Wednesday 20 April 2011


      While the ratbag of NATO and its helpers blast away at Libya with missiles costing anything up to £800,000 each and noting that they have fired well over 100 of these in the few weeks since the No-fly zone started we should try to get this into some sort of proportion. Every year 15 million children die of hunger, for the price of one missile we could feed a school full of children with lunch for 5 years. Throughout the 90's well over 100 million children died from illness and starvation. Those deaths could have been prevented for the price of ten stealth bombers, or the equivalent of what the world spends on its military in two days. According to United Nations Food and Agriculture, one in twelve people in the world are malnourished including 160 million children under the age of 5.

         The assets of the world’s three richest men are more than the combined GNP of all the least developed countries on the planet. According to UNICEF, nearly one in four people, 1.3 billion live on less than $1 per day, while the world’s 358 billionaires have assets exceeding the combined annual incomes of countries with 45 percent of the world’s people. To satisfy the world’s sanitation and food requirements would cost a mere US$13 billion- what the people of the United States and the European Union spend on perfume each year.

      To say that poverty will always be with us is a lie, however to say that death by starvation can't be resolved is a crime against humanity.

       As long as we have a system of exploitation where the wealth produced by the many is syphoned off to a few pampered parasites, as long as we have a state system where states seek power over other states by military power, for whatever reason, we will have massive starvation and the resulting misery and deaths.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 19 April 2011


       Here we go with page 7 of the Teapot Collective Souvenir Introduction to Anarchy. You can find page 6 HERE.
         In the Ukraine an area of 400sq miles was held for over a year as an autonomous region based on communes without government. One of the large uprisings against the dictatorship of the Bolsheviks was in 1921, when (really cool) Petrograd sailors and workers occupied the fortress of Kronstad. They were massacred by the Red Army, after which Trotsky boasted, "At last the Soviet Government, with an iron broom, has rid Russia of anarchism."

       In the German Revolution of 1918, anarchist ideas were put into practise too, various council republics were formed, declaring themselves free from government.

       Probably the largest modern European example of anarchy in action was the Spanish revolution of 1936. Working class resistance to a fascist coup led to wide scale social revolution with millions of people organising their communities and workplaces on anarchist principles (the slowly spreading influence of anarchist ideas during the previous decades having convinced people this was possible)


       The UN No-fly Zone resolution 1973, specifically ruled out foreign military action on the ground in Libya. The enforcers of the No-fly Zone have always said that in this operation there would be no “boots on the ground”. Of course that doesn't include Special Forces who have been there more or less from the start, probably on a photo shot for some travel agency. Now the UK is sending in high ranking military officers. No doubt to comply with the UN resolution they, like the Special Forces, will go in barefoot. It is the usual creep process. If they can't get what they want with the rules then we can indulge in some euphemisms. First there will be advisers, then training and support, then there is humanitarian help, which will need military protection, and of course then comes the “Peacekeeping Force”.

        Is there anybody out there who believes that we are doing this for the good of the Libyan people? Today the “rebels” stated that there has been 10,000 killed and 50,000 wounded, (the figures can't be independently verified), the city of Tripoli has suffered over 200 strikes by weapons of mass destruction with fancy names like Pathfinder, etc. followed by claims that we killed no civilians. Think of all the money the arms industry will make replacing all those missiles at prices ranging from £500,000 to £800,000 a shot. Very smart missiles these, they don't explode if there are civilians in the area. The country has now been turned into another African nation where civil war rages. Our support has hurtled Libyan against Libyan in a bloody struggle that wont be healed for generations. The country's infrastructure is smashed, now there's an opportunity for Haliburton, what hope now for the Libyan people, with the West calling the shots, one thing for sure, they can say goodbye to their oil.


      As more and more people take to the streets in lawful and peaceful protest at the savage cuts to their standard of living, the authorities try to quell the unrest with intimidation. Their tactics include, provocative police actions, arrests on the street at peaceful protests, house visits by plain clothes police after the protests and criminalising our youth. It is at times like this that we can take inspiration from  those who took up the struggle before us, today we would do well to remember the words of   John MacLean , one of Glasgow's many great working class fighters, in court at the start of the first world war.

