Showing posts with label state power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label state power. Show all posts

Monday 14 July 2014

Workers Know Your History, July 14, Bastille Day.

      July 14, Bastille Day, food for thought?? Back in 1789 things were pretty crap for the ordinary people. The government of the day was screwing the people, who were finding it hard to get enough food, poverty and deprivation was everywhere, well not really everywhere, just among the ordinary people, the upper echelons of society were living in lavish unearned opulence, sound familiar? The people got pissed off and took to the streets, much as we do today, not a lot has changed in the structure of our society. However on that particular day, July 14, 1789, they decided to attack that symbol of authority enforcement, the prison. Take away the ability to enforce, and authority starts to melt away. Of course in France today, Bastille Day has been claimed by the state, and turned into a massive military parade and symbol of state power, it didn't have to be that way, it could be different next time.

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Saturday 11 August 2012


       Where else except in Greece would you see a military parade end like this, let's hope the idea catches on and we see and end to all that pomp and ceremony, and end to the display of state power.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 10 March 2012


        Through out their history anarchists have been despised and persecuted by the state and employers alike. We could fill a very large telephone directory of those who have suffered at the hands of this particular authoritarian duo. From blacklisted to beaten, executed and assassinated the anarchists have had it all flung at them. It is not difficult to understand why this brutal onslaught should be thrown at this particular group of individuals. The last thing that the state or employers want is for people to think for themselves and take control of the society in which they live. In order to protect their wealth and power both these organisations need a subservient populace, anarchism would be the demise of such exploitation. Anarchists are about the complete restructuring of society, the abolition of exploitation, an end to power over anyone, and the creation of a society that sees to the needs of all our people. It is no wonder that the powers that be in the state and the corporate world will do everything in their power to dirty the image of, and destroy anything associated with, the words anarchist and anarchism.  
       However, we anarchist still have a lot to celebrate, in spite of the phony propaganda and the violence against us, we are still here, but we should always remember those events that have tried to prevent that being the case.

March 10th, From Wikipedia:

Salvador Segui.(centre)
Salvador Seguí (Tornabous, Lleida Province 1886 – Barcelona, 1923), known as El noi del sucre ("the sugar boy") for his habit of eating the sugar cubes served him with his coffee, was a Catalan anarcho-syndicalist in the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), a Spanish confederation of anarcho-syndicalist labor unions active in Catalonia. Together with Ángel Pestaña, Seguí opposed the paramilitary actions advocated and carried out by other members of the CNT.[1] On March 10, 1923, while completing preparations to promote the idea of emancipation as a form of social empowerment among workers, he was assassinated by gunshot on Carrer de la Cadena, in Barcelona's Raval District, at the hands of gunmen working for the Catalan employers' organisation under protection of Catalonia's Civil Governor, Martínez Anido.[2][3] At this same shooting, another anarcho-syndicalist, Francesc Comes, known as Perones, was wounded and was to die several days later.
He has received many tributes since his death, and a foundation has been launched in his memory, the Fundación Salvador Seguí, based in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia.

 ann arky's home.

Sunday 30 October 2011


         I make no excuse for showing this video which is on the same police brutality as the last post. I sincerely believe that we must show how prevalent police brutality is in the so called "free democratic" West. This type of violence is not limited to any one country, the state will always come down as hard as it thinks it can get away with, whenever it feels in any way threatened. Mass protests against the system will always be seen as a threat to its power, especially if it is a growing protest. As the protests grow, expect more brutal repression. The will of the people is not wanted here in the West. We only play lip service to it in Middle Eastern countries, with the odd NATO support if the have oil.


ann arky's home.

Tuesday 20 September 2011


        Today the various states only survive with an delusional and perpetual threat, which in turn allows the state to continually increase surveillance and control over it citizens. The individuals ever increasing desire for freedom is always a threat to the state and its power. The time has long since gone, if it ever existed, when the state was deemed to do the bidding of its citizens and be the protector of the individuals freedom. Today the state is what I call the corporate world's minder and hit squad, its main function being to protect and further the markets and resources of the various corporate groupings around the world. Invariably that is what wars are all about. The desire for freedom by the individual is a grasp at anarchism, though few recognise it as such, but the states ever tightening grip on our freedom of movement and expression drives us ever further along that path. Has our time come??
      The following is a short extract from WHAT PISSED ME OFF!! It might provoke a little bit of debate, and that can't be a bad thing.

       Democracy today consists in the invention or reinvention of spaces, movements, ways of life, economic exchanges and political practices that resist the imprint of the state and which foster relations of equal liberty. The struggles that take place today against capitalism and the state are democratic struggles. At the same time, however, we might sound a certain note of dissatisfaction with the term “democracy.” We can echo Bakunin, who finds the term democracy “not sufficient.” As Derrida himself said of democracy: “[A]s a term it’s not sacred. I can some day or other, say, ‘No, it’s not the right term. The situation allows or demands that we use another term …’” The situation is changing, and the new forms of autonomous politics that are currently emerging demand the use of another term: anarchism.

       Shipwrecked on the craggy shores of state power, anarchism is now moving to the forefront of our political imagination. There has been a certain paradigm shift in politics away from the state and formal representative institutions, which still exist but increasingly as empty vessels without life, and toward movements. Here new political challenges and questions emerge – concerning freedom beyond securities, democracy beyond the state, politics beyond the party, economic organization beyond capitalism, globalization beyond borders, life beyond biopolitics – challenges and questions that anarchism is best equipped to respond to with the originality and innovation that our new situation demands.  Read the article in full.

Tuesday 14 June 2011


         Bagram detention facility, (prison) is bigger than Guantanamo Bay prison yet it receives no coverage in the Western media. It holds some 1,700 detainees, all held without charge or trial, and no way to prove their innocence, despite a Marine Corps General's 2009 report stating that many should be released. Nor has there been any in-depth news coverage of practices at Bagram, that if widely known, would no doubt add to a call for the removal of US and NATO troops from Afghanistan. You SHOULD  read this detailed report.
Afghan detainee's cell Bagram Prison March 2011    (A.P. photo.)
        Of course what we should all realise is that across the globe in country after country, as the various states try to control their populations, such facilities are wide spread. Guantanamo and Bagram are just two of the so called developed Western democracy's facilities aimed at control. It matters little which country they are in, it is always the same, state power trying desperately to control  the people.
ann arky's home.