Sunday 14 July 2013

Zionist Myths.

      Most states are built on myths, usually this takes some considerable time. The modern state of Israel is different, it was done with greater rapidity and brutality. The myths are painted in the blood of the Palestinian people, its monuments are built with the bones of those same Palestinian people.

ann arky's home.

The State And Human Sacrifice.

        State officials sit in marble halls and decide a human being must die, this is justified by adhering to some man made code, they call it justice. In ancient times they took a human life to appease their chosen God, and we call it human sacrifice, what's the difference? The sad and abhorrent aspect of this cruel, brutal and barbaric act is that it is advocated and carried out by human beings, people with names and addresses, families and friends, and they walk among us without any display of blood on their hands and a justification that they are only doing their duty. To advocate the killing of a human being in a cold blooded frame of so called rationalism is nothing more or less than savage barbarism.
The following is an appeal from Amnesty International. 
 Warren Hill

Amnesty International UK Home
Amnesty International UK

Warren Hill is scheduled to be executed on Monday 15th July. Please act now.
The US State of Georgia is set to put Warren to death by lethal injection on Monday at 7pm (midnight UK time), despite the fact seven doctors have unanimously agreed that he is intellectually disabled - so executing him would be unconstitutional.
What’s more, the family of the man he was convicted of murdering and several jurors at his trial have said they don’t want him to be executed. We desperately need your support to ensure the US Supreme Court intervenes to stop this injustice.
Take Action

      If Warren’s execution goes ahead, the Georgia authorities would be ignoring the wishes of the victim, Joseph Handspike’s, family. They would be ignoring several jurors at his 1991 trial who said they would have sentenced Warren to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole had it been an option, which it was not. They would be going against the medical opinion of seven doctors who examined Warren and unanimously agreed that he has intellectual disabilities.
And they would be going against the US Constitution. In 2002, the US Supreme Court ruled that executing people with intellectual disabilities was a cruel and unusual punishment and therefore banned under the 8th amendment.
     It’s down to the individual state to prove who is intellectually disabled, and Georgia requires proof ‘beyond reasonable doubt’, higher than any other US state. Warren was not found to meet this standard, but since then three doctors who gave evidence have changed their minds, and are now among the seven who believe he is intellectually disabled. Warren has already come within hours of death at the hands of the state. Eighteen people have been executed in the US so far this year. Please take action today to ensure that he is not the nineteenth.
     The death penalty is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. One day we’ll get the whole world to abolish it, but until then we need your support to fight it, one injustice at a time.
Thank you for your continued support. Please forward this email on - we need as many people as possible to speak out today.
Kim Manning-Cooper,
Death Penalty Campaigner

Saturday 13 July 2013

Prisons Are Big Business.

      It is a cruel and strange world where large corporations make money from locking people up in cages.The prison "service" is big business especially in the US, where large corporations invest billions on building and running prisons. Like all large corporations, the have to keep cutting costs and increasing profits to keep their greedy shareholders happy. This can only mean deteriorating conditions for those unfortunate to get caught up in the web of greed. What sort of conditions would make 30,000 prisoners go on hunger strike, it is difficult to imagine those sort of conditions, and what is more distressing is that they are administered by ordinary people doing the dirty work for the corporations.

30,000 prisoners start hunger strike in California

     Around 30,000 prisoners in California have begun an indefinite hunger strike and work stoppage. They say:

     “We are grateful for your support of our peaceful protest against the state-sanctioned torture that happens not only here at Pelican Bay but in prisons everywhere. We have taken up this hunger strike and work stoppage, which has included 30,000 prisoners in California so far, not only to improve our own conditions but also an act of solidarity with all prisoners and oppressed people around the world.” 

       Nearly 12,000 prisoners in California are being held in extreme isolation, in cells with no windows, and no access to fresh air or sunlight. In 2011 Juan Méndez, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, recommended a ban on subjecting prisoners to solitary confinement for more than 15 days. But people in state prisons in California have been held in solitary confinement for 10-40 years.

More information and action you can take to support the hunger-strikers:

The Price Of Resistance.

    Most of us take belonging to a trade union as a safe activity, but there are parts of this corporate world where you could pay with your life if you are an active trade union member. The state and the corporate world don't like organised people, and overt and covert dirty tricks will be undertaken to discourage the ordinary people from coming together to improve the living conditions.
     This is an appeal from Labour Start on behalf of one of the many trade unionists who have paid with their lives for attempting to be organised.

    Antonio "Dodong" Petalcorin, the leader of a transport workers union in the Philippines, was shot dead on 2 July 2013 right in front of his home.

      The gunman was caught on a CCTV camera calmly escaping in a motorcycle. Dodong was the fifth transport workers union leader killed during the current presidency. We are calling on the Philippines' president, Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III, to ensure that Dodong's killers are caught and brought to justice.

Please help - it will take you just 30 seconds to send off your message of protest:

     And please share this message with friends, family and fellow trade union members.

Thank you.

Eric Lee

ann arky's home.