       "No human being on the face of this earth, no government is going to take away my right to speak, my right to protest against wrong, my right to do everything that is for the benefit of mankind. I am not here, then, as the accused; I am here as the accuser of Capitalism dripping with blood from head to foot."

The people are the country or it is fascism.

Monday 18 April 2011


Dear All -

     We have organised a Glasgow/ West Coast Grow your own hustings event at the Castlemilk Stables Orchard on the 27th April. See the attached invite. I am working to finalise an Edinburgh / East Coast Hustings - and will circulate info on that later.
     If people can send out to their networks please, and especially to pass on to Holyrood candidates that may be interested.
      I am hoping that folk involved in community food growing, grow your own and my interest, orchards, will be able to meet up with Holyrood parliament candidates and have a discussion about how to do more to get Glasgow, and West Scotland growing.
Th' apples ur gynormous.
      The Children's Orchard at the Stables is just coming into blossom, and we hold that this will be a constructive and enjoyable evening (There is an indoor wet weather option) There is public transport very close to the stables - and I am getting details of that, which I'll be able to supply.
Otherwise lift sharing may be an option.
     I'd be pleased if representatives of different Glasgow Growing projects would be able to say a bit about their growing projects, and also be able to brief candidates about what Holyrood can usefully do to help. I'd like to keep the proceedings friendly and informal and focused on how to make progress. We'll have a marketplace table for leaflets and information.

    I'd be very happy to have help in organising this - and I'd be grateful if you could circulate to your networks
How di a get in touch?

John Hancox;   Tel 0778 606 3918 
       An invitation to candidates to the Scottish Parliament and to people interested in community food projects, orchards and grow your own food to discuss how to get Glasgow Growing.

Where - Castlemilk Stables, 59 Machrie Rd, Glasgow, G45 0AZ
When 6pm - 7.30pm, 27th April 2011
RSVP to John Hancox:

The aim of the event is to bring together MSP candidates and those with an interest in different aspects of local and community food initiatives to explore how these deliver valuable health, community, and social benefits as well as producing great and affordable food. Please bring
information and materials to display.

Helping Scotland Grow!  
The Fruitful Hustings

Booking essential by end 25th April (limited places)
If you’d be able to help organise the event - please offer.
John Hancox Chair Scottish Orchards
tel 0778 606 3918
ann arky's home.

Saturday 16 April 2011



        Britain France and the US have now come clean. The article signed by Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama, and published today in Washington, Paris and London, makes clear the war on Libya is not about protecting civilians but about regime change. Having ignored peace moves from the African Union, NATO is now set on escalating the bombing.
The humanitarian spin they are putting on the operation is exposed by the fact that the Western governments continue to support brutal regimes in Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, where severe repression against democracy activists continues virtually uncriticised.
        Meanwhile as predicted the bombing is claiming many civilian casualties and helping to deepen the division in the country. In response to the continued bombing and this open and illegal statement of intent, Stop the War has called a protest at Downing Street next Tuesday 19 April at 5pm.


Please attend if you can and spread the word as widely as possible.


Wednesday 13 April 2011


        Most people that go on demonstrations, protests, rallies etc. know that the police provoke and can lie and when it comes to court, in most cases the police version is accepted. There are times of course when their lying is exposed, but nothing ever seems to happen to them. We all remember Jean Charles de Menezes, shot dead on a London tube. The first stories to emerge from the police were that he was wearing a bulky jacket, refused to stop when asked, and ran away, vaulting over the barrier. The truth being he was lightly dressed, had never been asked to stop, and could be seen on CCTV walking to the tube, stopping to pick up a paper and then continuing. The most recent case of Ian Tomlinson killed at the G20. The first accounts coming from the police were that he was involved in violent and dangerous confrontation, lost his balance, fell and hit his head. Then as the police tried to help him they were bombarded with missiles being thrown by the protesters. We now know the truth was that he was attacked by a police officer while walking slowly with his hands in his pockets, hit with a baton and then pushed to the ground. The first aid he received was from the protesters while the police stood by for a spell and did nothing. There is a catalogue of police lying that never sees the perpetrators brought to justice, so why should be trust the police?

