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The latest from SubMedia, always worth a watching and learn something new.
A bit late with this, the Kellie 45 has been out for about a week. Why is this important? perhaps because we are facing a possible Armageddon as the genocide in Gaza continues unabated with the blessing of most of the Western puppets of the imperial U$A empire. An empire of psychopaths who arrogantly believe they have the right to rule the world and plunder where and when they want. They have done so with impunity since the end of WW2. However, their power is slipping away and being psychopaths, they won't let that happen without a suicidal fight, using the devastating nuclear arsenal at their disposal, no matter the consequences to millions upon millions of innocent civilians.
So it is of the utmost importance the papers such as the Keelie are on the streets, in the workplaces, in the communities trying to impress on everyone with peace and well being on their mind to come out onto the streets, to organise in their communities to come together in their workplaces and stop this genocidal, suicide by the power crazy psychopaths who it this moment in time hold the reins of power. It is up to us to seize those reins of power for the sake of all humanity. Get out there, get your Keellie at demos, street meetings, peace events, pickets and be part of the fight back for sanity and humanity.
All the self centred, pompous heads of state who shuffled for their moment on the podium, attempting to glorify the imperial blood bath of 1914/18, keep referring to how war brought peace to Europe and how we all live in harmony now. The so called peace that followed that dreadful avoidable slaughter, lasted a mere 21 years, before they were at it again, spreading the blood of youth across the globe. They wax lyrically about how Europe has known peace since their last blood letting of 1939/45. That of course is a lie. There may have been peace in most countries in Europe, but we were busy doing our blood thing across the globe. The list of wars, battles, interventions, and attempts to thwart independence movements across the empire, is a long unending catalogue of bloodshed.This is by no means a complete and definitive list, but it does give some idea of what they mean by peace.After the 1914/18 blight on humanity, we have had:
1918/20, Intervention in Russia civil war.
1919/23, Turkish war of independence.
1919/19, Third Anglo-Afghan war.
1919/21, Irish war of independence.
1920/20, Somalialand campaign.
1920/20, Great Iraqi revolution.
1936/39, Great Arab revolt in Palestine.
1938/48, British Zionist conflict.
1939/45, Second World War.
1945/49, Indonesian National revolution.
1945/46, Vietnam, Operation Masterdom.
1946/47, Greek civil war.
1948/60, Malayan emergency.
1950/53, Korean war.
1951/54, Suez Canal zone emergency.
1952/60, Mau Mau uprising.
1955/60, Cyprus.
1956/57, Suez Crisis.
1962/66, Indonesia - Malaysia.
1962/75, Dhofar rebellion.
1963/67, Aden emergency.
1982/82, Falklands war.
1982/84, Lebanon.
1991/91, Gulf War.
1992/96, Bosnia.
1998/98, Desert Fox Iraq.
1998/99, Kosovo.
2000/02, Siera Leone civil war.
2001/----, Afghanistan, 4th Anglo-Afghan war.
2003/09, Iraq war.
2011/11, Libyan Intervention. 2011,
2011, Syria
Visit ann arky's home at of these conflicts were against people trying to free themselves from the British Imperialists. While we were merrily sending our youth to foreign shores to repress and kill, we were proudly proclaiming how we were living in peaceful Europe. As we done our imperial killing across the globe, other European countries were doing likewise, but our efforts were dwarfed by the new mighty imperial nation, US of A.This is the pattern of capitalist peace, slaughter for wealth and power, death for resources and profit. Nothing will change until we change the system, and consign this exploitative system of capitalism to the dustbin of history.
Mother Earth
Date and time24 June
Event DetailsCalling all 7,118,591,000 of earth's children!!
Yes, The entire human race !!!The Summer of Love was a social phenomenon that occurred during the summer of 1967, when as many as 100,000 people converged on the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco, initiating a major cultural and political shift. [Source : Wikipedia]With Modern Social Media, I think we can do this again but on a much larger scale.Therefore, I am personally asking the humans of planet earth to once again start a new summer of love all over Gaia/Earth/Home…In 2014 this Summer.In your own cities, in your towns, in your villages, in your own back gardens. Even in your own home!Gather in the spirit of peace and unconditional love and let us just have one big massive global party all over the world and a day when we focus on peace and love.Let’s have one day, maybe one week where we all come together as one worldwide human family, Leave our differences behind and be together as Humans.HostsHosted by Craig Thomson