distant past
stood a beautiful, a unique world,
laden with promise,
a world where our future was open,
our potential vast.
Now, seduced by glinting tinsel of the mad
our reason quivers
on the edge of a dark abyss.
We have created a world
where wastelands abound
where we
the many, the marginalised, the ordinary,
struggle to survive in voracity that astounds
are seduced
to create wastelands in our minds,
slowly accepting chaos
in a world of insanity.
Here corporate monsters
of hypocrisy, contradictions,
sever the fragile cord
that unites being with being,

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