There is an excellent article by George Monbiot in the Guardian which deals in more detail on this subject, it is certainly worth a read.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Filmaker Michael Moore has given his backing to UNISON’s campaign against the Tory Health and Social Care Bill, warning that the changes are ‘absolutely the last thing you would want to do.”
      In a passionate six minute tribute, the award-winning film-maker sounds warning bells over allowing private companies to dominate healthcare, as they are legally bound to generate the biggest possible profit for their shareholders. They only way then can do this is to provide less care, and what care they do provide, to do it as cheaply as possible.

ann arky's home.


    Then as now, it seems that the state's minders always try to out number the peaceful protester, An interesting point to as I read this, could we collect 5,106,847 signatures today? Also this was 1848 when the population of the country was much smaller than at present, and no Internet.

Originally published in the Manchester Guardian on 12 April 1848

      Kennington Common was the appointed place of meeting and was the great centre of attraction to all who felt an interest in the proceedings. At an early hour on Monday morning, a few straggling groups had assembled there; but, until ten o'clock, the numbers present did not amount to more than a few hundreds. The arrivals during the hour or two that followed were far more numerous, and before the approach of the delegates, the crowd consisted of several thousands. They all belonged, almost without exception, to the poorer classes, although few of them wore the distinctive dresses of labourers or mechanics. There were not among them 100 women. At half past eleven, the great procession, which included the delegates to the national convention, came in sight, and a general rush to meet it took place. This was the great spectacle of the day. First came the Chartists of Whitechapel, headed by a small banner. Then came those of the Brick Lane district; and then those of Finsbury. One of the most numerous was the "Emmet brigade," which consisted of members of the Irish confederation. They were headed by a green banner with orange edges, the Irish harp being in the centre.

      The procession was wound up by two large ornamental vans, each drawn by four horses. In the first of these vans were seated Mr F O'Connor, Mr McGrath, and other members of the national convention. The appearance of these gentlemen was hailed with loud and continued cheers. The second van contained the national petition, to which the writing on a piece of parchment indicated that 5,106,847 signatures had been affixed. Above those figures were placed the words "The people's will." In this van was a large coloured banner, having inscribed on it each of the six points of the charter, as well as six smaller ones.

       The police force was stationed as follows:- An advanced post of 500 men was placed at Ball's Livery Stables, Kennington, concealed from view, but ready to act at a moment's notice, if required. The main strength of the force was concentrated at the bridges. The number of police of all ranks in position was 3,970.

       To support the police, the Chelsea Pensioners, the military and artillery forces, and the special constabulary were arranged:- There were 400 of the pensioners at Battersea Bridge, 500 at Vauxhall, 200 or 300 at the Pantechnicon, and a detachment at Blackfriars. All the public buildings were barricaded and occupied by soldiery, and the officials and clerks were armed, not only with staves, as special constables, but with fire-arms.
Some of Glasgow's working class history HERE. 


  Here is the next page in the wee Teapot Collective's Introduction to Anarchy, page 6. Page 5 can be found HERE. It's a wee book, so it only has wee pages, but a great wee book.

      The Mexican revolution at the turn of the 19/20th century was the result of traditional communally worked land around the villages being seized by large landowners in a military dictatorship. With Emiliano Zapata as its most prominent figure a revolutionary peasants' army was formed under the rally, "Land and liberty!" reclaiming the land. Zapata was offered the presidency but declined, preferring to live and fight with the people.

      In the Russian revolution of 1917, there was hope in the often spontaneous formation of soviets (workers councils), many of which practised direct democracy until the Bolsheviks installed their centralised state apparatus and crushed any free federation.

Sunday 10 April 2011


  Is your state a leader in surveillance, is it an Electronic Police State? Don't you think you should find out before it's too late. The following short extract was taken from  where you can read the full report. I strongly suggest you do!!!

