Monday 22 July 2013

Crooks In Suits.

      An interesting event is coming to Glasgow Green, Saturday August 3, at 11am onwards. An event packed with information regarding our Kremlin in George Square. A not to be missed event for all the family.
This from JC:

Crooks in suits.
      Need a crooked councillor? Well Glasgow’s the place for you!
     Glasgow City Council has swept crime from the streets – right into the Shitty Chambers at George Square!
       Glasgow has the best councillors money can buy. If you need a bevy license, or a bit of help with a dodgy land deal, you will always find a member of Labour’s Mafia willing to help – for a nominal fee of course!
     Remember, our Labour crooks have had almost fifty years experience of fleecing the Citizens of Glasgow. They can make a brown envelope stuffed with money disappear quicker than a fart in a fan factory.
      Knowing a good racket when they see it, many of them have turned their council crookery into a family business, with Ma, Pa the weans, and the family dug all in on the act. And of course with the forthcoming Commonwealth Games and the so called Clyde Gateway Development, oor sticky fingered cooncillors and their business pals have never had it so good.
        Not so long ago most of them were just corner boys who joined the Labour Party with a view to becoming a cooncil yes man content with getting a seat on the Gravy Train with the occasional junket or expenses fiddle thrown in, - but responding to increased opportunities, the craftiest among them have gone from being small time chiselers to white collar career criminals.
      The setting up of Arm’s Length organisations (Aleos), by the council, meant that Aleo Directorship’s could be dished out to Labour Party hacks. So a scheme that was supposed to save money, actually cost Glasgow’s taxpayers millions.
     While the Aleos made losses, the crooks that run them got richer. No prizes for guessing where the money has gone!
      Ronnie Saez, former chief executive of the Glasgow East Regeneration Agency pocketed a severance packet of £500,000 thanks to his pals in the council. The Scottish Charity Regulator said this was inappropriate and amounted to “misconduct in the administration”, - but they cannot force him to give the money back!
        Another famous council institution is the Labour Party Old Pals Club. The old pals club ensures that Labour Cooncilors and their goons, will be looked after by their cronies when their fingers have become too arthritic to steal any longer.
From the Daily Record 29 November 2011:
       EIGHT bosses at Glasgow City Council have been paid £738,000 in "golden goodbyes" while staff suffer a pay freeze.
      Three of them walked away with early retirement lump sums of more than £100,000.
      Chief solicitor Ian Drummond got £109,303 "compensation for loss of office" plus an annual £11,040 payment.
     Steve Inch, the council's "regeneration tsar", left with £109,279 plus a yearly sum of £11,032.
      Inch's assistant director, Jim Cunningham, walked away with £82,741 plus an annual sum of £7853.
     Wendy O'Donnell, an area education manager for south-west Glasgow, got £70,297 and £6935 a year.
      Dawn Corbett, who was head of corporate policy, left with £48,044 and a £6571 annual payment.
      Fergus Chambers, head of care and catering firm Cordia, got a £101,662 exit payment plus annual compensation of £11,032.
      Disgraced chief executive Steven Purcell set up Cordia and other publicly owned companies to provide council services during his reign.
     The Labour Mafia have been getting away with robbing the citizens of Glasgow for decades, but the level of crime and corruption has now reached epidemic proportions.
      Glasgow’s crooked councillors make Al Capone look like a bungling amateur, but despite this it would seem that the media and the Police are deaf, dumb and blind to their shenanigans.
         When is something going to be done about this?
      Why doesn’t the Scottish Parliament order an enquiry into the business dealings and personal finances of Labour Councillors?
       While everyone else is struggling to survive these parasites are living it up, and sucking the life blood out of Glasgow.
Come and show them we are on to their crookery!
        Join together on Glasgow Green at the People’s Palace on Saturday 3rd August at 11.00am to hang out the Council’s Dirty Laundry for all to see!
       Bring along your own sheet with your own slogan.
Let’s make Glasgow City Council’s dirty going- on’s the talk of the steamie!
(Disclaimer: Not all Labour councillors are crooked of course, - only 98% of them!)

ann arky's home.

The Rabid Dogs Of The State.

