Because of the savage attack by the millionaire public school thugs, the Merry Christmas gift thousands of council workers will be getting this year will be warning notices of possible redundancy, a Merry Christmas to you to, millionaire Cameron and Clegg. You and the rest of your millionaire chums in the cabinet,(cabal) will be totally and utterly untouched by the vicious cuts you are forcing on the social fabric of this country.

Social workers, school dinner staff, meals on wheels, refuse collectors, youth workers, home helps, are just some of the people who will be among those receiving such warning letters before the legal deadline date of 1st January 2011. The GMB states that 87,374 jobs so far are likely to be lost in the first wave of “savings”, all this on top of the recent figures that show that unemployment has increased by 35,000 to a staggering 2.5 million, raising unemployment to a rate of 7.9% . It is called “savings”, who or what are we saving, certainly not the living standards of those likely to be thrown on the unemployment mountain.

Thousands of ordinary people in this country are facing a very miserable festive season with the further outlook very grim indeed. What is the future for the kids in these families as their parents face the loss of their income for the foreseeable future. We are not talking about the higher earners, these are people who are already struggle to maintain a reasonable standard of living and they are now faced with redundancy, Each redundancy is a human tragedy that will in many cases drag on, sucking the family ever deeper into the mire of deprivation.

All this on a lie that we need to reduce the”deficit”, which translates as, “we need to get rid of all social spending and transfer all public assets to our millionaire friends in the corporate world” It is a policy to increase the corporate wealth at the expense of the general public, it is a way of guaranteeing the risk to their friends in the bond markets is minimised. It has nothing to do with the welfare of the ordinary people, nothing to do with the future well being of the ordinary people. It is wealth creation for the already obscenely wealthy parasites that own most of this country and will soon own us.

Thankfully resistance is growing with ordinary people from students to pensioners ocupying banks and some of the shops belonging to the tax dodgers brigade. To find out more on this growing resistance to their greed visit; You can of course form your own group and organise resistance to this savage attack on our living standards, using you imagination and ingenuity. The greater the variety and unpredicability of our resistance the greater the success.
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