      For those who are new to the Electronic Police State Report, we will re-state our definitions:
An electronic police state is characterized by this:
      State use of electronic technologies to record, organize, search and distribute forensic evidence against its citizens.
     The two crucial facts about the information gathered under an electronic police state are these:
1. It is criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial.
2. It is gathered universally (“preventively”) and only later organized for use in prosecutions.
     In an Electronic Police State, every surveillance camera recording, every email sent, every Internet site surfed, every post made, every check written, every credit card swipe, every cell phone ping… are all criminal evidence, and all are held in searchable databases. The individual can be prosecuted whenever the government wishes.
      Long-term, the Electronic Police State destroys free speech, the right to petition the government for redress of grievances, and other liberties. Worse, it does so in a way that is difficult to identify.

      We moved to a more elaborate ranking system this year. The categories remained the same, but we have now weighted each one according to its importance. (The weighting factors are shown in parenthesis for each category itemized below.) Within each category we used a comparative method of assigning value.
      We have not taken into account how many people, or what percentage of people, are affected by each characteristic. So, even though very few people in North Korea have Internet access, those who do are subjected to very serious surveillance. The low number of users has no effect on the national ranking.
      In addition, it is significant to note that we are not measuring government censorship of Internet traffic or police abuses, as legitimate as these issues may be. Nor are we including government corruption.
      Note also that none of our categories apply to evidence-gathering by traditional, honest police work. (Searches only with warrants issued by an independent judge, after sufficient examination of evidence.)


      The rest of our fair city should be taking a leaf out of the North West Glasgow residents' book. The Maryhill area of the city has started to organise locally to defend their area against that savage attack that is about to be unleashed on them and the rest of the country. By organising locally and the local groups linking up to discuss tactics and strategies to protect their facilities and the future of the kids is the best way to meet this slash and burn policy being pushed by these public school thugs in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption.

By fleabite, submitted on IndymediaScotland 
      A group of residents in North West Glasgow have got together to fight the cuts and defend services locally. The first event was an anticuts conference which attracted 30 folks.  There were talks from activists from many diferent spheres, from those locally who'd occupied a primary school a few years back, to NHS campaigners, to a speaker from the ongoing anticuts student occupation at Glasgow University.  Most importantly we had many small table discussions.
      We are now having regular organising meetings and have begun mapping the area to get a clear picture of how the cuts will affect our local area and what we can do both to defend local services, but also fight all the cuts to public services and the welfare state.

Our next event is a mapping workshop :
        Its open to everyone interested in being involved in organising against the cuts in North West Glasgow. At this workshop we will be continuing with the work we’ve already started by mapping the area: services, community groups etc that might be under threat. Key upcoming dates such as when the cuts are announced at a city level, when the national cuts will come into being. What community groups, activists etc we should be working with both locally and outwith the neighbourhood.

Wednesday 13th April.  7-9pm.  The Free Hetherington.  13 University Gardens.

ann arky's home.


    Here's a wee quiz for you, read carefully and think hard before answering. You can find the answer HERE.
      If you were asked which regime is described by the following actions and characteristics, what would you answer?

1. A regime that produces a death list of citizens abroad to be executed by its secret intelligence service, without arrest, without trial by a jury.

2. A regime that conducts surveillance at home and then uses that information to have an allied state abroad, one that flouts human rights, torture one of its citizens.

3. A regime that continues to operate secret detention centres where inmates are routinely denied the most basic rights to challenge the reasons why they have been imprisoned, without charge, and without representation.

4. A regime that is bent on maintaining war against other nations, including against peoples who never attacked it, thereby representing an obstacle to world peace.

5. A regime that routinely denies the legitimate claims and demands of its population, in order to favour a small cabal of elite bankers and industrialists, and thus also a regime that effectively renders elections little more than an expensive shadow play owned and operated by the billionaires who can engineer a win for their candidates.