        The rabid dogs of the state have been unleashed in Greece, they are allowed to run wild through the streets, barking and biting at anything that moves. There will be no attempt the rein them in, as the state needs their savagery to intimidate and repress any organising by the people. The fallacy that the police are there to protect the public has long since been exploded, they are the state's first line of defence when the propaganda machine isn't working. According to the powers that be, the will of the people must be controlled, not the brutality of the police.
         On Saturday July 20, 2013 “Delta” police thugs entered “Exarhia”, one of the most vibrant areas of Athens, while hundreds of people were attending two different solidarity events to anarchist Kostas Sakkas, who was on hunger strike for 38 days because he was imprisoned in the self-proclaimed “democracy” of Greece for 31 months without a trial.
        As depicted in the video, the “Delta” police thugs on bikes begun to intimidate and chase passers- by for no reason and when people begun to gather reacting to their terrorist tactics, the policemen threw against them flash-bang grenades, asphyxiating gas grenades, flares and even empty glass bottles!
        Hundreds of people gathered at the spot to chase them away and begun to circle them, while residents from their balconies above were throwing water towards the police thugs to force them to leave, following the havoc they caused.
      Confronted by so many people, the Delta police thugs, along with a riot police brigade that was called to assist them, were soon forced to retreat and leave the area.

ann arky's home.

Governed By Deceit.

         Those who still hold the view that running to the ballot box and putting the right political party in power will sort things out in our interest, would do well to reflect on a quote from a famous politician and party leader's book; “politicians are obliged from time to time to conceal the full truth, to bend it and even distort it, where the interests of the bigger strategic goal demand that it be done”. Not from the distant fogs of history, but from our own messianic moderniser, holier than thou, trust me I'm a nice guy, Tony Blair. Do you think that Tony is the only politician who, when in power, would take that line? Is that what we call governing "in our name"? This is the way that the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption function, concealing the truth, bending it a little here and there, and even distorting it where required, all for your benefit of course!!!    

            So which part of their verbal spewing do you believe? Which parts have been bent a little? Which parts have been distorted? What about the those parts that are concealed? They call it democracy, what would you call it?

ann arky's home.

Sunday 21 July 2013

I Am The Crowd.

      The corruption and greed that poisons  our lives is now so blatant that there is not a country on the planet that doesn't have the people on the streets clashing with the state apparatus. Rio de Janeiro, still has people protesting after the massive riots of a month ago, Portugal's recent protests have the financial Mafia feeling nervous, At the weekend the Spanish people vented some of their anger on the streets of Madrid. We could go on picking country by country, but the picture would still be the same, anger at exploitation, greed and corruption, and that anger is always pointed at the state and its festering marriage with the corporate/financial world. The anger of the people will not simply disappear, the illusion of democracy has fallen, the smoke and mirrors have vanished like morning mist, leaving a clear view of the hypocrisy and corruption that oversees the will of the people. There is a battle of wills taking place, the will of the corporate/financial world and the will of the people. If we all realise that they need us, but we don't need them, then we are more than half way to victory.

I Am The Crowd.

I am the crowd
I swim in the quagmire of poverty
its hooks, its barbs, tear my flesh
rupture my dreams,
I hold my breath for centuries
hoping to break through, gasp pure air.
Through the murky mire
I see bright things, shiny things sparkle
I see women in fine dresses, men in silk shirts
I ask myself
why do I swim in this cesspool?

I want the light and warmth of rectitude
to caress my labouring body,
seeds of my dreams to bloom
like wild flowers in a meadow.
One day I will use my boundless strength
to haul this torn, battered being
out of the morass
onto the warm grassy bank,
when I do;
woe betide you, women in fine dresses
woe betide you mister in your fine silk shirt
should you ever try to get in my way,
for I am the strength of the world
I am the crowd.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 20 July 2013

Support For Royal Mail Workers.

       Subject: Bridgwater Royal Mail strike still on: solidarity needed!

       Hours of talks on the Bridgwater Delivery Office Royal Mail dispute, that took place in London on Monday and Plymouth today, have broken down without agreement.
      This means that the three day strike starting at one minute past midnight tonight, Wednesday, is on, to continue for this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
       We are still holding a solidarity hour between 8am and 9am every morning to which we would be delighted to welcome visitors and especially other trades unionists. The picket line gets going around 5am.
       Messages of support can be sent by e-mail direct to me: any donations to the Bridgwater strike fund, which is now open, can be sent to Dave Wilshire at CWU, 20 Church Rd, Lawrence Hill, Bristol, BS5 9JA.
     Financial support is now becoming important to maintaining the excellent morale of the 110 Bridgwater strikers.
      Please make any cheques out to "CWU Bristol and District Amal" and send to the above address.