Friday 12 July 2013

Landscapes Of Emergency

         I wish the people of Europe would wake up to the seriousness of the situation in Greece, it is a glimpse of our future. We are witnessing a so-called "democratic" country, in Europe, being turned into a militarized zone. A European state turning into a country of brutal repression, to fulfill the ideological dream of the European financial mafia. We delude ourselves if we believe that it can't happen here. As the corporate world and the financial Mafia drive their plans for a pan-European sweatshop economy, resistance will grow, and the militarized police will brutally attempt to keep control of the streets. No matter what the financial "experts" tell you, Italy is bust and is likely to follow Greece, Portugal is on the brink, and those states who are a circling a little further away from the plughole, will get very nervous indeed and will take measures to clamp down hard on any dissent or resistance to their financial master's plan. The European states are all moving in the same direction, the only difference is pace. In the UK they are eating the money in your pocket simply by freezing/cutting wages, cutting social benefits and keeping inflation running at near 3%. Your wages today are worth 10% less now than they were in 2008 when the "crisis" started, Where will they be as the "austerity" continues to beyond 1018? The low wage economy is going to hit you between the eyes, unless we wake up and change the system dramatically.

ann arky's home.

Glasgow's Walk-of-Shame.

       Some photos from Glasgow's "Walk-of-Shame" Thursday 11 July. A group set off down Sauchiehall Street armed with banners and leaflets, stopping outside those shops that milk the governments free slave labour scheme, workfare. They engaged the public and handed out a considerable number of leaflets at the entrance of the shops involved, which were well received by the public. The more the public are made aware of this free slave labour scheme and what it actually means, the more resistance will grow. Here's to more and larger "Walks-of-Shame", until this slave labour scheme bites the dust.

ann arky's home.

The State's Slimy Side.

        In the last two years, details of undercover police pretending to be activists have slowly emerged. A new book by Paul Lewis and Rob Evans, Undercover: The True Story of Britain's Secret Police , provides the latest information about police sleeping with activist women while pretending to be someone else. Since it is obvious that the women would never have consented if they had known there were police officers, does this constitute rape? Also officers using the names of dead children. The case that has outraged the public and led to promises of political action has been the revelation that police spied on the Stephen Lawrence campaign. Donnacha from Circled "A" Radio, talks to veteran activist Ellenor Hutson, who knew some of the police spies in their activist cover, about what's happened and what should happen next.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Bare-Knuckle Capitalism.

     Though we can all claim that democracy in Europe is an illusion, a screen of smoke and mirrors, in Greece the illusion has evaporated, the smoke has cleared and the mirrors are shattered. Greece is at the sharp end of the Troika's (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) creation of an all European sweatshop. As the people's resistance grows, so does the state's brutal defence of its power and privileges No where else in Europe is the state so openly brutal and the police given a completely free hand to intimidate and savagely repress the public.
     What was a peaceful march in solidarity with a prisoner on hunger strike became a brutal assault by the fascist Greek state's storm-troopers.

Details of the case of Kostas Sakkas HERE:

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Take Me To Your Leader???

       It is nice to see the rationale behind "government" explained, the explanation of "government" should make the concept redundant to all intelligent people.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Water, A Right Or Just Another Marketable Commodity?

      Continuing with the plunder of the public purse, Greece is pushing ahead with the privatisation of water and sewage. Is water a necessity of life, or just a marketable commodity. In 2010 the UN registered water as a human right. Of course that will not deter the financial Mafia in conjunction with the corporate greed machine from demanding that their puppet governments get on and privatise water where ever possible.  What the parasitic corporate bosses think of water is explained in this extract from an article by Augustine Zenakos:
------“The idea that water is a human right comes from ‘extremist’ NGOs. Water is a food like any other, and must have a market value,” said the president of Nestlé in 2005. This is perhaps the only man who found it in him to label the UN, which registered water as a human right in 2010 by 122 votes in favor and 41 abstentions, “extremist” – though it has to be said that, interestingly, one of the countries that abstained was Greece.
Read the full article HERE:

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The Continuing Plunder Of The Public Purse.

       The plunder of all public assets goes on unabated. Anything in the public domain must be transferred to the corporate world. The corporate mafia demand that their puppet governments hand over the people's assets at bargain basement prices. The public must be stripped bare and totally dependent on the corporate world for its very existence. The UK corporate puppets are in the final process of of hiving off the world's oldest postal service, The Royal Mail, to anyone who can throw some money into their hands, foreign postal services, hedge funds, City speculators, billionaire financiers, anybody as long as they are in the corporate clan. The Royal Mail makes money for the public purse, last year it delivered more than £600 million to the taxpayer, and that is probably its downfall. If it makes money, so it shouldn't belong to the public. There is also the the Osborne plan of getting some ready cash from flogging off the family silver, to give a few sweeties to the peasants before the next election.
      What you can be sure of is that the sell off is not for efficiency or better service to the public. It will result in poorer service and a more expensive service. Expect to be told to come and collect your mail as you live to far from the sorting office, or pay exhorbitant charges if you want it delivered. Nothing in the corporate world is there to serve you, it is there to make a bunch of bloated parasites richer. Nothing in the corporate world is about jobs, efficincy, service, or a better world, it is all about profit and control of the market and resources, that's its one and only function. Anything that we get from the corporate world is just some oil to keep the wheels turning. We are being plundered, raped and exploited, and we seem to accept anything with which we get hit.

ann arky's home.