6. A regime that persecutes those who believe that it is wrong to conceal the human rights abuses of their regime, that believe the world needs to know how that regime uses its troops to slaughter innocent civilians abroad, with neither reason nor remorse.

7. A regime that exercises pressure to round up the private details of Internet users, if they in any way conspired to reveal these facts.

8. A regime that harasses its citizens at airports, seizing their personal property, extracting information about a person’s activities and associations, and then targeting the person’s friends and colleagues, on the suspicion that the person may have peacefully opposed the state’s public lies.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 9 April 2011


      For more than half a century the School of Americas SOA has been a cancer that has spread its death inducing tentacles across the whole of South America. Its products have been the dictators and oppressors of the poeple of that part of the world. Where ever freedom and independence dares to raise its head the graduates of the SOA have trampled and attempted to crush them before they can gain a foot hold. The only product that has ever come out of the SOA has been death, repression and brutality. The campaign to close the SOA still goes on, driven by people who have been tortured and friends and family of those who have died at the hands of the graduates of the SOA and all decent human beings.  

 Washington, DC
March and Direct Action to Close the SOA and Resist Militarization
Sunday, April 10, 2011  kick-off at Dupont Circle at 2:45pm

      Sunday's march will include Son Jarocho music by Cosita Seria, a puppetista pagent speeches by SOA Watch founder Father Roy Bourgeois, Haitian activist Eugenia Charles, Gerardo Torres; a representative of the Popular National Resistance Front of Honduras, the artist/activists Hector Aristizábal, Catalina Nieto and Olmeca, Simón Sedillo, Perla de la Rosa; an anti-militarization activist from Ciudad Juarez. Join the march at 2:45pm at Dupont Circle following the Anti-Militarization conference at American University.

ann arky's home.

Thursday 7 April 2011


     More of the excellent small book by The Anarchist Teapot Collective,  "Your Anarchist Teapot Souvenir- Introduction to Anarchy."  Page 4 left you hanging, read it HERE, and now here is page 5. learn and enjoy.

     --small collectives roaming around eating berries and having a good time without any conception of needing states or government. Their lives were nothing like the constant struggle for survival against hostile nature and other tribes you might imagine. In fact some primitive anarchic cultures have flourished to modern times, but now are facing extinction at the hands of corporations and armies, and the destruction of their ways of life at the hands of aid workers forcing “development” on them.
      Anarchist ideas reflect a basic human desire which can be found throughout history, from Taoism and the Enlightenment to the first consciously anarchist movements in the 19th century. Anarchist demands have influenced most revolutions from the Peasants revolt in England in 1381 to the global uprisings in 1968. However the wish of the people to be genuinely free was always subverted by forces of Control, whether liberal, reformist, Marxist-Leninist or whatever. Just a few examples.
      In the French Revolution of 1789, the anarchist enrages struggled from the beginning with authoritarians and centrists. They created a federalist direct democracy in Paris with self-administrated districs until beheaded by the counter-revolution.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


"Of course the tax payer MUST pay our debt."
      It would seem that the pro cuts, bash the poor brigade are on the march and have organised a march and rally called a RALLY AGAINST DEBT, for May 14th in London. This right wing crop of millionaire supporters will include such groups as the Taxpayers Alliance Group, no doubt with support from the Countryside Alliance, UKIP, and that right wing true blue Tory institution The Oxbridge Battalion and other forms of low life that will come crawling out of the woodwork of their ancient mansions. Damn those prols and peasants for objecting to propping up our millionaire buddies, we'll show them.

      Could the class war becoming onto the streets? Could the “Bash the Poor” brigade be met with a “Bash the Rich” battalion? Does the parasite class feel strong enough to come slithering out of The Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption and take to the streets? Do the pampered parasites feel confident enough to wave their “Bash the Poor” banners in a street near you? Who knows.



        No doubt this display of the well heeled will give the media a golden opportunity to weave another episode of their “we're all in this together” illusion and distort the true anger at the savage cuts that are being inflicted on all the ordinary people of this country. Those who support the cuts obviously belong to that minority group that will not feel the pain of the cuts.

ann arky's home.