See you on the picket line!

The next national talks on the Bridgwater dispute between the CWU and Royal Mail are set for London on Monday.

Dave Chapple,
Shop steward/branch chair

0777 6304 276 

Death In Genoa, July 20, 2001..

      We should always remember those who lost their lives at the hands of the police, while protesting injustice. July 20 2001 Carlo Giuliani a 23 year old anarchist was shot by the police during a protest at the G8 summit in Genoa, he was then run over by a police vehicle, there is a belief that he may have been alive at the time the vehicle run over him.

ann arky's home.

We Will Make Money From Your Child's Illness.

       As our millionaire cabal in The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption slice and dice our health service into portions suitable for their corporate friends to swallow, we can expect conditions to deteriorate. As the corporate greed machine gets more and more control over our NHS, profit will be the governing factor and its only purpose. Some seem to naively believe that somehow the NHS is so necessary for the well being of the people, that the state couldn't let it collapse, after all the state is there to serve us!!! In the eyes of our lords and masters, it won't collapse, it will be transformed into a giant corporate feeding trough. The health of the people always takes its place down the list when the financial mafia rule the roost, as they do today. You will receive treatment according to the money in your bank account.
       We can take a look at what has happened to the health service in Greece, the Greek state, a developed European state and member of the EU, has watched it's health service disintegrate before its very eyes. It is safe to say that Greece no longer has a health service, it has been sacrificed at the altar of austerity. Meanwhile, people can't afford their medicine, chemist run out of medical supplies, patient beds are housed in corridors and health problems are mushrooming among the general population. This is all done to honour the money barons sitting in their marble halls. We live in an insane system where the health and well being of the people plays second fiddle to the bank accounts of the financial mafia.

      On 19 July 2013 the new minister of health Adonios Georgiades (an extreme-Rigth MP) went to the Attiko hospital for an inspection accompanied by TV cameras. However, ministry officials passed by earlier to make sure that no patients are not to be seen in camp beds in the hospital corridors. Patients had to squeeze into rooms (8 patients in 4 bed rooms) temporarily until the minister and the TV cameras leave, so everything would look good ιν the TV. When the minister arrived doctors and patients protested for the ridiculous scenario and the budget cuts in health care, so riot police stormed the hospital faciltiies to protect the minister and keep the protesters away from the cameras.
Are we looking at our tomorrow??

ann arky's home.

Friday 19 July 2013

The Leader Has Spoken.

     The following is a statement that I think a very large segment of the population might agree with, "saddened that the Jews, who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution during the Holocaust, could within a few years of liberation from the death camps, be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the new State of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and Gaza".
       It was spoken by a LibDem MP, David Ward, However, the Holocaust Educational Trust. thought fit to complain to the LibDem leader Nick Clegg, who withdrew the party whip from the MP. Is this a case of the LibDem party leader being ignorant of what is happening in that part of the world, or was it a case of him bowing to a powerful Israeli lobby group? Either way it shows the uselessness of that establishment, The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, where an elected representative can be silenced by an unelected bunch with vested interests, and where a widely held opinion can be silenced by the authority of the "party leader".
        Democracy can never be born through the party system, party lines throttle individual opinions. However capitalism thrives in the party system, the corporate world simply buys the parties and things are shaped to suit that corporate world. Any hierarchical system is an anathema to democracy. Democracy demands horizontalism, equality among individuals, the right to voice your opinion free from the over-riding power of "the leader". As long as the people support a party political system, the longer our freedom will be in chains.

ann arky's home.

Thursday 18 July 2013

"Anti-Semitic", "The Holocaust".

      You've heard them a million times, "anti-Semitic" and "the holocaust" the twin defences of the Zionist state of Israel. They rebuke any form of criticism, they silence any argument. They conceal the crimes of apartheid and genocide, and supposedly put the stamp of legitimacy and the savage and barbaric treatment of the Palestinian people. 

ann arky's home.