Behind The Smoke And Mirrors.

     Any state will run ragged over the rights it professes to protect, and will shred whatever legislation it dreamed up, supposedly for our benefit, whenever it feels threatened. Since the Greek state is in the midst of chaos, we can expect it to be blind to is own brutal judicial system and to twist, break, and ignore that structure as it tries to eliminate any opposition. Its existence is more important than the people it proclaims to protect, the illusion is dropped, the gloves come off. Brutal repression and intimidation are the only methods it has at its disposal. Sadly there are still those ordinary people who believe the smoke and mirrors to be reality, and "do their bit" to help the authorities. Like anonymously handing in a piece of paper with a name, address and phone number, is deemed to be doing your duty and set in motion the beast of state repression. This was the "evidence" that brought about the following case.

  ------Many might wonder why I specifically was indicted, and based on what evidence… The case file clearly proves, through witnesses’ statements, photographic material and videos from surveillance cameras that I had nothing to do with any attack, at any time, that day in the centre of Athens, as I have mentioned earlier through my writings. In their persistent desire to produce results, the State Security agents and judicial authorities focus on me through an exterior feature that I had in common with the alleged perpetrator, and most likely with thousands of other protesters that day. They also focus on the fact that I belong inside this political space—the anarchist-antiauthoritarian space. According to their paranoid reasoning, ‘if there’s a similarity in this feature, and he is antiauthoritarian, we regard him as suspect.’ Just like the empty beer bottles, which when possessed by antiauthoritarians are materials for manufacturing Molotov cocktails, as in the case of the eviction of Villa Amalias squat. Trying to wrap up their serious criminal case by whatever means possible, wanting to demonstrate their effectiveness in the security sector, they are now targeting anyone who participates in demonstrations and resists the state of emergency…
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.

Monday 8 July 2013

Workfare = Slave Labour.

       An appeal from Newcastle SolFed, though there is nothing stopping you from picketing your local poundland, no need to run down to Newcastle, there's bound to be one of these sweatshops near you. Some photos from Glasgow SolFed HERE;

Friday July 12 at 15:30, Clayton Street Newcastle

      Despite being the focus of a court judgement, which ruled Workfare regulations unlawful, Poundland continue to use unpaid labour.
      Like many chain stores, Poundland, have been given a massive public subsidy, in the form of unemployed people working for nothing but their benefits on a Workfare Scheme. Poundland have 'Work Experience' placements across 71 of their stores. 80% do not even get offered any kind of job with Poundland. Poundland's profits rose by 27% in the last financial year. They can afford to pay and keep on all their staff.
       This Scheme is not only an attack on the unemployed - Poundland claim that their 'Work Experience' scheme is completely voluntary, but it involves Job Centre Plus, so those taking part can still have their benefits cut if they do not comply. The degree to which the scheme is genuinely voluntary is disputed as there are countless reports of lies and intimidation to get jobseekers to participate and after one week the scheme becomes mandatory. Dropping out of a 'Work Experience' placement can lead to being put on other schemes like Mandatory Work Activity. 'Work Experience' mostly involves stacking shelves for up to 30 hours a week for 8 weeks.
     It is also a direct attack on Poundland’s workers and other workers - replacing paid jobs, holiday pay & ending temporary posts for students and others who rely on this type of work. We have heard complaints from Poundland staff who have had their hours cut, because of Workfare.
ann arky's home.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Wednesday 3 July 2013

See You In A Couple Of Days.

          ann arky is off up north for a few days, so this wee blog will fall silent for those few days. So for those who still say what is an anarchist, I'll leave you with this.

See yi' soon.

ann arky's home.

The Protests, Then What?

     The peaceful protests that started in Gezi Park and Taksim Square in Istanbul approximately a month ago are winding down in the face of extreme police brutality. At the peak of the demonstrations well over 2.5 million people took to the streets in protest, and 79 of Turkeys 81 provinces were involved in demonstrations. Though the large protest are fading out, there has been a rise in passive resistance similar to the “standing man” protest in which individuals or small groups stand motionless at random locations staring at a portrait of the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, or the Turkish flag.
      As the protests deminish in volume and number, the state moves in with its usual brutal reprisals against those who had the courage to demand change. Four people have been killed and well over 8,000 injured since May 28. Some of the injuries are severe, 11 have lost eyes and at least 60 are in a serious condition. The number detained by the police is proving difficult to assess as information is not readily released, but estimates put the figure at over 5,000. Also being targetted are journalist who reported on the protest or complained about the Turkey's babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media's lack of coverage, along with artists and writters who showed support for the protests.
     The Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdgan, stated that what the police had done was heroic, a defence of democracy. How teargassing and bludgeoning more that 2.5 million of your citizens, and then detaining over 5,000, can be classed as a defence of democracy, defies logic. That, of course, is the logic of the state, the state apparatus comes before the people. 

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